REMEMBER YOUR NOT ALONE. Please contact your state house representative or THE CENTER FOR REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES in NH. And watch SPEAK UP NH, who shows one NH Family Court case after another like Jamie Doherty's http://youtu.be/CIOXB21sBMY. You too can tell the public your experience with NH's Family Judicial Branch. NH's very own Family Court Records are proving that NH's Judicial Branch fully participates and supports Kidnapping and Domestic Violence; Real Estate Fraud, Mortgage Fraud, and Property Deed Fraud; Perjury, Falsifying Documents and Non Existing Issues, and above all, Obstruction of all Justice. Case file after case file showing all the evidence in multiple Family Court Records, that are filling the NH County Court Clerk Records Offices daily throughout the whole state! People are being visited by the FBI and THREATENED simply over a NH divorce case. You truly know the truth struck a nerve then. So become a part of the solution and bring them your court case file with your evidence of your experience with NH Family Court. Fear and Silence only continues to fuel what is already a corrupted government branch harming all those who pay their salaries. You are not alone. Numbers can truly speak louder than words!

Nov 2, 2018

Update: November 9, 2018
             November 11, 2018

Many are not aware that NETFLIX has a documentary out about NewHampshire titled "God Knows Where I Am."  It is a heart-wrenching true story about the final month's of how one New Hampshire homeless woman's daily struggle with mental illness in New Hampshire state, occurred 10 years ago. 

Linda Bishop was only one of thousands throughout New Hampshire, who is lost daily through the cracks by both New Hampshire's government and it's now so-called judicial justice system.  This remains only a continuous constant issue in NH, even for today now in 2018.  No matter how hard her family fought the state, to please just give her, what was and still is, a constitutional right to healthcare that she required, the state only continued to refuse. 

NH today is still turning people away lacking hospital space and beds, that has become only a repeated event even prior to Linda Bishop's experience.  New Hampshire government while now very knowledgeable of growing multiple problems reoccurring throughout the state, is now more concerned than ever before about the state's continual lack of income, budgets are a bust, and less than average healthcare is served, all while the government repeatedly continues to only fail in any attempts to do anything about it.  Let alone actually resolve it.  Now while a delusional governor still tells the rest of the world, let alone the entire state itself that, "NH has never been better!!!"  Maybe it's just high time for NH residents to withhold their property taxes until the state actually has a real government that is knowledgeable of actually legally budgeting the state's finances.  As the saying goes, "money doesn't grow on trees."

It's just like New Hampshire 10 years later to still have NH families now suffering and fighting for what is already the same 100 year old constitutional rights, over and over and over again.  That only should have already been implemented for years in todays modern day 21st century society. 

What occurred 10 years ago and logged in a diary by Linda Bishop of her final days, is a heart-wrenching experience.  That should never be forced on anyone in the modern day times that only the majority of society is now actually living in.   Though here in New Hampshire, the government still remains only capable of repeating the same broken records of many repeated broken promises.

New Hampshire government has been in a rut only producing the same error after error, after error, that just constantly continues with problem after problem years after years, that is now only becoming decades after decades. 

Instead of producing additional income in a legal manner that the state is now severely in need of, NH government continues only to cut budgets where there are only barely a budget to even further cut, and shouldn't even be in the first place.  Now causing multiple reoccurring expenses in lawsuits being won against the state.  Causing even more unnecessary expenses the state simply cannot afford.  That is now in a silent state of emergency that has been only basically broke for decades.

According to NH history, there is a pattern that continues to remain the same and will never change if NH doesn't begin to produce a great deal more income.  Even more so like yesterday.  The surrounding states also are now becoming affected and well aware of what is happening throughout NH.  Apparently even more so than the state's government and residents themselves.  New Hampshire has also become more noticeable than ever before, and not in any good way either, now by even other countries.

FACT 1. According to a commentary by Liberterian Cato Institute, these are some of the reasons they ranked "NH The Freest State In America" that is anything but complimentary.

FACT 2. "The two major parties in 2016 haven’t left freedom-loving people very hopeful for the future.  Indeed, over the last several years, they have even favored bigger, more intrusive government." 

And apparently have chosen to only continue doing so.

EXAMPLE: In 2007, while during my divorce from a 21 year marriage, with an additional 4 years prior to the marriage, I was illegally court ordered from just a 15 minute court hearing to put my debt free portion  my inheritance/homestead up for sale or be charged with contempt of court, after 26 years with one man, my husband. 

Property that was my inheritance, a portion valued at $114,000 that was free and clear of any debts when I received it.  This was the only roof I had over my head while just earning only a weekly payroll gross of $164 per week at the time I was divorcing.  Any proceeds from the sale of my homestead had to then remain in escrow until my divorce actually finalized another 2 years later.  

When my husband purchased my sisters half valued at $114,000, just  4 1/2  years prior to filing for divorce, he put no money towards the purchase.  I on the other hand permitted him to use my entire equity of $114,000.

However, A NH judge not only illegally court ordered me to now sell it against my will, but to pay up all of my husbands debts, mortgages and equity loans he now had already taken out on the home at the time of him purchasing the other half from my sister.  The proceeds from the sale was now less than $30,000.  I was not rightfully reimbursed what he owed me, which was $150,000 for the illegal 50% sale of my home.  I never received it because the NH court simply made my husband's expenses more a priority over mine.  The court even furthermore granted my husband an additional 50% of the actual proceeds in addition to his original request to even sell my home.  

This all was just so my husband's legal fees, mortgage and even 2nd equity loan from purchasing my sisters half just 4 1/2 years prior to the divorce, could now all be paid in full. I never saw a dime of my inheritance and it was never a consideration by the courts.  He now could continue to afford to pay for only his attorney fees, while continuing to still financially support a second household for a mistress that he simultaneously even shared with a coworker for 6 months. I had a private investigator's report, paystubs and bank statements that the court refused as evidence while ordering my inheritance to be sold out from under.

My husband not only shared but supported an unemployed, welfare fraud committing mistress who was even already a mother of 4 children by 3 different men, now living off of income only produced and saved from marriages other than her own. 

My husband was actually permitted to take our entire 26 years of life savings above already before taking my inheritance, just to support a welfare mom already committing welfare fraud with 4 children by three different men, who was diagnosed with Bipolar.  Who now became the main cause for not only just one, but 2 more divorces simultaneously while in the process of her second divorce.  It took only a little over a year to finalize.  And she did all of this by the age of 37, clearly all with the aid of NH state government.  

My ex and his mistress along with her 4 children spent $180,000 of our marital funds just in the first 2 years alone that they lived together during the divorce.  They then married just a day after the divorce finalized, and were even capable of purchasing another home with a 3 car garage just 5 months just 5 months after the divorce finalized. They now are the proud owners of 2 homes.  A lake house (now his inheritance) in Ossippee NH, and a residential home in Londonderry NH.

I on the other hand received below 50% of  just a little under $30,000 that he left in his 401K after he apparently already was withdrawing that too, without my knowledge for 15 years prior to the divorce.  I still owed $23,000 in lawyer fees. His lawyer was paid in full.  

Within just a 15 minute court hearing and a total of 26 years with this man, I was now immediately court ordered to live out of my car without any money for 2 years to pay for an attorney, rent, utilities, food, gas for transportation, and even more importantly, not even capable to afford any prescription drugs that were preventing death by even heart attacks and strokes, which now ultimately occurred just a couple of years later at the age of 50.  How Silly of me to actually think an actual attempt to take one's life in the state of NH, would now actually really truly be only against any actual laws within the state of New Hampshire.  

I now am permanently disabled from a stroke and a brain injury caused from multiple blood clots in both my lungs, and in the right frontal lobe of my brain, that required 3 emergency surgeries, a dozen blood transfusions, and 4 different hospitals just to now even keep me alive.  After months of therapy, I too now am only one of hundreds of thousands of NH residents, who now barely survives only on a disability check, that is purposely only illegally inflicted by NH government on a daily basis. 


Not a day goes by that I don't continue to wish that my memory of such an unnecessary brutal experience, only inflicted by one reckless and careless state government, couldn't just be so simply lost now too.  Like so many little simple thoughts that are I now struggle to keep and simply lose on a daily basis, now for the rest of my life.  More importantly, that is actually continually only ruled as legal justice in the state of New Hampshire on a daily basis.  Clearly taking a life in this manner inflicted only by a state's government would be considered illegal, so I once thought.  Boy, was I ever wrong and could not of been more further from the truth.

My many thanks go out to a wonderful artist who could make me laugh so very hard I began to even cry happily, when the wounds remained still so very fresh from my divorce.  A friend showed me a cartoon drawing for a NH article actually legalizing adultery in the state of New Hampshire, just 6 years after my divorce and ordeal had occurred.  She could not stop saying, "it's just uncanny how much it really resembles your husband and his mistress, who coincidentally has the same dark hair!"  Eerie, but she was so absolutely right!
Cartoon showing a couple running

FACT 3. In New Hampshire now, where the state is only 50 miles wide and 190 miles long.  The state only has a population of 1.343 million, with more than an annual average of about 105,000 adults, NOW aged 18 or older, suffering with AMI - Any Mental Illness.  However, From 2011 to 2015 Only 49.3% of all adults with AMI actually received mental healthcare services in the previous year.

Yet NH governor Sanunu still insists the state of "NH has never been better."     

 FACT 4. But by 2015, there was also an additional, 10,658 children and adolescents (aged 17 or younger) who were also being served in New Hampshire’s public mental healthcare system too. 

FACT 5. However, the annual average percentage of children and adolescents (aged 17 or younger) reporting improved functioning from treatment received in the NH public mental healthcare system, still only remains to continue to only be lower in New Hampshire than in the nation as a whole.

FACT 6. However, the annual average percentage for adults (aged 18 or older) reporting improved functioning from treatment received in the NH public mental healthcare system, also still reports to be lower in New Hampshire than in the nation as a whole. 

Yet recently right before the elections, NH governor Sanunu actually proudly claimed in advertisements that the actual state of "NH has never been better." 


It's just like little New Hampshire to now only have had a higher divorce rate than the entire nation for 17 years while only continually cutting what already was a diminishing budget for only a so-called NH Judicial Justice System.

CDC Provisional number of marriage and divorce rate (2000-2016) 

New Hampshire v United States Marriage and Divorce Rates 2000-2016 [Rates are based on provisional counts of marriages by state of occurrence.  Rates are per 1,000 total population residing in area. Population enumerated as of April 1 for 2000 and 2010, all other years are estimated as of July 1]

    YEAR                  NEW HAMPSHIRE         UNITED STATES      NH  RATE OF       U.S. RATE OF

                                        MARRIAGES               MARRIAGES               DIVORCE            DIVORCE
   2016                                       7.O                         6.9                        3.4                           3.2
   2015                                       6.9                         6.9                         3.3                           3.1
   2014                                       7.2                         6.9                         3.5                           3.2
   2013                                       6.9                         6.8                        3.7                            3.3
   2012                                       6.8                         6.8                         3.6                           3.4
   2011                                       7.1                         6.8                         3.8                           3.6

   2010                                       8.3                         6.8                         3.8                           3.6
   2009                                       6.5                         6.8                         3.7                           3.5

   2008                                      6.8                          7.1                         3.9                           3.5

   2007                                      7.1                          7.3                         3.8                           3.6
   2006                                      7.2                          7.5                         4.1                           3.7
   2005                                      7.3                          7.6                         3.9                           3.6
   2004                                      8.0                          7.8                         4.0                           3.7

   2003                                      8.1                          7.1                         4.1                           3.8
   2002                                      8.3                          8.0                         4.3                           3.9
   2001                                      8.5                          8.2                         4.4                           4.0

   2000                                      9.4                          8.2                         4.8                           4.0

Yet NH governor Sanunu insists the state of "NH has never been better."     

FACT 7.Mental illness and medical healthcare should always be a top priority for any government.  Especially in a tax-free state who's only history is to continue breaking the state's laws and budgets, along with the state's constitution, and even more so, the constitution and laws of the United States of America.

FACT 9. "The state just doesn't have the income, or even enough funds to begin attempting a budget for future hospitals and beds, that will have an actual continual financial support system capable for further expansion and growth afterwards as is required."  This has been desperately ONLY required for over half a century now throughout the state of NH, and isn't going to get any better unless the state strongly produces additional serious income and does it now.

"The state has to be in such a state of emergency first, before NH will take any action.  And even then it will only be just to damn late to do anything.  (I am very fortunate that a hospital in Nashua NH knew they did not have the means to keep me alive and knew they needed to fly me by helicopter out of the state to Mass General Hospital in Massachusetts to do so.) Even when the damage still persists now even decades later, the state only continues to ignore it, while the same problems just continues to only persist and grow, and grow, and grow.  Now, with only more attempts of unnecessary loss of life, continuing years after years, after years. "  Said one NH State House Representative, "and now it is showing it's true colors."

Yet governor Sanunu still insists the state of "NH has never been better."

FACT 10. Its just like New Hampshire to only now simply continue to illegally place mentally ill patients in a jail cell for 23 hours a day, in a men's penitentiary, that now has been substituting for the state's asylum for over the past 30 years.  With no credentials or proper treatment methods, or even a psychologist or a therapist available.  Where civilian patients have even been given 3 times the dose of prescribed medications just to subdue them, AND worse, have even killed some of them. This is unnecessary millions of dollars just in lawsuits alone, waiting to just happen in a state that simply will never have the funds to even be capable to ever right a wrong, that the government is the only main cause for inflicting it in the first place.

Yet governor Sanunu insists the state of "NH has never been better."

Why would anyone left in their right mind, with this common knowledge, attempt to seek any help in the state of New Hampshire, even for a relative or friend, let alone themselves.  Knowing very well they could be suddenly illegally kidnapped from a hospital room, and locked away in a jail cell for 23 hours a day now in the men's state penitentiary.  Just for seeking medical treatment of their own free will, now just for mental illness alone.  Which happens to be their constitutional right to begin with.

Yet governor Sanunu insists the state of "NH has never been better."

It is just like little New Hampshire to now literally become Ground Zero in America's Largest Opioid Crisis Ever in 2018. 

FACT 11. It's just New Hampshire to now have, The state’s Public Health Division  issue an alert, in may 2018, now to care providers around the state, describing a notable increase in the number of new HIV and Hepatitis C virus (HCV) cases in Hillsborough County.

Of recent concern, NH DPHS has been investigating a report of a homeless individual in Manchester who shares injection drug equipment, and has been diagnosed with acute HIV infection with a very high HIV viral load, which increases risk of transmission.

The alert was issued to physicians, health care providers, hospitals and health clinics.

New Hampshire’s annual number of new HIV cases has been stable (approximately 30-40 cases per year); however, Hillsborough County is experiencing a significant increase in the number of new HIV cases among those who report injection drug use as a risk factor.

    DPHS is continuing to investigate and identify contacts who may be at risk. HCV infection is also a major risk for individuals who inject or use intranasal drugs. New diagnoses of HCV infection were made provider reportable to the NH DPHS in 2016. Of all the new diagnoses of HCV infection in New Hampshire residents from November 1, 2016 to present, 85 percent reported ever injecting drugs (current or former), and almost 65 percent report current injection drug use as a risk factor.

    Because new diagnoses of HCV infection are only reported to the NH DPHS by providers (no laboratory reporting of positive test results is performed), there has been significant underreporting of new HCV infections. We are asking providers, both primary and referral providers, to report new cases of HCV infection to the NH DPHS using the appropriate case report form.
    Yet governor Sanunu insists the state of "NH has never been better."
FACT 12. It's just like New Hampshire to now have no necessary financial resources in 2018 to update the state's drinking water systems with one hundred year old pipes, presently inflicting class action suits towards NH's increasing rate of now 490,000 per 100,000 cancer cases currently throughout the state alone. 

Yet governor Sanunu insists the state of "NH has never been better."

FACT 13. It's just like a tax-free New Hampshire government to have had an outbreak of Gonorrhea just recently in 2016, showing that the number of cases became significantly higher by 250% in just one year.  Then the state ended up reporting just the following year later that 15% of individuals diagnosed with Gonorrhea did not even receive the correct treatment in New Hampshire to begin with.  Treatment of Gonorrhea needs to include 2 different antibiotic to prevent the emergence of antibiotic resistance.  The CDC listed gonorrhea as one of the top 3 national antibiotic resist threats because of the propensity of Neisseria Gonorrhea to develop a resistance to antibiotics.

Yet governor Sanunu insists the state of "NH has never been better."

FACT14. It's just like New Hampshire to still have no funds to now pay 10 hospitals  a long overdue $250+ million dollar debt that that the state has been completely aware of now and yet has still ignored for over the past decade.  That now is severely needed for hospital expansions, beds, doctors, nurses, medical equipment and supplies, now required throughout the entire state.

Yet governor Sanunu insists the state of "NH has never been better."

FACT 15. It's just like New Hampshire to have no necessary financial resources even to support a real legal judicial justice system while even the state's Supreme Court even now only continues to break laws while government continues to only cut an already dwindling judiciary budget in the process.  And boy, the results have been very clearly showing, by thoroughly only being recorded now all on record for everyone to see.

This is how protected you and your children really are by a NH government:

FACT 16. Judge Groff, is only one of many NH judges, including the ENTIRE NH Supreme Court, who very much truly enjoys their abuse of power while just proudly recording it all now on record for us to read. 

Fact 17:"French kissing doesn't amount to sexual contact under New Hampshire law, according to Hillsborough County Superior Criminal Court Judge William Groff.  Judge Groff dismissed a felony sexual assault charge against a city teen-ager, finding that sexual assault laws don't cover kissing with the tongue.   The young man faced a charge of felonious sexual assault, involving a 6-year-old girl

State law defines sexual contact as intentional touching of sexual or intimate parts.  The tongue, Judge Groff ruled, is neither sexual nor intimate.  He wrote, "A tongue is not related to sexual relations, nor is it private. A tongue is displayed daily by the average person in speech and other conduct."

"To accept the state's definition of tongue as an 'intimate part," Groff wrote, "would result in a person potentially committing a felonious sexual assault by touching a person's tongue with a finger."

The judge furthermore reasoned that French kissing (a 6 year old girl mind you!) can't be considered sexual contact under state law "even if done without consent and even if done for the purpose of sexual gratification."

Yet governor Sanunu insists the state of "NH has never been better."

FACT 18: "In 1989, Groff also overturned a convictions of a Lowell, Mass., man, who was found guilty of sexually assaulting a young boy in Nashua because the boy used the word “bum” rather than “anus” in his testimony.  Because of the potential ambiguity of the word “bum,” Groff found that the boy’s testimony just wasn’t enough to prove sexual penetration.  Months later, that same man plead guilty to sexual assault charges involving the same boy, but only now it was in Massachusetts."

Yet governor Sanunu insists the state of "NH has never been better."

FACT 19: In 1991, even the NH Supreme Court still upheld Judge Groff's decision to overturn this very same conviction of a Lowell, Mass man, who was found guilty of sexually assaulting a young boy in Nashua.  Again, All because the boy used the word "bum" rather than "anus" in his testimony.  Groff found that the boy's testimony wasn't enough to prove sexual penetration because he simply didn't like the choice of words used by a child in a court of law, and the NH Supreme Court agreed. 

Yet governor Sanunu insists the state of "NH has never been better." 

FACT 20. It's just like The New Hampshire state Supreme Court to only write illegal Court Rules such as the Family Division Court Rule 1.25A that has now not only famously broken just 1 law, but now even 2 NH state laws, including  a U.S. Code, just by actually now literally telling people to just redact all of the evidence first before they actually submit it into a court of law, now for the past 8 years. 

"The parties may redact all but the last four (4) digits of any account numbers and social security numbers that appear on any statements or documents." 

Not only does this sentence defeat the purpose of the entire rule, or even of having evidence to begin with, but it even breaks more than just one NH state law.  Purposely inflicting extreme unnecessary increased legal costs just to now fight illegal court rules, actually only written and enforced by the NH State Supreme Court themselves.  Is there nothing sacred anymore in the state of New Hampshire?  Any marriages, laws, or how about just actual human life itself?  How about even your children's lives?

Yet NH governor Sanunu insists the state of "NH has never been better."

Section 641:7 - Tampering With Public Records or Information.

Universal Citation: NH Rev Stat § 641:7 (2015)

    641:7 Tampering With Public Records or Information. – A person is guilty of a misdemeanor if he:

    I. Knowingly makes a false entry in or false alteration of any thing belonging to, received, or kept by the government for information or record, or required by law to be kept for information of the government; or 

    II. Presents or uses any thing knowing it to be false, and with a purpose that it be taken as a genuine part of information or records referred to in paragraph I; or 

    III. Purposely and unlawfully destroys, conceals, removes or otherwise impairs the verity or availability of any such thing.

Source. 1971, 518:1, eff. Nov. 1, 1973.

Chapter 638 - FRAUD
Section 638:2 - Fraudulent Handling of Recordable Writings.

Universal Citation: NH Rev Stat § 638:2 (2015)

638:2 Fraudulent Handling of Recordable Writings. – A person is guilty of a class B felony if, with a purpose to deceive or injure anyone, he falsifies, destroys, removes or conceals any will, deed, mortgage, security instrument or other writing for which the law provides public recording.

Source. 1971, 518:1, eff. Nov. 1, 1973.

FACT 23. 18 U.S.C. § 1505 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 18. Crimes and Criminal Procedure § 1505. Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

FACT 26. It's just like New Hampshire's government to only continue to inflict nothing but reckless abuse to even make a small attempt, and very poorly at that, to now have to be forced to pay increasing numbers of repeating but rightful lawsuits against the state, over and over again, that are recklessly only now caused by a law breaking government on a daily basis. 

A lawsuit against the state of New Hampshire was even actually filed by multiple inmates in a NH women's state penitentiary, and even they too were capable now to have won a $50 million dollar state of the art new prison, now already newly built and completed because it was now court ordered.

Yet NH governor Sanunu insists the state of "NH has never been better."

FACT 27. It's just like New Hampshire government to be the state that would actually pass an illegal unconstitutional law decades ago, now placing an unconstitutional cap on school funding, that is now the cause for NH schools starting to now loose their required credentials. 

FACT 28. Now not only did 1 NH governor, or 2, or even just 3, but actually 4 New Hampshire state governors have now, along with their state house representatives, have failed to adhere to not just one or two, but now 3 court orders.  Repeatedly demanding that a legal state educational funding system be implemented throughout the state and paid to the schools.  That now even today still only remains with an illegal cap in place and enforced still in 2018.  

In fiscal years 2009 and 2010, the state's illegal law directed the state Department of Education to illegally not "distribute a total education grant on behalf of all pupils who reside in a municipality that exceeds that municipality’s total education grant for the 2009 fiscal year by 15 percent."

Yet governor Sanunu still insists the state of "NH has never been better."

FACT 29. But never fear, the New Hampshire government will proudly continue to invest in state liquor stores, that will continue to remain only a prime source of state income.  Even though it continues to only be a 21st century modern day, money laundering system, now just bootlegging liquor for income alone.  Even if it still remains illegal to this day to actually even still do. 

Especially now after the NH government spent 9 long years just to actually recklessly now lower the drinking age just to 20 now.  So now even more liquor sales can be capable to increase NH's state income.  In 2018, this was recently signed into law by yours truly now, NH Governor Sanunu. 

So New Hampshire's true priorities will only clearly still remain the same, no matter how high the cost truly will always become to all NH residents, along with expanding the cost's now to neighboring states too.  Now even younger voters can also be capable to just liquor up to numb and drink their state's problems away.   

It's just like the New Hampshire way, to just only "LIVE FREE OR DIE" by now only literally killing 2 birds with one stone. By desperately producing even more income just by inflicting more reckless endangerment against young adults.

And yet governor Sanunu still  says the state of "NH has never been better."

FACT 30. It is just like New Hampshire government to already ignore the fact that there already was about 2 in 3 (66.4%) adolescents aged 12–17 in 2013–2014 who now perceived no great risk from having five or more drinks once or  even twice a week—Once again, only a percentage that is higher than the national average percent of (60.9).
The percentage of adolescents aged 12–17 in New Hampshire who perceived no great risk from having five or more drinks once or twice a week, only once again, did not even change significantly from 2010–2011 to even 2013–2014. 

Yet governor Sanunu says the state of "NH has never been better."

FACT 31. It is just like New Hampshire's government to already ignore the fact that there already was an annual average of about 82,000 individuals aged 12 or older (7.2% of all individuals in this age group) in 2014–2015 alone. Who already had an alcohol use disorder in the past year. The annual average percentage, once again, in 2014–2015 was only once again, (yep, you got it) not significantly any different from the annual average percentage in 2011–2012.  In fact in 2016, that number only increased now to 87,000 and only continues to rise even more so since then.

Yet governor Sanunu insists now, "NH has never been better."

FACT 32. It's just like New Hampshire government in 2006, to come up with another poor plan to end homelessness, once again, only cheaply at that, by simply very arrogantly actually title it now, "the ten year plan to end homelessness in NH."   It all drastically began to fail just 2 years into it, just like all other NH plans to put an end to homeless people in NH. 

FACT 33. In fact, in Manchester alone, the 10 year plan defined 1,500 as homeless, for which 400 were actually children alone.  Then 10 years later over 1,700 people had to be treated by the city of Manchester's $1.5 million healthcare program for the homeless alone.  In 2018, "Elissa Margolin of Housing Action NH contends that the state needs to do so much more to increase the supply of affordable housing."

YEP! Yet governor Sanunu still insists now, "NH has never been better."

FACT 34. It's just still like New Hampshire in 2018 to now still be the only New England state in the entire country STILL incapable of safe affordable housing.  "According to Margolin, Vermont has bonded $35 million in addition to another $10 million a year later.  Maine bonded $50 million in 2010, and every year had committed between $6 million and $12 million to affordable housing. And Massachusetts bonded $1 billion over 5 years. We (little NH) came in with the chamber of commerce and asked for $25 million and only got a whopping $2.5 million. 

Reported on December 17, 2017 in NH, “Increasing rents compounded by extremely low vacancy rates make it almost impossible for those with the lowest incomes to secure stable housing,” wrote Cathy Kuhn, a coalition director, in the report.

“Service providers report an increasing number of families who find themselves without a roof over their heads and, due to a lack of housing and an insufficient number of emergency shelter units, are forced to reside in their cars, in tents or in other unsafe environments.” 

YEP!  Yet governor Sanunu insists now, "NH has never been better."

NH is simply broke in more ways than one.

FACT 35. It's just like the state of New Hampshire's government to continue refusing to keep their promises, debts and medical needs paid for in a tax-free state where the average minimum wage person now has to work a minimum of 123 hours just to pay rent on a 2 bedroom apartment, before paying anything else.

NH wages have now also declined 1.2% between August 2017 and August 2018.  According to a recent Purdue study published in the journal Nature Human Behavior, income can correlate with emotional well-being and life satisfaction. They concluded that the minimum yearly salary now required to even be happy now in the state of New Hampshire requires a yearly income of $117,600 per year to actually survive living in the state of NH.  Now this little New England state is now rated the third-worst rated economy among the 50 states and DC.  

Yet governor Sanunu insists the state of "NH has never been better."

FACT 36. When your state's government becomes well known through the united States Justice Department only for being sued over and over and over again, just for ignoring repeated court orders and desperately illegally bootlegging liquor just for income alone, only just to continue only to very poorly and illegally rob Peter to pay Paul, while still continuing to only run like hell from both bill collectors and the law; only for repeatedly making broken promises and the same repeating lawsuits over and over again; while even the entire state's very own supreme court just continues to only breaking multiple rules and laws throughout it's own judicial justice system; then just exactly how else would the actual final outcome be from an unconstitutional and illegal tax-free NH government and state.  This is exactly what, "We the people" have only been dearly paying for now, for centuries in the state of NH.

FACT 37. Watch this NETFLIX, 1 hour, 42 minute documentary, "God Knows Where I Am" in NH, and you decide if this is the final results you wanted and even would expect from decades of your hard earned paid tax dollars.  Think about Linda Bishop when you vote.  Along with the thousands of others now just like her.  Who have died, and are still dying today unnecessarily.  And all unnecessarily caused by an illegal NH government who repeatedly disrespects and fails miserably in budgets, laws, and with it's very own state's constitution, let alone the constitution and laws of the United States of America.  Linda Bishop could very well one day become you or your mother, father, son or daughter, or even a brother or sister, or just even a close loving friend. 

If I can still very clearly understand the evidence let alone personally experience it now with a brain injury, ONLY INFLICTED AND CAUSED by the NH government themselves, then just imagine what evidence you will find if you just do a little digging and research on the state yourself.  Know what your daily hard earned paid tax dollars are really truly paying for in NH now, and hold the government accountable.  And above all, the state's entire so-called judicial justice system.



Well, Governor Sanunu, maybe you should really try telling that now to all NH cancer patients.  Starting with 816 NH children, who are only just toddlers ONLY 0-4 years of age, and teens only 15 to 19 years of age, that are now still loosing or have already lost their battle with cancer.

Because in New Hampshire, only one child lost, simply ONLY by the hands of government, is just simply one child to many!

There truly is nothing left to do but pray NH, while your government still only continues to refuse to even listen!

May God be with NH after November 6th and always, because ONLY God truly knows, how much NH truly needs his help now! 

Because we all already know how the president of the United States will probably NOW respond,


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