REMEMBER YOUR NOT ALONE. Please contact your state house representative or THE CENTER FOR REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES in NH. And watch SPEAK UP NH, who shows one NH Family Court case after another like Jamie Doherty's http://youtu.be/CIOXB21sBMY. You too can tell the public your experience with NH's Family Judicial Branch. NH's very own Family Court Records are proving that NH's Judicial Branch fully participates and supports Kidnapping and Domestic Violence; Real Estate Fraud, Mortgage Fraud, and Property Deed Fraud; Perjury, Falsifying Documents and Non Existing Issues, and above all, Obstruction of all Justice. Case file after case file showing all the evidence in multiple Family Court Records, that are filling the NH County Court Clerk Records Offices daily throughout the whole state! People are being visited by the FBI and THREATENED simply over a NH divorce case. You truly know the truth struck a nerve then. So become a part of the solution and bring them your court case file with your evidence of your experience with NH Family Court. Fear and Silence only continues to fuel what is already a corrupted government branch harming all those who pay their salaries. You are not alone. Numbers can truly speak louder than words!

Sep 29, 2019


I've always said that I would be just as much a broken record as the NH government continues to be.  It has been 10 and a half years since my divorce in the state of NH.  Both men and women have trusted and invited me to many family court hearings throughout the years, knowing that I have respected their privacy and will continue to do so even today.

When I sat in a NH courtroom and actually heard that the husband filed for divorce, closed all bank and retirement accounts, and took the wife off of his medical coverage, who was diagnosed with cancer, I knew then and there I wasn't completely suffering from a brain injury alone. That was actually court ordered exactly like this woman.  When medical coverage is immediately forced to change, so can the treatment, now affecting many outcomes that are not in a good way.

For over 100 years the NH government is still ignoring Granite Staters' cries for justice and have received none.  The NH government claims to this day, that those who've experienced losses and sometimes death from a family court process are just disgruntle poor losers who didn't have a solid case to pursue further.  "Someone always has to loose in a court of law" is the NH government motto like "Live Free Or Die."

For the past 100 years, the NH Supreme court refuses to even acknowledge adulterers exists to the extent that the government even legalized adultery on January 1, 2015, in NH. In 2010, the NH Supreme Coourt wrote and enforced a NH Family Court Rule 1.25a, now permitting all evidence required and requested by a NH judge can be tampered with before submitting it into a court of law.  It clearly states, "The parties may redact all but the last (4) digits of any account numbers and social security numbers that appear on a statement or Document."  Thus now proving the judicial branch of government is truely run by alcoholic drug addicts suffering from mental illness. Who don't know their ass from their elbow let alone the law and how to enforce it.

On August 8, 2019, an anonymous attorney now wrote to me,

"NH Judge Lucinda Sadler sat on a civil case wherein the Defendant was sued for denying access to tax refund. The other party was clearly involved in Probate estate fraud. While her ruling wasn't a win for the Plaintiff she clearly did find cause against the Defendant but couldn't award damages as it was really an IRS issue that should've been dismissed on jurisdictional grounds - it was clear Lucinda wasn't impressed with the Defendant. 

As far as child custody rulings I can't say anything either way or otherwise as I've never dealt with these cases with her as judge. I will say the real Judge that needs to go or should be retired is Richard Hampe who was trafficking kids to Penn State with ties to Epstein. Two of which had ties to Fairbanks scandal victim families aiding genocide so NH wouldn't have to pay out victim funds. Hampe helped kidnap kid in another state in California and sent her to Penn State officials. 

NH ring-leader running child trafficking rings to pedophiles tied to Penn State and Epstein and even to Dubai. The cause for Boston Marathon bombing is linked to this Judge and government; Probate estate fraud and now attempted murder to cover-up NH links to international pedophile ring."


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