REMEMBER YOUR NOT ALONE. Please contact your state house representative or THE CENTER FOR REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES in NH. And watch SPEAK UP NH, who shows one NH Family Court case after another like Jamie Doherty's http://youtu.be/CIOXB21sBMY. You too can tell the public your experience with NH's Family Judicial Branch. NH's very own Family Court Records are proving that NH's Judicial Branch fully participates and supports Kidnapping and Domestic Violence; Real Estate Fraud, Mortgage Fraud, and Property Deed Fraud; Perjury, Falsifying Documents and Non Existing Issues, and above all, Obstruction of all Justice. Case file after case file showing all the evidence in multiple Family Court Records, that are filling the NH County Court Clerk Records Offices daily throughout the whole state! People are being visited by the FBI and THREATENED simply over a NH divorce case. You truly know the truth struck a nerve then. So become a part of the solution and bring them your court case file with your evidence of your experience with NH Family Court. Fear and Silence only continues to fuel what is already a corrupted government branch harming all those who pay their salaries. You are not alone. Numbers can truly speak louder than words!

Nov 7, 2012


CACR 26 did not pass on this November's ballot, because NH Justices told the people, "Some legislators want to upset the balance of power," to want oversight on NH courts. Yet, it was the NH Supreme Court who gave themselves and all NH Judges "Absolute Immunity" from the law.  The same "immunity" that Federal and State Prosecutors, will give to criminals needing protection from prosecution, for exchange of information on their involvement to a crime committed.

NH Justices told the people, "For 200 years the balance of power among the three branches of government has been preserved through a system of checks and balances that is designed to protect and preserve democracy and equal justice!"  Yet, NH Legislators don't have or, demand "Absolute Immunity" from legal prosecution!  Yet, NH Senators do not  have or, demand  "Absolute Immunity" from legal prosecution!  And above all, neither does the NH Governor, let alone the President of the United States of America, have "Absolute Immunity" from State and Federal prosecution!  NH Justices claim this is a "balance of power among three branches of government?"  This was "designed to protect and preserve democracy and equal justice?"  Clearly they must be smoking from the same pipe  as NH's Criminal Defense Attorney Richard C. Follender, & NH's Superior Criminal Court Judge William J. Groff! 

How is this "A balance of Power?"  How does this "Protect and Preserve Democracy?"  And, above all, How is this "Equal Justice?"   Especially, when a branch of government, The NH Judicial Branch, just goes and freely gives themselves and anyone 'THEY' choose, A Free Life Long Pass, TO PASS GO AND TO NEVER GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL!  NH Justices have clearly proven that they will not play by the rules or the laws!  NH Legislators who have followed our constitution for the past 200 years have now been fraudulently tried, convicted, and executed by NH's king courts.  Crucified from those free with "Absolute Immunity" to do so.  This is a "Balance of Power?"  This is "Equal Justice?"   NH justices will now say this is what NH people voted for.  But what they will not explain is how and why.  That they did only by betrayal, Perjury, Fraud, and Obstruction Of Justice, perpetuated only by NH Justices, to not only keep their power in place, but to now pass it on to others, individuals only chosen by them.  The NH Justices, along with the journalists who were paid to print this manure, clearly do not care if there's any facts or truth to what they preach and support!  The same as how NH's Judicial branch will make final rulings on NH court cases!

It was the NH Supreme Court who now also gave "Absolute Immunity" to all  NH Guardian Ad Litems, who the majority just so happens to be, NH Lawyers, now portraying child psychologists without even a degree.  Once again, the same "immunity" that Federal and State Prosecutors give to criminals needing protection from prosecution, for exchange of information on their involvement to a crime committed. So the real question here is, what crimes are being committed by NH Justices and NH GALs, who obviously went to great lengths, to desparately keep their "Absolute Immunity" from State and Federal prosecution!  Who's next in line to be blessed by NH's Judicial Branch?  The NH POLICEDCYF maybe?

What NH Justices have not explained to the people, is why they need to be a 21st century Monarchy with "Absolute Immunity" to continue to rule by their own martial law.  It was not the NH Legislators, or NH Senators, or even a NH Governor who gave themselves and others, "Absolute Immunity" to now defy the United States Constitution, the NH Constitution, let alone Federal and State laws.  NH's Judicial Branch clearly tipped the balance of power, and not your Legislators.  Their continuous delusions of grandeur have so clearly perjured and fraudulently inferred others to be at fault. They will now continue to do so with full support from the NH Bar Association Dispute Resolution Committee, The NH Judiciary Conduct Committee, and last but never shall be the least the NH Supreme Court Attorney Discipline Office, all fully on board to complete NH's Maffia.  This is not what the people of NH thought they were voting on! 

 The irony and truth is that NH politicians have been making laws for 34 years, when NH has a Judicial Branch, who legally have absolute complete immunity to defy the constitution, along with federal and state laws, and clearly are doing so!  So NH, why have a legislation at all!  Well at least now, NH Legislator are actually only paid for what their worth!  And NH's Judicial Branch gets paid to legally break the law!  NH, the one and only state that puts their own stupidity in writing! 

The severity in the need for NH Welfare, Medicaid, and shelter for homelessness, perpetuated by NH divorce courts, IGNORING FEDERAL AND STATE LAWS, WRITTEN AND PASSED BY OUR LEGISLATORS, will now increase even more!

On March 30, 2011, NH's WMUR NEWS 9 reported - "New Hampshire officials said an annual count of homeless people across the state shows an 18 percent increase over 2010.

The count from Jan. 26 shows 2,520 homeless people across the state. There was a 58 percent increase in the number of homeless families, compared to 2010. The count also showed that 132 of the homeless were veterans, a 5 percent increase.

The state Department of Health and Human Services said Hillsborough County, the state's most populous, has the most homeless people. The state said 303 individuals and 405 individuals in 158 families were in a shelter; 126 individuals and 64 individuals in 23 families were unsheltered; and 83 individuals and 200 individuals in 74 families were temporarily living with family members or friends."

NH Taxes will continue to increase to support what should not be existing in America today.  NH's king courts rule NH and no longer do NH politicians have a say!  I say NH Justices have fraudulently won by default and a landslide!  This is certainly nothing for NH Justices to truly run home and further brag about, especially to the rest of the United States of America, now is it!  Shame on all of them for once again lying to NH people! 

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