REMEMBER YOUR NOT ALONE. Please contact your state house representative or THE CENTER FOR REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES in NH. And watch SPEAK UP NH, who shows one NH Family Court case after another like Jamie Doherty's http://youtu.be/CIOXB21sBMY. You too can tell the public your experience with NH's Family Judicial Branch. NH's very own Family Court Records are proving that NH's Judicial Branch fully participates and supports Kidnapping and Domestic Violence; Real Estate Fraud, Mortgage Fraud, and Property Deed Fraud; Perjury, Falsifying Documents and Non Existing Issues, and above all, Obstruction of all Justice. Case file after case file showing all the evidence in multiple Family Court Records, that are filling the NH County Court Clerk Records Offices daily throughout the whole state! People are being visited by the FBI and THREATENED simply over a NH divorce case. You truly know the truth struck a nerve then. So become a part of the solution and bring them your court case file with your evidence of your experience with NH Family Court. Fear and Silence only continues to fuel what is already a corrupted government branch harming all those who pay their salaries. You are not alone. Numbers can truly speak louder than words!

Mar 17, 2018

March 2018 continuing


by Lovemoney Staff
January 15, 2018

The United States is one of the most unequal countries on the planet in terms of wealth distribution, with a huge gap between the rich and poor, and low welfare benefits and lack of universal health care only add to the country's poverty problem

South Africa 26.6%, Costa Rica 20.6%, Isreal 19.5%, Turkey 17.2%,United States 16.8%, Lithuania 16.5, Latvia 16.2%, Estronia 16.1%, Chili 16.1%, Spain 15.3%, Greece 14.9%, South Korea 13.8%, Portugal 12.6%, Poland 11.1%, United Kingdom 10.9%, Belgium 9.9%, Sweden 9.2%,  Slovenia 9.1%, Austria 8.9%, Slovak Republic 8.4%, Norway 8.1%, France 8.1%, and the Netherlands 7.9%

Clearly looking back at what is recorded on record throughout the family court system's history in the United States as legal and fair mediation and litigation, is the cause for many in this country to become part of one of the most financial non equivalent countries, to now exist in the 21st century

The American family court system has been participating and affecting welfare throughout the entire country by unlawful, and very insufficient poor and extreme ways, that are all unnecessary.   And all recorded and unlawfully inflicted, simply by a family court judge

The American family judicial justice system has now turned the United States into one of the most unequal countries on the planet earth.  So why is a stone age form of judicial justice so necessary to continued to be enforced with the modern day era of knowledge now available in the 21st century?  Well, that has actually been the trillion dollar question asked by millions in a little New England state called NH, that will never be, truthfully or even lawfully answered by the US government

The United states is now the 5th richest county out of only 24 countries in the world, having now the highest poverty levels in the world.  While continuing to recklessly increasing those numbers daily, and mostly caused unnecessarily, only by an process of elimination, only used by the American family court system causing more than one of you barely coming out alive.  Claimed by government as an established legal due process of law in this country

  This also includes the US now also having the highest number of people in the world, who are simply discarding one spouse and family for another on a regular basis.  The majority of Americans today are now remarried and re-divorcing 3 or more times now in a single lifetime.   America has taken the land of the free to a whole new level while enforcing the extinction of family unity in more ways than one.  Still wrongfully, now with the actual assistance and aid received directly from the USA's family judicial court justice system

Many Americans will not see equality when it comes to family judicial justice.  Especially from the family judicial branch of government in NH.  Who strongly and clearly supports the exchange of one family for another.  Repeatedly now more than once in a lifetime.  While clearly documenting it all on record.  But only at an extremely high price to be paid by what is now only referred to as disposable spouses and families. The belief that only in death will you then only part from a marriage has become extinct here in NH.  And now clearly means only in death will you part by divorce throughout even the USA.  Especially by one little New England granite state called New Hampshire

Actions are truly speaking allot more louder than words throughout this country's government and its so called family judicial justice system.  Leaving 1st, 2nd, and now even 3rd sets of extended families simply out in the cold, and all unnecessarily.  Why do you think increasing needs for welfare have been required for so long in a land of the free.  People are freely now unlawfully forcing many of their spouses to be unnecessarily left with nothing during and after a divorce.  Now forcing many into government aide all caused by a judge

Most states have and will claim that marriage and divorce is a 50/50 union and division until evidence supports and proves otherwise.  But family court is not, nor will it ever be, enforcing any family laws soon according to the thousands of results already established in court records.  The state of NH's family court has now consistently but only very unnecessarily continued to grow an increasing reckless need for welfare, while inflicting a recklessly need to increase taxes all unnecessarily in the process. NH judicial judges have yet to choose to actually only enforce family law instead of crimes committed within a marriage.  Now forcing us to continue financing all their mistakes above already financially supporting and paying their salaries, to simply just to do so

  People are unlawfully being litigated into a position of only unnecessary court ordered poverty, because the courts continually ignore all evidence and other options legally available to them.  That could and would prevent and alleviate so much unnecessary increasing welfare required to be paid out for unnecessary government aid, all unnecessarily caused now, simply from court orders placed by all NH judges ruling on divorces

If a family court judge would just actually simply follow and enforce family state laws equally unless evidence supports otherwise, we would see an extreme drastic change in our taxes and welfare needs.  Will US governments be forced like some countries now, to regulate how many children, families, marriages and divorces one person is allotted to have by law

Today's  reckless American family court system has been standing back and permitting a spouse to petition for divorce, then instantly close and remove all bank accounts, retirement funds, even instantly remove their beneficiaries from life insurance policies, just to win and have the last laugh, even in death, now if it were to even happen suddenly while in the middle of a divorce

Their causing health and life endangerment simply by removing a spouse and their children from medical coverages, while even furthermore, disconnecting utilities and cell phones as if a death certificate was signed for their already non deceased family instead of a separating divorce petition.  The American Family court system is very clearly showing where not only just Jewish people in this country stand, like Hitler's choice, but where all the American people, and their families, will clearly stand, on the American totem pole

We are the unseen faces, buried deep in the ground to just be the supporting anchor that continues to only financially support only the faces of government seen up above.  While forced to now continue paying even higher taxes just to continue to finance and support all unlawful abusive judicial justice behavior by judicial judges throughout the entire country, with states like NH clearly leading the way

You would think by paying thousands of dollars for a third party mediator means fair and equal treatment.  But family court records that are going as far back as the beginning of the 20th century, will speak differently.  Especially now in the state of NH.  They have taken abuse of power to a whole new level and simply just don't give a damn

  Since my divorce in 2009, I have been personally meeting with, and speaking with, multiple NH families throughout the entire state from each county.  Whom has had the unfortunate experience to rely on a NH family court judge for fair and legal litigation.  I was very grateful that they were willing to only kindly trust, but only anonymously show there evidence of court documents to me.  Many were clearly all unnecessary years of family court files that did not have to occur the expense, or endure the abuse inflicted unlawfully by a judge

Many people are fed up and becoming tired of supporting unnecessary taxes for unnecessary needs only inflicted by a government branch, that's affecting many lives continually, and all unnecessarily.  If the entire medical field and all physicians consistently were to be the cause of so many ailments and even deaths, just by repetitious mistakes, such as the many made by family court judges, they would simply be convicted and sentenced to prison

These are many people who were, and still are actually cautiously living now in fear, just from what a NH family court judge is simple unlawfully capable of still further doing to their case, and/or worse by taking their minor children away, if they were just to speak out against any and/or all illegal errors made by any and all NH family judicial court judges who only ignores laws

There are also many of those who will still also come forward with evidence daily.  Saying they now have nothing else left to loose.   Many will dare the courts now by actually supporting evidence and stating laws to a judge's face, now as a teacher educating a child on a subject for the very first time

NH Judges suddenly are now having a yelling, screaming, arrogant, childish tantrum all recorded on record and also on audio when laws are even mentioned and red in their courtrooms.  Especially with Judges like NH judge Paul Moore and NH Superior Criminal Court Judge Groff who will illegally claim in a courtroom and on audio recordings, that they do not have to support any laws for their decisions and rulings

Apparently abuse continually being court ordered by judges during divorce, is not only clearly documented, but clearly ignored to the point of a silent acceptance by the entire NH government. The irony of this is that it clearly remains unacceptable to all of those forced to continue paying their salaries to receive only enforced unlawful behavior

Marriage and divorce should always begin and end at 50/50 until evidence or a prenuptial agreement proves otherwise.  Especially since the family court system continually will and has falsely claimed to thoroughly legally do so throughout NH.  However again, all the NH family court records and evidence along with those incorrectly lacking thereof,  have only become clear documented abuse

NH courts clearly do not answer to the law or anyone else for that matter.  I have waited, watched, and researched the NH family court for a decade now.  The only thing now done in the past 10 years in NH, was to legalize adultery  and devise a new chaotic insane family division Rule 1.25A 2011.  It was only illegally designed, written, and implemented by the entire NH Judicial Branch of government and not a law written and passed by legislators

NH judges are giving both parties permission to simply illegally tamper with all actual evidence before actually submitting it to the courts.  It clearly states, "The parties may redact all but the last four (4) digits of any account numbers and social security numbers that appear on any statements or documents."  Clearly the apple didn't fall to far from the tree within NH government

The NH legislators then jumped on the band wagon, to furthermore  then literally legalize adultery in 2015.  Only now to make what NH family court judges have been illegally ruling for the past 100 years only very illegally legal which is labelled as "open marriages."   So, WHY IS THIS HAPPENING  IN NH?  Is now the continuing saga and question throughout the entire state, and even now the entire country.  That is still waiting for a trillion dollar answer

NH family Court has case files upon case files that show on record many spouses that are purposely unnecessarily forced to now waste time and money they don't have left from their marriage, just to file an immediate emergency Ex-Parte hearing for temporary alimony.  That the state of NH wrongfully claims without evidence, always as DENIED.  Because their life's savings that were in a marriage and partnership were now stolen by their spouse.  Purposely leaving them nothing, for even survival of life, let alone a financially equally supported playing field, once again, until real evidence supports differently, to even fight a divorce.  People are permitted to just treat a spouse as deceased once they sign a divorce petition all throughout the state of NH.  This is all very clearly established in all NH court records throughout the entire state

  It is inconceivable as to how much one spouse and a NH judicial judge will participate in such a betrayal in marriage and family unity, inflicting only such abuse of power upon the remaining family members and the other spouse.  Simply being given the right to decide now, when and where, a spouse and family becomes non existing and only becomes deceased.  And all without a death certificate at their own pleasure

  This is how and where 50/50 even begins to be divided in a divorce according to the NH judicial branch of government and not by any existing laws, whether it being country or state.  So when and where does family law actually even begin and end in the state of NH?  Well, when Family Law is actual legislative law that becomes actually followed and enforced throughout the entire judicial branch of government throughout the entire state of NH.  But as I have always said before people, don't hold your breath.  We are clearly discussing the state of NH

In these instances, NH family court judges, base their decisions without seeing copies of pay stubs or even tax returns of any prior years of income, that have and still will already establish, define and substantiate, the style of living of either party.  That is only if any evidence, if even submitted, wasn't all redacted first, by either or both parties now.  Evidence that has actually always been a requirement to be taken into consideration by NH law.  But is only to furthermore be ignored by the courts.  As far as the NH courts are concerned, it is so much more easier to be illiterate and just stamp all and any temporary alimony all DENIED on their uncontrollable continual judicial conveyor belts of unlawful justice

According to most records, the NH courts will furthermore immediately unlawfully court order the immediate sale of the homestead, placing occupants in the streets, immediately needing government aid, while simply ordering any and all profits from the sale of the homestead, to now only be placed under lock and key in escrow.  Until both parties actually reach an agreement, LOL, or until the court is finally forced to decide in their final decree what actually happens to the money from an illegal court order, only years later

In my case, temporary alimony was denied from only a 15 minute hearing that permitted only just 7 and a half minutes per party to give their supporting arguments and evidence to a judge.  Who now refused to even waste time receiving or looking at any evidence such as a single financial paystub or bank statement from either party.  While he court ordered my only home to be now sold out from under me, and ordered all profits to be placed in escrow, until the the court finalized my divorce 14 months later from a 21 year marriage.  In this NH monopoly game, they cheated, and I my death certificate was inflicted and signed off by the courts. Clearly all after denying me any financial support to survive life, never mind capable to finance the divorce itself from 21 years of marriage

I was suddenly court ordered and forced from a 21 year marriage, in a single day by a NH judge who had just only 7 and a half minutes to spare to hear my case.  To only now be forced incapable of affording all my required medications that were preventing heart attacks and/or strokes let alone the simplicities of affording auto insurance, gas for a car to even have transportation required to even keep a job.  Or any groceries, or even now a simple roof over my head (that was originally my mortgage free inheritance now used by my husband to mortgage and purchase my sister's half in his name) that was now all court ordered to be sold out from under me simply at my husband and his mistress's request.  I clearly became deceased and non existing the moment a divorce petition was signed in the state of NH

This was all done by a request made by a vindictive insane ex spouse and his second hand used up mistress that were now actually aided by the entire state of NH.  Who actually even aided and supported them committing Welfare fraud now with the aid of a family court judge who's title was a "Superior Criminal Court Judge."  Just so a man can simply be made financially comfortable to now only support and marry his co-workers already shared second hand used up, welfare fraud committing prostitute of a mistress, who then became his wife.  Who was already on welfare, with 2 divorces, and 4 minor children, fathered by 3 different men, already all under her belt.  And all before she reached the age of 38 in the state of NH.  Clearly she was either incapable or just unwilling to find legal employment.  That was other than prostitution, and welfare fraud, for which she was caught and investigated for in 2007 that my husband and other married men aided her in.

In Addition, this woman was also even expelled from the entire Londonderry Christian Church in Londonderry NH, by the pastor and the decants themselves, who even visited and spoke to her privately in her own home about committing adultery.  Where she only sleeps with more than one married man.  Unfortunately, they didn't get through to her but at least clearly wasn't for the lack of trying.  Which is more than anyone could ever say or even attempt to do throughout the entire government of NH

Londonderry Christian church was even forced into no other alternatives but to ask her to leave just for committing adultery with a married parishioner.  She even tried to continue bringing her children to participate in the youth group events at the church but was even forbidden to come on the property to even do that. This was one of the hardest situations and decisions ever to be inflicted and forced upon a an entire church parish to say the least by the state of NH. They definitely truly tried until they could do no more

She chose to continue her affair with 2 married parishioners, even against all their teachings in the bible he was her one true love, that she will not give up as long as he wanted her.  That was until he made the mistake of introducing her now to my husband, just 3 months later into his affair.  Where she suddenly proclaimed once again, that he too now, has also suddenly become her one true soulmate and love.   She then moved on to Rockingham Christian church in NH. Only now with both married men and her 4 children from 3 different men all in tow

At least Londonderry Christian church considered the safety and respect of the parishioners, along with the wife and children who were painfully just left behind.  Only as first and foremost most important.  Which was allot more being said and done than any so called NH family or criminal court of law in the state of NH would do

Apparently, this is the only established career this woman has ever had other than cleaning houses for cash only to assess what other wives have, that she wants and will take.  All while committing welfare fraud paid by your hard earn paid tax dollars, approved and aided only by all NH justices.  By simply having multiply married men with their $80,000+ incomes, move individually at a time, into her home and bed.  Just To only support her and each of her married lovers, and 4 children, with your hard earn paid tax dollars

I want NH to see perfectly clear as to where their hard earn and paid tax dollars are now government approved and are paying for.  I was simply left with the choice of  death, or living out of my car, or to now be taken in by family, which is a luxurious choice that is only applicable to those who even have family or friends, even capable to now financially support additional expenses unnecessarily inflicted simply by a family court judge's insane unlawful ruling from a 21 year marriage

The state of NH refused to even attempt to clearly justify their actions by law to this day.  Because there is no laws actually written and passed to support such continual approved abusive behavior by the courts.  I am only one of the very few survivors barely left capable to even speak of my experience now.  Forced to now live in NH daily, on your hard earn paid tax dollars that paid towards an unnecessary unlawful court order just simply ordering me in this position

I am forced to survive by living on minimal government disability paid now, once again, only paid by your hard earn paid tax dollars.  Simply all caused now from a stroke and brain injury and a blood clot, that was unnecessarily inflicted and simply caused by the courts.  That then required surgery and removal from the right frontal lobe of my brain, now causing even further complications that I now have to live with, that was all unnecessary.  To all now be paid and supported by your hard earn paid tax dollars.  While knowing that it could of well have been all prevented if NH actually had a NH family court judge actually enforcing state laws

During my research on the NH family court system, I actually also came across 5 interesting NH family court cases that actually had a spouse being treated for cancer during a divorce.  Who was suddenly removed from all bank accounts and medical coverages, not by choice, but simply by the other spouse deciding to do so, upon filing for divorce.   The family courts did not address nor did they once rule anything against such abusive actions towards another

Many spouses are immediately left with zero bank accounts now all  unnecessarily requiring government aid in a single day.  All simply decided by their own spouse and an unlawful NH family court judge.  Even before or at the time the divorce was filed.  The judges ignored and NEVER once even acknowledged, questioned, addressed or responded to, or even mentioned once, any healthcare concerns pertaining to any medical ill party involved on record in any of these cases

This is emotional, physical and financial abuse purposely undocumented by the courts. Such said abuse in all these cases, were clearly established and enforced with medical records and private bank records that could of been submitted, if the court judges were only properly willing to take and receive physical evidence.  But yet again, were simply never once mentioned or addressed by the courts during the entire divorce

All the surviving family members to this day feel that their loved ones were unnecessarily wrongfully mistreated by the NH family courts, without explanation or justification, as to why this happened.  People were simply court ordered a death sentence unlawfully without justification by NH family court judges during a divorce to simply drop dead.  Without any existing law or supporting evidence for such said orders.  These people were someone's mother, father, sister, and brother, son or daughter. aunt or uncle

  Each family felt that these deaths were most certainly not caused by the hands of god, but simply by the unnecessary abuse inflicted by the human inhumane hands of a NH family court judge's final decree.  Court ordering a death sentences that was enforced unnecessarily by more than one lazy NH family court judge

In their eyes, their loved ones were court ordered to experience and be sentenced to a slow murder.  So lets make one thing very clear, Shall we?  And that is that these abusive NH court orders continually established by the NH family courts, have consequences, that will never be, simply interpreted as illegal or unfair litigation by any unlawful NH courtroom of law.  Or by any actual fully educated law enforcing NH family cout judge.  Which we are actually still looking for one by the way, if you happen to know one

The NH House Bill 521 on alimony is a minimal, but still a very good  first start in the right direction, to say the least for NH.  But it truly needs a great deal more work before being addressed and an actual NH  judicial judge who will actually enforce it.  All alimony payments must only be paid to and from both party's financial institutions of choice, by cash/money transfers only, all on or before the required due date

Another bill that will sadly never be seen, let alone intelligently passed throughout this country is one that would be most important.  A law actually holding judicial justices, no longer as untouchable immortal gods, but simple as mortal human beings legally held accountable to be actually legally responsible.  Who actually does their job to earn a paycheck for a living, like any other average human being like you or I.  Who is capable and will actually follow all laws.  That is laws that actually make sense

Another year is ticking by NH, with only Nine more months to go, so now, a decade later, is the long overdue time for all politicians to get off the pot (literally speaking now) and responsibly vote and pass or just even revise NH House Bill 521, to be finally corrected, submitted, voted on and passed, before any other people are forced to die unnecessarily, all by the hands of a NH family court judge.  One more death is one to many on top of hundreds already ignored in NH

You most certainly should not want to continue to enforce and do what was insanely abusively and inhumanely done to me, and still unlawfully enforced onto others.  Who just wanted to legally have the choice to live.  Or whether to be forced into death, or to become permanently disabled for life from a stroke or worse like myself.  Caused simply by the unlawful unsupported decision to strip all financial means from someone's very own existence and survival all just simply done by the hands of a NH judge. Who's time clock is only ticking on your life giving you only 7 and a half minutes to live.  I am clearly not the only one suffering today by a NH family court judge who is only a big supporter in prostitutes committing welfare fraud, while even furthermore supporting the married men she was living and committing it all with

NH truly is the only state in the entire country to now clearly but proudly openly support adultery on record throughout the entire country.  Who's entire state's supreme court had to even quote their illiteracy on record. By even just desperately quoting the accurate definition for sexual intercourse from a 1960's Webster dictionary.  Now, instead of quoting any state family laws voted and passed by legislators (who actually at one time had common sense),  now in the modern year of 2003.  Just so future illiterate referring judges could possibly even comprehend even their apparent own small level of knowledge if any at all.  This is the same NH Supreme court, who dismissed a husband's charge of adultery, in Ross v Ross in 2016, even when the wife confessed to a 5 year long adulterous affair all during the marriage, which was when and why the husband even filed for divorce upon her confession in 2016

Along with now also the one fact, that Adultery was now furthermore even legalized in 2015, and remains still now, even more so to this day, throughout the state of NH.  You really do not have to ask what your hard earned paid taxes are going towards in the state of NH.  Lazy stupidity only is as lazy stupidity keeps on getting throughout this state

Just when you think it couldn't get any worse and you actually thought you've heard it all.  Well, Lazy stupidity only is as lazy stupidity can keep on getting throughout one entire illiterate little New England granite state, now only following in the footsteps of their illiterate and lazy tax overpaid judicial branch of government.  who only continues to remain on doing so

 This goes to only show what NH truly thinks about family unity.  So don't let them kid you folks.  With Multiple NH politicians, judges, and lawyers, actually thinking there is a simple justification to all of this hypocrisy, by insanely attempting to claim it as  lazy "legally complicated."  It most certainly wasn't in Blanchflower v Blanchflower 2003, Brosor v Brosor 2009, and finally last but never shall be NH's least, Ross v Ross 2016.  It was definitely clearly document in my records in Brosor v Brosor! All immoral and unlawful actions portrayed on record by judges and lawyers, that are now screaming allot more louder than any state law throughout the state of NH

NH is truly the one state who has clearly very openly but very proudly, publicly, and willingly, would only continue to support and bread open marriages as they have for the past 100 years. The proof is in the pudding, and has been very clearly established all on record for quite some time now.  Along with my own personal experience and knowledge

Actions portrayed by others, are speaking much more louder than words in NH. The results are all only in NH folks, all only in one messy little New England granite state called NH.  The only granite oops state throughout an entire country...Only one can only hope, and continue to pray it will finally cease and desist immediately