REMEMBER YOUR NOT ALONE. Please contact your state house representative or THE CENTER FOR REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES in NH. And watch SPEAK UP NH, who shows one NH Family Court case after another like Jamie Doherty's http://youtu.be/CIOXB21sBMY. You too can tell the public your experience with NH's Family Judicial Branch. NH's very own Family Court Records are proving that NH's Judicial Branch fully participates and supports Kidnapping and Domestic Violence; Real Estate Fraud, Mortgage Fraud, and Property Deed Fraud; Perjury, Falsifying Documents and Non Existing Issues, and above all, Obstruction of all Justice. Case file after case file showing all the evidence in multiple Family Court Records, that are filling the NH County Court Clerk Records Offices daily throughout the whole state! People are being visited by the FBI and THREATENED simply over a NH divorce case. You truly know the truth struck a nerve then. So become a part of the solution and bring them your court case file with your evidence of your experience with NH Family Court. Fear and Silence only continues to fuel what is already a corrupted government branch harming all those who pay their salaries. You are not alone. Numbers can truly speak louder than words!

Oct 27, 2019


UPDATED: December 29, 2019

Being the 4th tiniest state with a group of state house representatives larger than the US Congress alone, One does not have to look very far to question why NH remains the state of only growing problems. We are clearly finding out what to many hands in and on the pot (literally speaking) can cause.  

With the NH Bar Association now warning that to practice NH law is to practice traps for the unwary, while now mentall illness continues to run rampant throughout the entire Supreme Court. Who only chooses to enforce rules that still only break Laws, along with circuit court judges who only use zillow online instead of state laws, to rule on each court case, or NH judges that just attempt to just steal pension plans, while just only claiming mental illness was the cause only when caught. Is now raging chaos throughout the state.  Welcome to 2020 NH Style.

Back in JANUARY 2012, Citizens Count posted, "NH FAMILY COURT DESCRIMINATES."

"It is obvious, from any perspective, that the (NH) Family Court system is biased and discriminatory. In several areas, their corruption violates state and constitutional laws. In a tripartite form of government, each branch is intended to be a check and balance against the other two. Here, in NH, we have two branches controlled by the judiciary, which precludes either branch acting to control the excesses of the other. The Executive approves by it's silence, and, in fact, is complicit in the corruption. Neither the Attorney General, nor the Governor has acted to stop the abuses. It may be time to resort to Article 10, of the Bill of Rights, of the State Constitution, the Right to Revolution."  Now several years later it is only worse than ever before.

After 20 straight years now of higher divorce rates in NH, higher than the entire country, one fact to note is that people who cheat are 3 times more likely to cheat again, according to a 2017 study published in the Journal Archives of Sexual Behavior.  So if your spouse cheated before, it's more likely they still are. Clearly this has proven to become the case in many other behaviors of cheating in the NH government as well.

Adultery is a violation of the marital contract and one of the major sins condemned by many cultures, but yet still in many other ways politically incorrectly still acceptable and very forgiven.  Not just by society alone but most importantly by government standards, especially in NH. 

The Granite State is the forth smallest state that continues to only have divorce rates that only exceed the entire country for the past 20 years now in a row.

In 2010, Psychology Today posted that, "We have already established that cheating hurts your spouse-that would seem to make it wrong to a utilitarian, at least prima facie ("at first glance").  Campared to remaining faithful,  cheating lessens your spouses happiness  or pleasure and increases his/her pain.  Of course, your spouse may not be the only one affected - your c⁰hildren may also be hurt, either if they find out and vicariously hurt through Mommy or Daddy being hurt, or even if they don't find out and your spouses pain nonetheless flows over to them.  Even family members, close friends, co-workers - anyone who is close to you may be affected, and utilitarianism always demands that every person counts equally when figuring the total good and bad caused by an action." 

 Apparently NH government chooses not to listen which is not news for the Granite State, that is only less then 9,350 square miles.

In 2015, when NH legalized adultery and simultaneously was also found to already have the 9th highest number of users in the country, showing a good mix of both Male and female users, that were named on the data hack of "Ashley Madison, "Life Is Short, Have An Affair" website, will never be changing.  Just like so many of the other current problems remaining throughout the state that continually still grows still today, and still without resolution.

Those who were exposed in the data breach can even be traced back to NH municipal offices. One in Nashua, one in Milford, one in Dover, and four in  Manchester. NH back then had a statewide total close to 60,000 users out of a population of only 1,100,000 on a land mass of just only 9,350 Square miles even back then.  There is a lot of screwing around going on in just one small state. 

 Now with a population of over 1.3 million, you can only just imagine what those numbers are now, while NH remains with higher divorce rates consecutively for 20 years straight, thats been higher than the entire country.

On June 5, 2019, World Population Review reported, "NH has one of the slowest growing rates in the country at just 0.16 which ranks 45th in the country.  And now you don't even have to ask why.  NH has such a small amount of land, much of it rugged terrain, that growth can only be maintained for so long."

They also said, "moving forward, the population of NH grew at a steady, albeit not particularly spectacular rate, with growth only around 5 percent per decade."

"The growth rate in NH is now the slowest it has been in 50 years. While the state's population is also aging rapidly as families are not moving in with children as they once did." According to World Population Review.  And clearly why should they?

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