REMEMBER YOUR NOT ALONE. Please contact your state house representative or THE CENTER FOR REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES in NH. And watch SPEAK UP NH, who shows one NH Family Court case after another like Jamie Doherty's http://youtu.be/CIOXB21sBMY. You too can tell the public your experience with NH's Family Judicial Branch. NH's very own Family Court Records are proving that NH's Judicial Branch fully participates and supports Kidnapping and Domestic Violence; Real Estate Fraud, Mortgage Fraud, and Property Deed Fraud; Perjury, Falsifying Documents and Non Existing Issues, and above all, Obstruction of all Justice. Case file after case file showing all the evidence in multiple Family Court Records, that are filling the NH County Court Clerk Records Offices daily throughout the whole state! People are being visited by the FBI and THREATENED simply over a NH divorce case. You truly know the truth struck a nerve then. So become a part of the solution and bring them your court case file with your evidence of your experience with NH Family Court. Fear and Silence only continues to fuel what is already a corrupted government branch harming all those who pay their salaries. You are not alone. Numbers can truly speak louder than words!

Jul 10, 2012


TITLE LXII, CRIMINAL CODE, CHAPTER 645, NH RSA 645:3 Adultery. – A person is guilty of a class B misdemeanor if, being a married person, engages in sexual intercourse with another not his/her spouse or, being unmarried, engages in sexual intercourse with another known by him/her to be married. Source. 1971, 518:1. 1992, 269:19, eff. July 1, 1992. Why is it not being enforced?

Notice it clearly states, "Engages in sexual intercourse with "ANOTHER" (instead of specifying "With one ONLY of the opposite gender") not his/her spouse!" NH's past politicians were way ahead of their time when you think about what they clearly defined as NH Adultery.  Sexual intercourse is defined only as penetration of the vagina by a penis. But NH Adultery Law expands their version by clearly stating with "ANOTHER," which is clearly defined as, "One that is different and/or in addition to!" Which now and always has, clearly specified that Adultery by NH Law, can be "ANOTHER" form other than penetration to the vagina by a penis alone!  It also clearly states, "Or, being unmarried, engages in sexual intercourse with ANOTHER known by him/her to be married", clearly specifying that not only is the spouse guilty of a misdemeanor, but whom or what they commit Adultery with is too! 

As you can see, some NH laws are purposely being written with contradicting back doors with reason to them. But some are not. Unfortunately however, NH's chosen Marital Masters and Judiciary Judges have proven to be closed narrow minded neanderthals from the dark age overlooking crimes committed against one spouse by the other, before and during a divorce.  Court documents themselves have proven they have taken bribes, discriminated, and ruled on court cases based only according to, their own personal interpretation/opinions, instead of NH State Laws.  So why and how can all NH judges get away with doing this do you ask?  And above all, why do the majority of NH's costly Attorneys support them and refuse to disclose this vital information, that affects the outcome of your case!

In 1978, the NH Judicial Branch skillfully but fraudulently did not give full disclosure to Article 73-a, an amendment to NH's Constitution, that was on the ballot.  This caused NH legislators and NH people, to give all NH judges full "Absolute Immunity" on all "their" final rulings, to be equivalent "As Law!"  Therefore, If a NH Judge made up 'their' final ruling, and 'their' court order was, the cow jumped over the moon, this would now be legally accepted "As Law!"  Thus in layman's terms, they no longer have had to actually follow and rule by laws written and passed by NH State Legislators, let alone the Constitution of the United States of America! Yes, it's true!  They can legally ignore all laws!  A serious but costly mistake that has now been clearly acknowledged, and dearly paid for by thousands of families, but so far however unable to be corrected!

Because of this, NH Justices truly no longer need to be, or have been, educated in state and federal laws, let alone The Constitution of the United States of America.  All the evidence to prove this has been growing in NH's Court Clerk Offices, for the past 34 years throughout the state.  For example, Marital Master Leonard Green court ordered a divorcing couple with grown  adult children to actually exchange each of their time living in the homestead, to every other week.  One would move out and one would move back in every seven days.  He outlandishly named this procedure on record, as "Bird nesting." However, there is no such rule or law written throughout the entire country, let alone in NH, for divorcing couples without minor children.  Furthermore, the order was actually approved and signed off by a NH judge. 

The Socratic irony is that since 1978, all NH Judges have been legally abusing this power and have been making up their own rules and laws in their final court orders, clearly ignoring the Constitution, Federal and State Laws, along with material evidence, let alone circumstantial evidence.  NH Judges not only have ignored federal and NH State Laws when ruling on a case, but now also legal procedures handling criminals and the evidence against them.  One major question is why the majority of NH's costly Attorney's refuse to divulge this vital information to their clients.  Those who pay them thousands of dollars to enforce laws before a Judicial Branch who can legally ignore not only NH State laws, but apparently also the Constitution of the United States of America!

NH Judges have had "Absolute Immunity" for 34 years, the same immunity equivalent to what Federal and State Prosecutors have offered to criminals, for exchange of their knowledge and information on a crime that has been committed.  NH has a multitude of rules for them to follow, but no laws holding them legally accountable for when they don't.  Therefore, even NH's own Supreme Court will discriminate against your constitutional rights to seek justice, and refuse to address your case if you are Pro Se and have no legal counsel! 

So where does one with no money go, to appeal to seek justice with restitution, when NH's Judicial Branch has been and still is to this day, the only Judicial Branch in the country, who can be legally in Contempt Of The Law, and the Constitution of the United States of America!  In other words, they are the only government branch in the United States, who is a monarchy with the power to say screw you, and have, all because they have "Absolute Immunity" to do so!  Even the politicians you voted into office cannot protect you and your children from a "Dirty Divorce and NH's Judicial Branch!"

Because of all NH's Judges and Marital Masters history and continuous practice of, "SEE NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL, AND ABOVE ALL SPEAK NO EVIL (Evidence) COURT RULINGS", has now caused greater reason and concern for NH State House Representatives, to vote to form a Redress Grievance Committee in 2010.  Just 11 months after this blog was published (only one little coincidence of many!).  All because now, they have clear proof that the NH Judiciary Conduct Committee, the NH Bar Association Dispute Resolution Committee, and last but never shall be the least, the NH Supreme Courts Attorney Discipline Office, have all been only protecting their own!  So why stop there?  NH might as well just go to NH State Prisons, choose a few convicts, throw black robes on them, then place them behind a courtroom bench!  Even a NH Governor, let alone the President of the United States, will ever get to have this much immunity, protection, freedom, and power, to ignore state and federal laws, and above all, the Constitution of the United States of America!

Therefore with no fear from any government or legal repercussion, proves how and why NH's laws are simply broken, bribes are easily taken, and only "Dirty Divorces" are practiced in the state of  NH, instead of the law.  Let's just clearly say 'For The Record', That your Legislators only work hard to vote in laws to protect you and your family, that can be and have been, legally ignored by NH's Judicial Branch.  This is not acceptable and far from excusable by any means.  Roger R. Brosor v Jean Brosor, Co-Respondent Laurie Ann Nurnberg, (now Brosor), (doc#07-M-995, June 29,2009), has proven this.  I will never see justice served in my case, but you can read, educate yourself, and pray you never experience the atrocious injustice by NH's Gone Rogue Judicial System, that I and so many others have already endured! Learn about NH Attorneys such as Richard C. Follender, NH Marital Masters such as Alice Love, and last but never shall be the least, NH SUPERIOR Criminal Court Judges such as William J. Groff!  

The following is your evidence of NH's Judicial System getting caught "DESTROYING ONE FAMILY AT A TIME!"  The state of NH's Actions truly can speak louder than words, and proves them GUILTY AS CHARGED!


BARBER, ANN                   09/10/2012
COOPER, THOMAS         04/05/2016
CROSS, PHILIP                 09/07/2012
DAIPRA, BRUCE               05/21/2014
FOLEY, ROBERT               05/03/2014
FORREST, DAVID             09/29/2012
GARNER, MICHAEL         04/05/2016
GEIGER, NANCY                05/21/2014
GREEN, LEONARD            05/21/2014
LEMIRE, JENNIFER           01/27/2013
LOVE, ALICE        05/21/2014 Suddenly retired 12/31/10, 12 months after I went public with my divorce 
LUNEAU, HENRIETTA     10/31/2015
*REIN, DEBORAH             05/14/2014  Master Rein announced her retirement, which took affect 12/01/2011


*David S. Forrest (Part Time)


So why suddenly now, are all but 1 NH Marital Master QUIETLY but swiftly stripped of their judicial black robes, and removed from their judicial benches, all before fully completing their own individual terms in office.  Is it because they will only be replaced by more judges with "Absolute Immunity", who will continue doing the same as they did?  NO!  NH is now in the mist of not only contemplating bringing back the actual same Marital Masters, but to now bring them back as judges to only continue business as usual! 

The majority of NH politicians have permitted their Judicial System to enforce their own martial law for over 30 years and the power to portray GOD himself.  Now because NH's people refuse to be silenced, The Judicial Branch QUIETLY but swiftly removed all NH Marital Masters, but only with clean records, no reprimands, no criminal charges pressed, and above all, some were even given early retirements/bribes at the taxpayer's expense, after all the damage is done, with no explanation as to why!  Now, only for some to return with higher status and with more power in hand!  NH has one of the largest groups of state house representatives, over 400, who have only proven throughout the past 30 years that the majority are, as stupid is as stupid does!  It's one thing to make a mistake, but when the majority support that mistake for over 30 years, until now, speaks volumes of NH politicians!

The next question is, when will NH now quietly and swiftly remove all corrupted judges, who VERY MUCH PARTICIPATED by actually signing off, on each and every one of all past illegal rulings, that were made by all these Marital Masters!  At what additional costs will be burdened on NH taxpayers then, to buy out the rest of NH's corrupted Judicial System, that should never have been put in place to begin with!

The 411 you will ever need to know about NH's Judicial System v NH state laws.  What the majority of NH Attorney's will not tell you is, that one is clearly guilty of refusing to enforce the other!  Adultery is a Fault Divorce and a Misdemeanor by NH Law, but not by the courts. NH's own Supreme Court once made their final ruling on Adultery, simply based only on a 1968 Webster Dictionary's definition of sexual intercourse, instead of NH State Laws as it was written and passed, not only by hundreds of NH politicians, but also signed by the governor! In 2003, they completely based their final divorce decree, in writing no less, only on a 1968 dictionary definition of sexual intercourse instead of NH state laws, for Blanchflower v Blanchflower!  The wife had an affair with another woman.

So if NH's own Supreme Court can blatantly and freely ignore State Laws, then what do you think the rest of the state's Judicial System is doing?  This truly proves how NH's Judicial System has been and still is to this day, habitually functioning outside the law!  NH is truly the state to live in when you've been preparing and planning a Dirty Divorce!  the fact is that NH Adultery is now the new 21st century's form of polygamy, that's fully acceptable apparently by all NH courts! 

New Hampshire's Supreme Court along with NH Family Courts, have clearly proven incapable of even getting something so simple as the nose on their face right! Your evidence? Blanchflower v Blanchflower, and now Brosor v Brosor! NH's Judicial System has multiple records documenting NH Family Courts ignoring evidence and state laws!

However, since publication of this blog, (Just another little coincidence!) NH Court Clerk Offices are no longer permitted to hand you a court case file, to personally thumb through or, to personally copy documents from, as we were simply capable of just doing for so many years before. You now need to already know what your looking for, and then request the Court Clerk's office to make the copies for you!  Even then don't be surprised if those documents are suddenly missing from the file.  This decision was made after budget cuts and cutting the Court Clerk Office hours.  So much for Public Record in NH, other than what they choose for you to know!  The following was posted on:

Dr, David Vandenberg challenges the NH supreme court ruling granting

Guardian ad litems absolute immunity!

"Police officers, for instance, have no absolute quasi-judicial immunity, yet they can use deadly force, are well trained, and have clear avenues of accountability, yet they do not have absolute quasi-judicial immunity. GALs, on the other hand, now have ultimate authority over children and families, yet have next to no training, nor do they have any methods of accountability. Yet GALs have the judicial authority that police officers do not. If this ruling had been made over police officers, they could now have the power to arrest, try, and convict a person for any offense on the spot, with no recourse to the citizen. Not even judicial review. If you complain to the police officer that you have no knowledge of the crime the officer contends you committed, too bad, he is the judge and jury and he can put you away.

The N.H. Supreme Court has created a unique and unheard of category for GALs that exists nowhere else in law. They are now walking judicial forums that have scoured constitutional rights away from citizens. The N.H. Supreme Court relies on one decision from another district where the training and accountability standards are much more rigorous than those in N.H., which are some of the lowest in the country. Arkansas, for example, has much greater training for GALs and utilizes them far less. NH makes extensive use of GALs, provides little training, no real accountability, and now an extreme amount of authority."  

Also 82% of NH's Guardian Ad Litems assigned to child custody disputes are lawyers who are now suddenly certified as child psychologists without the degree! NH's Family Court is a multi-tasking one time stop shop department store like Walmart and Target! Would you go to them for life altering decisions?  Your children's future and lives are now in the hands of yet another legal official given "Absolute Immunity" with the power to only rule by personal interpretation/bribes instead of NH state laws, with no fear from any legal repercussion, when laws and evidence are not followed and ignored, in a child custody dispute. 

NH Family Courts and NH GAL'S have even refused Police Reports and Department of Social Services Reports from other states as evidence, pertaining to endangerment of a child in question, stating it is irrelevant to the case because it did not happen in NH.  Parents with no Police or DSS reports against them, have been suddenly stripped of their parental rights, and separated from their children for years for no reason.  Those who have Police Reports and DSS Reports against them are gifted supervised visits to supposedly re-unite parent and child bond!  NH's Judicial Branch says this is in the best interest for a child, to force relations with their abuser? Because of this, NH Court Clerk Records show that most child custody disputes, can and have, taken up to several years!  As if all of this is in the best safety and interest for any child to endure!

Whats next?  The NH police will be given "Absolute Immunity" too?  NH's Judicial System purposely keeps cases going for years because, lets face it, the longer it takes the more $$CHA-CHING$$ it will make!  NH Court records show divorces and/or child custody cases have taken between 15 to 30 hearings.  With State Laws clearly in place to direct and be enforced by NH courts, this should not occur!  Show me one Murder trial case in NH that has taken over several years, and 15 to 30 trials to resolve! 

NH has one of the highest rates, if not the highest rate of Pro-Se litigants in this country because of repetitive court cases.  People run out of money before a NH Judge with "Absolute Immunity" can actually illiterately rule and close a case.  If NH's Judicial System were to actually follow state laws instead of going rogue the first time around, there would not be so many cases having Just Cause to repetitively go back to court! 

NH also has one of the highest rates of Contempt of Court being committed.  All  because, "Absolute Immunity" gives judges no harm, no foul, when its simply ignored and overlooked.  This is NH's 21st century's new version of Martial Law.  Seriously, do you really still need to question, how NH Judges and lawyers are capable to even take bribes in NH's legal system?

On March 30, 2011, NH's WMUR NEWS 9 reported - "New Hampshire officials said an annual count of homeless people across the state shows an 18 percent increase over 2010.

The count from Jan. 26 shows 2,520 homeless people across the state. There was a 58 percent increase in the number of homeless families, compared to 2010. The count also showed that 132 of the homeless were veterans, a 5 percent increase.

The state Department of Health and Human Services said Hillsborough County, the state's most populous, has the most homeless people. The state said 303 individuals and 405 individuals in 158 families were in a shelter; 126 individuals and 64 individuals in 23 families were unsheltered; and 83 individuals and 200 individuals in 74 families were temporarily living with family members or friends."

If NH's Family Courts would actually follow the State Laws instead of enforcing the practice of "Dirty Divorce", Welfare, Medicaid, and the number of homeless families and individuals, would not have increased to what it is today.  Also, the number of people wrongly forced into bankruptcy from a NH divorce would not exist.  Why are All NH taxpayers forced to pay alimony and restitution for others clearly guilty and at fault in a divorce! The facts and NH statistics speak for themselves.  If NH's own Supreme Court can base their final ruling on Adultery, simply based only on a Webster Dictionary instead of NH state laws, you most certainly can't seriously expect them to actually LEGALLY rule on any other subject!

NH courts instead of acknowledging adultery to its full extent of the law as written, will still decree "Irreconcilable Differences," then they will claim a "No Fault Divorce," thus never pressing the proper Misdemeanor charges pursuant to NH RSA law. The truth is that NH politicians voted and passed such laws to prove a point but not to practice or enforce. Unfortunately you are not informed as to which ones they are.

Your evidence? It has been alleged that NH's Rep. Timothy Horrigan, said, "We shouldn't be regulating peoples sex lives and their love lives." "This is one area, that the state government, should stay out of peoples bedrooms." "We shouldn't be in the business of regulating what consenting adults do with each other." NH's Rep. Horrigan along with NH Rep. Carol McGuire teamed up on legislation to repeal NH Adultery Law to not be criminal.  NH's Rep. Carol McGuire stated, It's bad public policy to have laws on the books that are not enforced and can't really be enforced. I had one of the assistant county attorneys try and research when it was last prosecuted in the state. And he's gone back 50 years and hasn't found a case yet.” 

First, who knew that hundreds of NH politicians could actually vote in laws that "Are Not enforced and can't really be enforced" to begin with!  And second, exactly what laws were actually written and passed that gives all NH Law Enforcement, Prosecutors, Marital Masters, and Judges any rights to pick and choose which laws are IGNORED and "CAN'T REALLY BE ENFORCED", once passed and even signed by the NH Governor! 

Article 73-a (1978)

"[Art.] 73-a. [Supreme Court, Administration.] The chief justice of the supreme court shall be the administrative head of all the courts. He shall, with the concurrence of a majority of the supreme court justices, make rules governing the administration of all courts in the state and the practice and procedure to be followed in all such courts. The rules so promulgated shall have the force and effect of law."  

Thus, the year NH's Judicial Monarchy was born!!!

NH has truly invented and practiced, the new 21st century's version of Martial Law, that obviously has been in practice for the past 34 years!  Not only were NH politicians way ahead of their time, but apparently now NH's Judicial System was too!

NH's Rep. Carol McGuire's research and findings now have clearly proven, that no one in the state of NH, has ever had any extra Marital Affairs committing Adultery in 50 years or, NH clearly proves to be a state, that cannot be bothered to enforce its own laws. (Gee, Must be something in the water.) Clearly Article 73-a was in pre-practice before its time!  11 months after this blog was published, (Just another little coincidence!) Both representatives attempted to revise and repeal NH Adultery Law to not be criminal and failed in 2010.

NH State House politicians obviously still feels it's serving a purpose on paper, so if it isn't broke, why fix it? If it isn't used, well then, it most certainly can't "REALLY BE ENFORCED" anyway, now can it.  Because of "Article 73a", all of NH's Judges, Marital Masters, Prosecutors, and even Law Enforcement, have now gone rogue, freely ignoring not only federal laws, but now state laws voted in place, not only once but now twice, by over 300 NH politicians?   To think the nation's news stations, newspapers, and magazines, quickly referred to NH's so called strict Adultery law, when the news of Tiger Woods's extra marital affairs became public, truly proves, how well NH's dirty little secret, was actually well kept! Tiger Woods would not have lost even half of what he did, had his divorce gone through NH's Judicial System!  Who's really running this state anyway? The State House or, NH's Mafia Judicial System, that freely gives itself, and apparently others, "Absolute Immunity" to only rule by NH's 21st century's new version of martial law! 

The hypocrisy to NH's Reps. Horrigan and McGuire's twisted way of thinking is, that as long as our government makes and rules, "ANY LAWS" pertaining to our marriage licenses and divorces, proves our government has already been, and will always be, "In the business of regulating what goes on, in people's love lives, bedrooms, and sex lives!"

Prostitution and Adultery have been illegal for years in NH. Yet, NH is the only state in the entire nation with 50 years of records, showing a Judicial System Gone Rogue, leaving nothing but an endless debris of ex-spouses in their wake! Well, this clearly explains why and how NH politicians and judges are not outed for any extra marital affairs!

My gratitude to Rep. Carol McGuire. NH's dirty little secret is now out!  The facts speak for themselves.  NH records have supported for the past 50 years how NH's Judicial System not only supports crime during a marriage and a divorce, but gives their full support to practice open marriages and polygamy without the license, and be capable to freely Swing without your spouses knowledge.  This is at the same time, while NH politicians are still preaching about a state with strong morals and family values.  NH now has truly shown how State Politicians and a state's Judicial System can have the best of both worlds!  NH just saves money, time, and energy, on enforcing a little thing such as legalities. Why bother making NH Prosecutors actually work for our tax dollars when crime in NH is now only just a little Irreconcilable Differences, permitting spouses to finance extra marital affairs with marital funds in an EQUITABLE STATE!  21st century Adultery in NH has clearly now become the new polygamy, that has clearly been in practice now for the past 50 years throughout the state! 


*FACT 1: The house was my inheritance which Marital Master Love granted him 50% on a fault divorce.  Obviously "Sugar Babies" in NH are a costly investment to maintain in a struggling economy these days!  Who knew?  I had to put my 50% (valued $114,000) clear and free of any mortgage up as collateral to buy out my sibling, so he could now own 50%, and then file for divorce 5 years later.

A) When we met, we each lived at home with our parents. I was 20 years old with a car payment of $115.00 per month. I worked 2 years for the same company as him, and had $5,000 in savings, a Pension plan, and $15,000 in a 401K plan, that I later cashed out to financially cover the last 3 months of my pregnancy, being unable to work, and also to cover my maternity leave.

B) He on the other hand was 23, and between the ages of 16 and 23, purchased a $3,500 sailboat, a $3,000 organ, and had just signed a loan for $5,500 that his father had to co-sign, so that he could turn his car, an old Nova into a street rod. He had 7 years with the company and never signed up for a Pension Plan or 401K until he met me!

C) When purchasing our 1st home, I put down $3,300 deposit. His father co-signed for us because he only had a bankbook with $1,100 in it that his parents had given him.

NH is an "EQUITABLE STATE" in divorce!

*FACT 2: The Timeshare that we jointly owned, MM Love granted him 100% without paying me 50% pursuant to NH Law.  There goes the cost of those "Sugar Babies" again!

NH is an "EQUITABLE STATE" in divorce!

*FACT 3: MM Love made no ruling for him to pay any back-alimony when both, his answers to his interrogatories and his bank accounts submitted, proved both he and Attorney Follender committed PERJURY, FRAUD, and OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE at the Relief Hearing, causing my request for temporary alimony to be denied, and my home/inheritance to be illegitimately court ordered to be sold, leaving me homeless and completely broke. 


New Hampshire Statutes
Section 641:1
 "641:1 Perjury. –
I. A person is guilty of a class B felony if in any official proceeding:
(a) He makes a false material statement under oath or affirmation, or swears or affirms the truth of a material statement previously made, and he does not believe the statement to be true; or
(b) He makes inconsistent material statements under oath or affirmation, both within the period of limitations, one of which is false and not believed by him to be true. In a prosecution under this section, it need not be alleged or proved which of the statements is false but only that one or the other was false and not believed by the defendant to be true.
    II. "Official proceeding'' means any proceeding before a legislative, judicial, administrative or other governmental body or official authorized by law to take evidence under oath or affirmation including a notary or other person taking evidence in connection with any such proceeding. "Material'' means capable of affecting the course or outcome of the proceeding. A statement is not material if it is retracted in the course of the official proceeding in which it was made before it became manifest that the falsification was or would be exposed and before it substantially affected the proceeding. Whether a statement is material is a question of law to be determined by the court.

Source. 1971, 518:1, eff. Nov. 1, 1973."
New Hampshire Statutes

Forgery and Fraudulent Practices Generally
Section 638:3
"638:3 Tampering With Public or Private Records. – A person is guilty of a misdemeanor if, knowing he has no privilege to do so, he falsifies, destroys, removes or conceals any writing or record, public or private, with a purpose to deceive or injure anyone or to conceal any wrongdoing.

Source. 1971, 518:1, eff. Nov. 1, 1973".
18 U.S.C. § 1505 : US Code - Section 1505: Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

"Whoever, with intent to avoid, evade, prevent, or obstruct compliance, in whole or in part, with any civil investigative demand duly and properly made under the Antitrust Civil Process Act, willfully withholds, misrepresents, removes from any place, conceals, covers up, destroys, mutilates, alters, or by other means falsifies any documentary material, answers to written interrogatories, or oral testimony, which is the subject of such demand; or attempts to do so or solicits another to do so; or Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress -Shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both."


18 U.S.C. § 1621 : US Code - Section 1621: Perjury generally

"Whoever -
(1) having taken an oath before a competent tribunal, officer, or person, in any case in which a law of the United States authorizes an oath to be administered, that he will testify, declare, depose, or certify truly, or that any written testimony, declaration, deposition, or certificate by him subscribed, is true, willfully and contrary to such oath states or subscribes any material matter which he does not believe to be true; or

(2) in any declaration, certificate, verification, or statement under penalty of perjury as permitted under section 1746 of title 28, United States Code, willfully subscribes as true any material matter which he does not believe to be true; is guilty of perjury and shall, except as otherwise expressly provided by law, be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. This section is applicable whether the statement or subscription is made within or without the United States."

2010 New Hampshire Statutes
Section 625:8 Limitations.

625:8 Limitations. –
I. Except as otherwise provided in this section, prosecutions are subject to the following periods of limitations:
(a) For a class A felony, 6 years;
For a class B felony, 6 years;
(c) For a misdemeanor, one year;

(d) For a violation, 3 months.
(e) For an offense defined by RSA 282-A, 6 years.
II. Murder may be prosecuted at any time.
II-a. [Repealed.]
III. If the period prescribed in paragraph I has expired, a prosecution may nevertheless be commenced:
(a) Within one year after its discovery by an aggrieved party or by a person who has a duty to represent such person and who is himself not a party to the offense for a theft where possession of the property was lawfully obtained and subsequently misappropriated or for any offense, a material element of which is either fraud or a breach of fiduciary duty.
(b) For any offense based upon misconduct in office by a public servant, at any time when the defendant is in public office or within 2 years thereafter.
(c) For any offense under RSA 208, RSA 210, or RSA 215, within 3 years thereafter.
(d) For any offense under RSA 632-A or for an offense under RSA 639:2, where the victim was under 18 years of age when the alleged offense occurred, within 22 years of the victim's eighteenth birthday.
(e) For any offense where destruction or falsification of evidence, witness tampering, or other unlawful conduct delayed discovery of the offense, within one year of the discovery of the offense.
(f) For any offense under RSA 153:24 and RSA 153:5, the state fire code, within one year of its discovery.
(g) For any offense under RSA 641:1 through 641:7, if committed with the purpose to assist in a murder, to conceal a murder, or to conceal or hinder the investigation or apprehension of an individual responsible for murder, at any time.
IV. Time begins to run on the day after all elements of an offense have occurred or, in the case of an offense comprised of a continuous course of conduct, on the day after that conduct or the defendant's complicity therein terminates.
V. A prosecution is commenced on the day when a warrant or other process is issued, an indictment returned, or an information is filed, whichever is the earliest.
VI. The period of limitations does not run:
(a) During any time when the accused is continuously absent from the state or has no reasonably ascertained place of abode or work within this state; or
(b) During any time when a prosecution is pending against the accused in this state based on the same conduct.

Source. 1971, 518:1. 1973, 370:45. 1989, 97:1. 1990, 153:2; 213:2. 1993, 215:3. 2000, 173:1. 2003, 265:3, eff. Jan. 1, 2004. 2007, 183:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2008. 2009, 100:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2010.


*FACT 4: MM Love made no ruling pertaining to returning my 50% pursuant to NH Law of 20 years marital life savings, that His bank account records submitted proved he took.

NH is an "EQUITABLE STATE" in divorce!

* FACT 5: MM Love made no ruling pertaining to returning my 50% pursuant to NH Law of his 401K plan, that was only acquired throughout the marriage! His pay stubs and bank accounts proved along with his own testimony, that he was withdrawing and draining it for over the past several years.  He also Testified to withdrawing and additional $23,000 during the divorce, which was all unbeknown to me before our divorce was filed.  Amazing what it costs these days to actually finance a NH Sugar Baby!

NH is an "EQUITABLE STATE" in divorce!

*FACT 6: MM Love made no ruling pertaining to, TAMPERING WITH EVIDENCE, when the bank statements he submitted showed a number of checks, with the description/pay to, whitened out, for a total of over $22,000 in unknown payments for just a 9 month period alone!  Once again, there goes the costs of a NH's present day Sugar Baby!


*FACT 7: MM Love made no ruling pertaining to the fact that he signed over the newest vehicle owned to our daughter without my knowledge or permission, before the divorce was filed, proving once again, the court ignored NH law stating, division of assets begins at 50/50.

NH is an "EQUITABLE STATE" in divorce!

*FACT 8: MM Love made no ruling pertaining to the charges I filed, along with supporting testimony given, that proved he committed CONTEMPT OF COURT which neither he himself, nor his attorney even once denied or disputed.


*FACT 9: MM Love made no ruling pertaining to the fact, that his bank statement showed a cash flow of $10,000 for just the month of December 2007, 5 months after filing for divorce!  His "Sugar Baby" and her 4 children by 3 fathers, had one hell of a Christmas with 2 decades of my portion of marital funds that was without my permission!  I didn't even so much as get a simple thank you card!


FACT 10: MM Love made no ruling pertaining to the fact that these same bank statements showed he purchased 5 cell phones + a new contract for his "Sugar Baby" and her 4 children in August 2007, he stated on his interrogatories that he Rented a cabin on Newfound Lake in September 2007(he Refused to fix the brakes on my car in October 2007), he paid his "Sugar Baby's" children's ski club $600.00 in November 2007, and last but never shall be the least, he purchased a $2,500 engagement ring (Right after the Relief Hearing) for his "Sugar Baby" in December 2007, so he says, she was flashing an engagement ring at the November 2007 Relief Hearing. When asked to produce the receipt for the engagement ring purchased, he conveniently "lost it." He was receiving on a weekly bases, flyer's for bridal sets from multiple jewelers a month before filing for divorce on July 25, 2007. And lets not forget the $260 per month donations to her church listed on his financial affidavit, that was unbeknown to me. All with my 50% pursuant to NH Law!

NH is an "EQUITABLE STATE" in divorce!

*FACT 11: MM Love made no ruling pertaining to the fact that these same bank statements also showed woman's retail stores and catalog orders, restaurants and movie theatres, ski lodge reservations at Loon Mtn, Ragged Mtn, and Sunappee Mtn, along with reservation reward charges of $12.00 per month on his credit card, once again all with my 50% pursuant to NH Law!

NH is an "EQUITABLE STATE" in divorce!

*FACT 12: MM Love made no ruling pertaining to the fact that my ex husband's confessions/testimony confirmed his payroll stubs, along with his bank statements that showed him withdrawing and draining his 401K Plan for over the previous 7 years, acquired only through the marriage. INCLUDING MY 50% PURSUANT TO NH LAW THAT WAS NEVER RETURNED TO ME!

NH is an "EQUITABLE STATE" in divorce!

*FACT 13: MM Love made no ruling pertaining to the fact that these same payroll stubs with the same company, also showed year end gross incomes $5,000-$10,000 OVER his present yearly gross income he submitted to the courts. More evidence of PERJURY, FRAUD, and OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!


*FACT 14: MM Love made no ruling pertaining to the fact that these same bank statements showed balances of 5 digit figures of thousands and thousands of dollars, along with a cash flow for a 9 month period, that totaled $7,000, ONCE AGAIN...YUP, YOU GOT IT!..OVER HIS YEARLY GROSS INCOME HE SUBMITTED TO THE COURTS! More evidence of PERJURY, FRAUD, and OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!

 *FACT 15: MM Love made no ruling pertaining to the fact that these same bank statements supported his testimony stating he was paying his "Sugar Baby's" mortgage and utilities along with ours simultaneously, WITH MY 50% PURSUANT TO NH LAW!

NH is an "EQUITABLE STATE" in divorce.

FACT 16:  MM Love made no ruling pertaining to the fact that his strongest witness testimony was someone speaking nothing more than strictly 3RD PARTY HEARSAY for the dead, who could not be questioned about what they told this witness themselves! How convenient! Hey, only in a NH Courtroom could a NH Criminal Court Attorney pull this one off!  So much for Judge Judy telling the nation it's illegal!  Never in a little state called NEW HAMPSHIRE! Where laws are simply "not enforced" and "Can't really be enforced."

"HEARSAY" in NH Divorce is "IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES," NH Court Rules as a "NO FAULT" Divorce.

FACT 17: MM Love made no ruling pertaining to, BRIBERY, WITNESS TAMPERING, or OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, when his "Sugar Baby's" emails proved she attempted to bribe my witness.


*FACT 18: MM Love made no ruling pertaining to, his own testimony that he, ILLEGALLY AUDIO TAPE RECORDED ME FOR MONTHS IN A 2 PARTY STATE, without my knowledge or permission, and played these recordings to others. He plead the fifth to this crime on his interrogatories but then confesses to it during trial. He still has possession of these recordings to this day! 

He even first brought and tested his voice activated recorder at BAE SYSTEMS where he works and even showed a couple of co-workers what he was doing!  When I began to clean out his stuff at home, I FOUND AND RETURNED TO BAE SYSTEMS, MULTIPLE PRE-LABELED BAE SYSTEMS CD's, TITLED WITH LOT NUMBERS ON THEM OF THE INDIVIDUAL PROGRAMS HE HAD WORKED ON AND DOWNLOADED AND THEN BROUGHT HOME!  Clearly their security system is something to be desired when it truly is so simple for any one employee, to walk into meetings of information, with one small voice activated recorder, and then leave the building now with that knowledge in hand!   

When I first went to the police, I was told I actually needed the tape recordings. When I went back with his confession in court to this crime, the police said it was the Marital Master's responsibility to notify the prosecutor. NH's own police and prosecutors will not enforce the law when it comes to crimes already presented and ignored in a courtroom! It's only just a little "Irreconcilable Differences" in the state of NH!  This is NH's version on being tough on crime!  It takes less time and money to ignore it!  The facts speak for themselves!
"New Hampshire"

"It is a felony to intercept or disclose the contents of any telecommunication or oral communication without the consent of all parties. N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 570-A:2-I.
It is punishable by imprisonment of one to seven years. N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann § 625:9.

However, it is only a misdemeanor if a party to a communication, or anyone who has the consent of only one of the parties, intercepts a telecommunication or oral communication. N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann § 570-A:2-I. Misdemeanors are punishable by imprisonment up to one year. N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann § 625:9."

"Any person whose telecommunication or oral communication is intercepted or disclosed has a civil cause of action against any person who unlawfully obtains such communication and is entitled to recover: actual damages at a rate of $100 per day or $1,000, whichever is greater; punitive damages; and reasonable attorney fees or other litigation costs. N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann § 570-A:11."

"In addition, it is a violation of privacy to install or use any device for the purpose of observing, photographing, or recording in or outside any private place. N.H.  Rev. Stat. Ann § 644:9-I.

The state’s highest court has held that a classroom was not a private place where a school custodian could reasonably expect to be safe from video surveillance. State v. McLellan, 744 A.2d 611, 615 (N.H. 1999)."

*FACT 19: MM Love made no ruling pertaining to HARMFUL ENDANGERMENT AND INJURY TO HEALTH for what he did to me in the hospital!

The court heard testimony which my ex husband nor his attorney could dispute, NOR DID THEY, because I had my medical records. My ex husband increased my life insurance policy to 3X the amount before I went into surgery. While I was in pre-op with an I.V., 3 anesthesiologists examined me out of concern for complications they may in cure from a goiter in my thyroid. His only concern and question to my doctor was, "What will you do if her heart STOPPED?" After not liking her reply, he proceeded to start a fight with me witnessed by my doctor and all the nurses. I told him to get out and he left!  Come to find out later, he went to his "Sugar Baby's" house!

He was well aware of my history with hemorrhaging following any surgical procedure. I even had to have 2 blood transfusions after childbirth. Twice, I even Hemorrhaged 24 hours after having a simple cervical polyp removed, and ended up in the Emergency Room to once again, have to be admitted into the hospital. 

Serious complications began during surgery. My doctor had to immediately re-open after just closing, to find and repair where I began to hemorrhage. I went home the next day only to be re-admitted to the hospital 48 hours later and put on oxygen from multiple pneumonia in both lungs, with severe abdominal pain from constant coughing!  While in the ER, his "Sugar Baby" calls him asking where are you right in front of me. He tells her that he had to bring me to the ER.  He hangs up with her, then tells ME that she said she "will be praying for me!"  He also said, "I wont keep any secrets from you anymore."  He came for one thirty minute visit each day from his "Sugar Baby's" house, apologizing and preaching he's sorry and wants to work on our marriage. Then on the day he picked me up to bring me home, he tells me he can't do this anymore because it doesn't feel right!  This was 4 weeks prior to him catching my Private Investigator, and running to an attorney 4 days later to file for divorce before I did.


*FACT 20: MM Love denied my request for him to continue paying for my medical coverage. He is engaged to one woman while married to another.  He is already supporting his new family with marital funds before and during his divorce.  He will obviously need to insure his new family once married.  Gee, what was I thinking?  I was married to the man for over 2 decades!

*FACT 21: MM Love however did rule stating in the divorce decree, that my "conviction, screaming and yelling, and having separate bedrooms" from an habitual adulterer, while I was finding evidence for the courts, was my share in the breakdown of the marriage.  I will never be sorry for that choice, given that his co-worker had to have an HIV test after he was with this same woman.  Marital Master Love ruled that he DID COMMIT ADULTERY, which is a Fault Divorce by NH Law, and that he 'ONLY' pay me 50% of what's left in his 401k, (a little over $20,000), 50% of his pension for only 21 years, zero of the joint bank accounts he closed out, and $45,000 in alimony spread out over the next 5 years.  And to think this was my second sighting of that cow jumping over the moon!  Wait until you hear about the first sighting further down!  And just when you think you've heard it all!

*Once again, this is all based only on his existing expenses from his new family, that he was supporting with my 50% of marital funds, for 2 years before and all during the divorce.  Her generosity in giving him half my inheritance, 100% of the Time Share, and 92% of his 401k, was out of kindness for a Welfare Fraud Prostitute of a mother, and her 4 more children, by 3 separate fathers, that he now has to raise!  This is what's decided on a fault divorce by NH law, but not by NH courts.  I owed my attorney over $20,000 on my $11,000 per year salary!

*The irony is that MM Love also ruled with the stipulation that I do not co-habitate, or marry a man during the 5 years he pays me alimony, or alimony will be discontinued!  Those who pay alimony get a major tax right off but those who receive alimony pay taxes on it!  This is what is considered 50% for a part time employed spouse, for over 21 years of marriage from beginning to end.  This is also adultery and a fault divorce based on NH law, that should not have been a 50/50 split, which evidence clearly supports was eluded by the courts and not even done!

*NH is well known as the nations "NONE ALIMONY STATE."  They will not order alimony payments longer than 5 years maximum according to NH Law, even if it's a "Fault Divorce."  So whether the marriage was 1 year or 30 years, this clearly proves the duration of the marriage will never be considered even though NH law says it is!  Obviously, simple logic and math eludes the fact in NH laws and Courts, that the majority of people do not have the income to support themselves and pay back in 5 years, what evidence clearly supports they have stolen from 2o + years of marriage!  

*Once again, NH laws are contradicting one another that only support NH's inability to acquire simple math skills to properly configure an "EQUITABLE STATES" accurate 50/50 division, along with the accurate tax consequences of that 50/50 division, that will enforce ALL NH Divorce Laws!  NH Divorce Laws are so contradicting that they giveth then taketh away!  An amicable divorce will be the only divorce on record, that the state has on file, supporting division of property and assets by NH Law, because clearly now NH Family Courts are incapable of ever doing so themselves!

*NH condones a spouse in desperate mid-life crisis, to empty 100% of all marital, personal bank, and retirement accounts, acquired only during a marriage, before filing for a divorce.

*NH then permits them to switch families and homes, and use 100% of marital funds to pay off all their own debts along with the "Sugar Babies" they shared with co-workers and are supporting.

*NH also permits a spouse to finance with 100% marital funds, showered gifts and vacations, on their "Sugar Babies" they shared with co-workers, who received free services! Well you at least now know why my ex was the chosen one!

NH is an "EQUITABLE STATE" in divorce!

Well, if this doesn't clearly explain in a nut shell, why and how New England's beautiful Granite State has now gone straight to hell in a hand basket, maybe the following will!

NH is an "EQUITABLE STATE" in divorce! 

*FACT 22: When Marital Master Love gave the Co-Respondent the option to take the stand in her own defense, my ex's attorney immediately stood up and requested  a recess. MM Love tells him, "Your not her attorney, you don't represent her!"  But she then permits a 5 minute recess for my ex, his attorney, and the Co-respondent to walk out into the hall for a private conversation.  When they returned, MM Love repeats her question to the Co-Respondent, who then refused to take the stand!  MM Love denied legal rights to question a witness named as the Co-Respondent in a divorce, with no legal ruling or law to support her decision, because there wasn't one.

NH is an "EQUITABLE STATE" in divorce!

*FACT 23: MM Love also found Laurie Murray Nurnberg now Brosor, guilty on Findings Of Facts and Rulings Of Law, numbers 47 through 56, of purposely wanting my marriage to end, and even initiated some of the events that caused my marriage to fail. All this evidence and yet, she still ruled it as a "No Fault Divorce."

NH is an "EQUITABLE STATE" in divorce!

To think my ex husband and his "Sugar Baby" walked holding hands, free and clear of any charges, right out of that courtroom! NH just loves to live by this countries motto, "Land Of The Free", along with it's own motto, "Live Free Or Die!"



FACT 24 - 32: Evidence submitted. The following letter to me, and emails were written by Laurie Murray Nurnberg now Brosor, to her ex married lover, who just so happens to be my ex husband's married co-worker and friend, who introduced them at the time he himself filed for divorce, because he too was having an affair with her himself, while she was going through her second divorce. Hopefully you were capable of just following that because I had trouble keeping up with it all myself!

I never ever once met or spoke with this woman, nor would I ever once care to!  Even my then husband tried many times for me to agree to meet this woman, who was "just a friend" having an affair with his married co-worker and friend!  Believe when I say, it's one hell of rude awakening when a man suddenly tells his wife of 21 years, he is now in a "3 way love triangle with his married co-worker and his (reusable sex toy), because he loves and trusts it!"

FACT 24:
May 11, 2007
"Dear Jean,

You don’t know me, my name is Laurie Nurnberg (NOW BROSOR). My children and I are friends with Roger. I met Roger through one of his co-workers. I’m writing in hopes of easing your mind in regards to my friendship with Roger. I tell you the honest truth when I say that Roger and I are good friends.(SHE STATES, "GOOD FRIENDS" INSTEAD OF "JUST FRIENDS!") Sometimes when I here Roger share his concerns, it seems to me that you’re wondering if our friendship is more than it is? I promise you that it is strictly and mutually platonic.

I respect and admire your husband, he’s a wonderful guy with great morals and values, pride and honor. As well as many god given talents and gifts as I’m sure you’re aware of. We truly are blessed to have him as a friend.

(That pedestal she has him on is so high, its beginning to lack oxygen! “Great morals and values?” Who the hell does she think she's kidding? Honey, remember it's me, THE WIFE! I was married to the man for 20 ½ years!)

Roger shown me pictures of and talks about the work he has done in your home. "HE" seems to really poor "HIS" heart into all that "HE" does. He is proud of your decorating skills and gives you all the credit. I’m sure you appreciate all "HIS" hard work. I know I do. "HE" worked hard and did an outstanding job on my wood floors. I owe him a world of gratitude.

I heard so much about and have seen pictures of your daughter. What a beautiful girl the two of you raised. "ROGER" is very proud of her academic and the young woman that she has become. My girls are 12 & 10. The boys are 16 & 10. I have a ways to go still.

(As the saying goes, "So shall suffer the little children.")   

Jean, I know that you’re concerned about Roger sharing with me about his concerns at home in general. I can appreciate how you must feel. I think we all wonder if people dislike us based on what they have heard about us and what they believe is true. I can honestly say that I am a loyal friend to "ROGER" and I have genuine concern for you as a family. I want you to know that I’m not judging you. I don’t create opinions based on what I’m told; I like to meet people and get to know them. Men just don’t seem to have the gift of words like most of us woman do. When I was going through my divorce I was very scared that my husband didn’t love me anymore, therefore I was unlovable. Not true, he and I did love one another, we just spent our time hurting each with words and actions trying to prove the other wrong and ourselves right. In the end the only right answer would have been to have open and honest communication together with a qualified or pastor. But my husband didn’t have the courage to share his true thoughts and feeling out of fear and rejection.

I admire Roger for being such a devoted father and husband. "He" is a better person than I am. I remember speaking very poorly about my other half when we were having hard times. I called him names; I exaggerated my truth of the situation and simply was mean and unloving when I spoke of him to others. Roger is different. He never has anything negative to say about anyone. "HE" states how "HE" feels about curtain situations as "HE" sees it without disregard to others. A quality I am working on adopting. I am learning a lot from just speaking to him and hearing stories that "HE" shares and the projects either personally or at work.

(You really should give yourself more credit! Actually, he truly isn’t any more better than you are! But to call this man a “devoted father and husband?” No wonder you have been through 2 husbands so far and counting!)

Jean, I hope you and Roger don’t resent me telling you this but I would like to share my thoughts in hopes of helping, not hurting the two of you. (Then what exactly was the first half of this ridiculous Letter about?) I truly believe that Roger loves you and is searching for answers how to either mend or end your marriage. I also believe it is very hard by not impossible to share his feelings and emotions.

In retrospect I wish I would have put ¼ of my energy into treating my husband the way that I wished he would have treated me, with respect an dignity instead of hiding behind fear and anger. I built up a wall so high around my heart made up of past hurts not forgiven, that my husband chose to give up and walk away rather than to “Talk it out.” My stored up pain and anger scared him away from our marriage because it was all that I ever showed him.

It wouldn’t have killed me to be kind and sensitive to him even though I thought for sure that I was right and he was wrong. My ego and pride constantly kept the fight going but instead of winning the battle I lost my first love. It’s too late and to much pain has been inflicted to mend our relationship but what I wouldn’t have given to have the knowledge I know now back then. Our choices left us with a broken home, broken promises, and a broken heart.

(If one word in this letter was actually genuine then what about the promises, hearts, and homes you later moved onto and played a part in destroying afterwards! What exactly did you learn from that?)

I learned that love is a gift from god and it’s free to all who seek it. Love is a choice. You have to have courage to be open and intimate. You have to risk pain and rejection in order to know if you are two people committed to honesty and each other.


I’m hopeful for you and Roger because “HE” genuinely cares for all “HE” has worked to hard to build; the marriage, the home, “HIS” career and your daughter’s future not to mention your future.

(Now that pedestal is seriously beginning to CRACK, and at a very dangerous altitude I might add! If this is how a man works hard for his daughter and wife, then no thanks! This was the point where everything in me said run like hell, he’s all yours honey! I pulled out the yellow pages and began looking for Lawyers!)

I hope you feel better knowing that Roger and I are only friends and that someday soon I look forward to meeting and becoming friends with you too if you wish.

Roger may have mentioned Rockingham Christian Church in Salem NH. I love it there; it’s casual, friendly and upbeat. The people are not pushy or snobby and no one will require anything of you or put you on the spot. (Adultery is a minor little thing that will be overlooked in RCC while she was previously told to leave with her 4 children by Londonderry Christian Church, never to return, because of her adultery with a married parishioner, who was the co-worker! Only in NH folks, only in NH!  Still with me so far?) Their music ministry is out of this world in my opinion. I think you would enjoy it too. Maybe we will meet there someday. That would be great!

I’m sending you a CD of the last 3 church services, which was “on the family,” good stuff in case you’re interested. Thank you for your time, enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend. (Because what's left?...You already had my husband every weekend for the past 3 months!...Oh, but you already knew that now didn‘t you!) Take care.

The CD that she refers to as "on the family" was Titled in Bold Green Marker, "WIFE SWAP" IN ALL 4 CORNERS OF THE CD JACKET! The CD itself had, "WIFE SWAP BUILD" WRITTEN ON IT! The following statements were made about me in emails written by Laurie to her married ex lover! Remember, I never met or spoke with this women once during these emails.

* “You and all that she comes into contact with should be angry for being used by her to pull you down in the mud with her. Don’t let her have your energy, she is a vamp and only lives to destroy others.”

* “I have been vengeful just like you and Jean are being right now towards Roger and I.” (You Think?)
* “Just because you don’t get your way you would use another extremely sick and vulnerable woman.” (Gee, Who Is The Other One!)
* “She is very sick and any involvement with her once again puts you and your family at risk.”
* “You helped Jean the Queen of Killer Bees go to battle.” (Gotta Love This One!)

* “You have helped a very destructive and sick woman.”

So much for, "Roger is different. He never has anything negative to say about anyone." And for Ms. Laurie Murray Nurnberg now Brosor's “HONEST TRUTH” stating, “I promise you that it is strictly and mutually platonic.....I don’t create opinions based on what I’m told; I like to meet people and get to know them.”
What NH says is "IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES" in a divorce, is anything but that! Can you say, Bribery, Witness Tampering, and let's just throw Obstruction Of Justice out there too! The following are emails that were submitted as supporting evidence to my private investigators report in my divorce.

"I can tell that you want to be able to have me believe that you love me and that being at work having this conversation isn't doing it.

I know and respect that your hands are tied financially, that's not it. (SURE! She needs medical coverage, and to house, feed, clothe 4 children and herself, while being unemployed, applying for disability, while having sex with multiple married men, and already on government aid and food stamps, while her house is in foreclosure!...00PS! Then she was investigated for Welfare Fraud for not telling them about the additional $80,000 married yearly income living under her roof, that she received and supported with her government aid, while they were divorcing their wives to marry her! Still with me so far? Believe me, boy do I know how difficult to keep up with all of this is!  Only in NH folks, only in NH!) We shouldn't even be living together even if we were OK which we are not. What hurts the worst is that you aren't there for me. You always leave, walk away, go unavailable. I'm going through some tough stuff right now and are you the ones supporting me emotionally and thinking things through with me, telling me it's all going to be alright and I'm making the right choices? NO, Roger is!

I don't even feel like I can share with you how I feel about you and I without running away. Hell, Here I am, the stupid dependent enabler begging to be loved. How pathetic am I? I always choose Mr. Unavailable, that's you, you are so unavailable it isn't funny yet I cry for and miss you and somewhere deep in my heart I can't give up on you, I won't allow myself to believe that you are never coming to me. That's called denial. When I'm with you I feel great and hurt at the same time. When I'm around Roger things are just simple and I have a friend to talk to, laugh with and get stuff done.

Why can't you be that with me? Why do I have another married man just waiting to use me to end his shitty marriage? Will I let Him?"


"You are a hurting person and I forgive and ask for forgiveness from you for the past hurts to one another. I know that you have court tomorrow and I wish you well and I am praying that Gods grace is with you and you make the right choices for you and your family concerning your marriage.

I own my part in damaging your marriage. No one made me do what we did, I chose to go there freely. I would erase it and all the pain that I have caused if I could but I know I can't. I want you to know that I really truly did love you and I wanted to believe in you so bad that it felt impossible to give up. I had no business in your world and I didn't push you away hard enough.

I now get it. My power is in my beauty and by being emotionally available is how I allured you and others and by not shutting you down the moment I saw your interest is where I went wrong and you couldn't control yourself. I now know that I have that effect on men and that it is powerful.

Roger and I had a long talk today after church and we have decided to love one another only as friends. I won't do to him and his family what I did to you and yours. I want to learn from my mistakes so that I can own my power and use it for good.

You were my second experience with attracting an addict who couldn't say no to me and my seductive ways. The more you poured on the charm, the more you baited me, the more I wanted to believe the lies that told yourself and me until I gave myself permission to sleep with you and fall in love with you. You already knew that I was vulnerable and needy and that given the right attention I would crack eventually. That's where God came in. You knew that if I believed that you had changed and you wanted the same things spiritually that I wanted that I would not be able to walk away and stand on my own. I thought that I had finally found what I was always looking for.

Today at RCC was an all kids lead worship. I thought of you and our dreams and how we met and how far this all got out of control and how I loved you and the promises I made to you in my own heart and I instantly knew that I needed to heal from all of this and (her 2nd ex husband). I knew that I couldn't and wouldn't do this to my sweet friend Roger.

I learned about my power as a woman through you and Roger and I have I hope become a better person because of the experiences that we shared. I am looking squarely at myself, my mistakes, my past behaviors and my denial and I am analyzing all of it with full honesty. It is an ugly, disgusting mess. I fail so deeply at being a good person. I know that I am now failing you, hurting you, but I have to let you go. You need to have all the experiences you need to have in order to learn and I know that you are on the road of enlightenment and you will come out of this wiser. God loves you. His grace is sufficient and he is strongest when we are at our weakest. I admit that I am completely leaning on my Savior to get through. I hope you are too.

I sincerely apologize for hurting you. I had no business commenting about you being abusive because I too have been abusive in my behaviors and you have not been more wrong or bad than I. God loves and forgives us both and I praise him in the highest for that fact.

May God bless you tomorrow and always, please forgive me.

All to him,


"I've been sitting here trying to think of just what to say. I want justice for Roger. You have helped a very destructive and sick woman to destroy our friends life long work and earnings. That's just wrong. "I" (NOT ROGER?) need you to fix the damage you have caused Roger by writing him an apology and a letter to the court saying that Jean is manipulating the courts with half truths turned into lies.
If you can do this I will consider possibly spending some time talking (?) with you.

Enjoy your music,

"You aren't the one on trial in front of a judge in 29 days and having your children and your home at stake now are you? You are good at forgetting your wrong doings and expecting others just to forget too. Don't ignore my request, it's on the table until the end of today, after that you will have to read old email to stay connected to me because I will be done communicating with you in every and any way.
A friendship (?) with you would be so much better than what we now have.


If this is what NH's Judicial branch lets loose out in the streets, just imagine what they actually put behind bars!

FACT 32: When my ex was asked on every interrogatory sent to him, for all and any written correspondence between him and the Co-Respondent, Even his own attorney illegally left that question blank.  One reason, there was no written law he could quote in his clients defense, for refusing to submit this evidence.  He didn't even use the argument that it could be self incriminating!  That's how guilty he himself already knew his client was!  Once again, Attorney Follender and my ex clearly knew Obstruction of Justice is clearly against NH State Laws, but obviously not forbidden by the courts.  This is what "Absolute Immunity" gives all Marital Masters and Judges rights to "HEAR NO EVIL, SEE NO EVIL, AND ABOVE ALL SPEAK NO EVIL!" in a NH courtroom or in their final ruling! 

(7/10/10 UPDATE: In April 2010, it was made public knowledge by Rockingham Christian Church that Laurie Ann Brosor participated in a pastoral care training and certification program called "PALM," "Pastoral Authorized Lay Ministry" at the New England Pastoral Institute in Salem, NH, and has now been announced to the church as a knowledgeable Spiritual and Emotional Guide for those in need, within the church and the community.)

This is the same woman who instructed my ex to come with her to weekly AA and Al-Anon meetings because "she says", (not a medical physician) that their 12 step program counsels people through troubled marriages. Who knew?  He went with her every week!

My ex's attorney, Richard C. Follender, actually used this argument as fact in his clients defense, with no professional medical evidence to support it. He furthermore argues that my witness, the co-worker, was now also going to these meetings not to support her, but now get this, for his addiction to sex that Al-Anon's 12 step program apparently now also counsels and treats, in addition to their marriage counseling! All once again, with no professional medical evidence to support this!  I guess I should give him the benefit of the doubt, he could be speaking from personal experience!  He  truly speaks the legal I.Q. for the majority of NH's Judicial System here!

This is the same woman who sat in a LCC parishioner's (the co-worker's wife's) living room on Christmas Eve 2006, and asked her, "to please give her husband a divorce because her marriage did not glorify God, and that God placed it upon the husband's heart and hers to be together!"

Then this same woman broke off the affair 6 months later with the co-worker in June 2007 because of the affair she was having at the same time with my then husband. She then mailed to the co-worker's wife in September, copies of the negative test results to an HIV test that the co-worker had taken in February, after he was with her for 4 months! She wrote on it, "I have the originals for safe keeping. you know how to reach me." This was done because the co-worker and his wife agreed to testify against her and my ex husband on my behalf!

This is the same woman who placed a picture of herself holding up her second divorce decree on her My Space, with the statement, "LIFE BEGINS AT 39, I'M FREE TO BE ME, ANY TAKERS?" Well, she did find one sucker! There are titles for woman like this, but a "CHRISTIAN WOMAN" is certainly not one of them!  She still preaches what she claims is the word of God to everyone to this day, while living in a marriage only born from sin, breaking one of the ten commandments! 

This is the same woman who's parents opened their home and welcomed BOTH MARRIED MEN, my then husband and his co-worker/friend, to sit down with them, their daughter, and their grandchildren, for Easter Day dinner, of course without their wives, or their own children in 2007.  After she and her family made their decision, my then husband filed for divorce 3 months later, proving Adultery in NH now can be a family affair!  Houston, we have lift off, the family brothel business is no longer just in Texas anymore, and has now moved to NH!  Her parents then came to court to support their daughter and future son-in-law all through his divorce trial. Gee, who would have guessed that Jerry Springer's biggest audience was actually New Hampshire's Judicial Branch.  Seriously, this case was so stupidly clear that even Stephen King couldn't possibly make this stuff up even if he tried, nor would he!

Has that light bulb even turned on yet?



(Just another little coincidence!)

However, her term was not suppose to terminate until 5/21/14!  On May 12, 2012, a NH newspaper, the Union Leader reported, "Love retired on Dec. 31, 2010 as a marital master and returned part time in the same role. She completed her part-time assignment last month. Love collected $71,798 in unused sick, vacation and accumulated termination pay, and $55,151 in regular pay in 2011, but had $430 deducted for furlough time. Along with her $42,753 pension, her total take in 2011: $169,272."  Just a little of what NH taxpayers are paying for aiding and abetting crime these days committed by NH's Judicial System!

Who truly knew NH crimes committed during a marriage and a divorce were simply just a little "Irreconcilable Differences!" It now truly sheds a whole new light on how hard NH Marital Masters, Judges and Prosecutors will work to fight crime. Its now just simply a whole new category when its committed during a marriage and throughout a divorce!

The only major problem with this is, and correct me if I'm wrong, but when an officer of the court actually hears evidence along with confessions to a crime, are they not bound by law to do something about it? Well here's your proof that NH is not tough on crime by any means! MM Alice Love clearly has proven how NH courts enforce "Dirty Divorces" instead of NH state laws. Others who choose to do the same, are NH's SUPERIOR Criminal Court Judge William J. Groff and NH's Attorney Richard C. Follender, with whom this NH Judicial Circus began with!  SUPERIOR Criminal Court Judge William J. Groff now presides over Family Court cases because of his lack of proficiency in Criminal Court cases.

The request for removal of the following 3 NH judicial chairs were originally made to no avail, for actions worse or similar to, Marital Master Alice Love and SUPERIOR Criminal Court Judge William J. Groff.  HA1, requests the removal of Marital Master Micheal Gardner in Laconia, NH, from his said office. HA2, requests the removal of District Court Judge Lucinda Sadler in Derry, NH, from her said office. And finally, HA3, requests the removal of Marital Master Philip Cross in Derry, NH, from his said office.  However, this procedure still does not overturn and change the final rulings on cases made by any NH Marital Master or NH Judge ignoring state laws! 


It took 4 months to schedule my Relief Hearing in November 2007, that I requested in July, from an ongoing divorce. The so called Infamous Honorable SUPERIOR Criminal Court Judge, William J. Groff, was presiding over my proceedings and not a marital master. It also just so happens coincidentally that my ex husband's attorney, Richard C. Follender, is also a criminal defense attorney! Gee, no surprise there once you hear the rest! Beware if your opposing attorney is Richard C. Follender, because committing Perjury, Fraud, and Obstruction of Justice on behalf of a client, is his strongest suit!  Oh, and above all, let's not forget his witnesses who speak hearsay for the dead!

For the record, Attorney Richard C. Follender, along with his office staff, have made it perfectly clear since publication of this blog (Just another little coincidence!), that "they no longer Presently Represent Roger R. Brosor and I should deal directly with Roger myself!"  It truly speaks volumes of NH's original court ruling, when an attorney later bails and jumps ship, no longer being capable of supporting their original argument, on behalf of their client!  Especially when the next step would have been the NH Supreme Court, who I would not trust, given the fact, that they already ruled on an Adultery case based only on a Webster Dictionary instead of NH State Laws!  Gee, so why would Attorney Follender sweat it now?  He already has taken it this far with absolutely no fear of  repercussion!  It's just the NH way!

When our case was the first case called in alphabetical order, Judge Groff suddenly told his court clerk "no" and our file immediately went to the bottom of the pile. It was clear that criminal cases took precedence for this bias judge over domestic. Though when finally our case was his last case called, this bias Judge suddenly then decides to tell us that "HE" does not have the 30 minutes the court scheduled to hear our case. He said, "I can only give you 15 minutes, I'll just cut you off when your time is up, so take it or leave it!!!" When my attorney corrected him and told him that the court documents clearly stated 30 minutes was scheduled to hear our case, Judge Groff responded with, "WELL 'I' DON'T HAVE IT!!!"  Kinda like when Judge Paul Moore in Derry, NH, is confronted in court, and told "BY LAW", he has to state when asked, "what law is he basing his ruling on?"  And he just simply says, "I DON'T HAVE TO TELL YOU!!!" All because there is no law that would support his ruling in the first place!!! This is what "Absolute Immunity" gives you in NH's Courtrooms!

Judge Groff now freely abuses his authority, and refuses to even do his job legally, to even follow what the courts ordered in the first place. Remember, "Absolute Immunity" gives all NH Judges legal rights to "SEE NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL, AND ABOVE ALL SPEAK NO EVIL!"  I was now forced to take my chances out of desperation and above all my needs. Are we even beginning to see a glimmer of the big picture here yet? This is NH's Mafia Judicial System at its finest, performing NH's 21st centuries version of martial law! Shall we continue?

Well for the record, I phoned and spoke with the NH Judiciary Conduct Committee and the NH Bar Association and was pragmatically told by both, "It really sounds like you have no case and are just upset with him!" Well we now know why NH judges and attorneys feel free to NOT FOLLOW THE LAW! I received their message loud and clear. THEY ARE JUST ANOTHER NH USELESS COMMITTEE OF PEOPLE, proving quite "The Complete Little NH Mafia" we now have!

The following shows how Judge William J. Groff and Attorney Richard C. Follender break laws, and practice the art of "Dirty Divorce" instead of following and enforcing NH law! These 2 actually make characters like Judge "Harry T. Stone and Prosecutor Dan Fielding from the television show "Night Court" look like the real thing! Hell, all their missing is a 6' 6" bald bailiff called "BULL!"

As you read the following keep in mind that Judge Groff never once asked Attorney Follender, "What evidence do you have to prove this?" Though when my attorney flat out told Judge Groff the following statements made by Attorney Follender were lies, only then did he ask this question! She informed him that we have a Private Investigators Report. He now suddenly avoids and never wants to see the evidence that he has just requested! Remember, he only has 15 minutes to spare to make a small attempt to properly and legally do his job!

I really couldn't tell which one perjured themselves worse over the other, Laurel (My Ex ) or Hardy (Attorney Follender!). And now we also have Judge Groff performing Charlie Chaplin behind the bench, obviously hating to do any homework before even entering a courtroom to realize "Who's On First!"

NH Judges and Lawyers practice Perjury, Fraud. & Obstruction of Justice in NH Law!

* At this November 29, 2007 Relief Hearing, my ex husband's attorney, Richard C. Follender, told Judge Groff, "MY CLIENT IS AN "HONEST", HARD WORKING, QUIET, MEEK DEMEANOR KIND OF GUY WHO JUST WANTS THIS DIVORCE OVER WITH AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!"

FACT 1: Yet, Attorney Follender found out in October 2007, that my ex husband, his client, admitted to a Nashua police officer, that he lied to his own attorney and I, about already trespassing and constantly coming to the house while I was at work, and taking things without my permission, including evidence I had collected against him.  Having several chances to do so, he still never once packed or took any of his own clothes.  He shopped for a complete whole new wardrobe at several places!  One purchase alone was $500 at MEN'S WAREHOUSE in Manchester, NH!

*It is trespassing when a spouse no longer resides at the marital homestead, enters the property without the other spouse's permission, who is residing in the marital homestead. It is the same as a landlord requiring to inform, request permission, from their tenant, when they will be entering the property on a specific date and time.  Because NH is a 50/50 state, any and all property, personal or otherwise, that is removed from the residence must be agreed upon by both parties!

FACT 2: Yet, my ex husband, his client, also tampered with the evidence that Attorney Follender himself PURPOSELY WITHHELD, Obstructing Justice, until it would be safe to submit, after the infamous Judge Groff's final ruling. On my ex's Bank Statements submitted with his interrogatories, he whitened-out whom checks were written to, that totaled all together over $22,000 in unknown payments, for just a 9 month period alone!

FACT 3: Yet, Attorney Follender had to find out at this Relief Hearing that I hired a private investigator, which my ex husband, his client, found out about, through the Londonderry Police Department in July 2007.

FACT 4: Yet, during Trial in April 2009, my ex husband, his client, confesses to illegally tape recording me FOR MONTHS without my knowledge or permission in a 2 party state, which Attorney Follender had his client plead the fifth amendment to on his interrogatories, but then confess to it in a court of law!

FACT 5: Yet, during trial in April 2009, the courts heard testimony proving my ex husband, his client, committed Contempt of Court, when he chose to come on to the property without my permission first, that he was court ordered off of, by Judge Groff himself. Remember, there was no dispute whatsoever to these facts from either my ex husband or Attorney Follender!

FACT 6: Yet during trial in April 2009, Attorney Follender did not even make it through his second question to his own client, my ex, who was the first witness to take the stand, when Marital Master Love told Attorney Follender, "He's a hostile witness, treat him as such!"

FACT 7:  Yet, his client's strongest witness testimony was someone speaking nothing more than strictly hearsay for the dead, who could not be questioned, about what they told this witness themselves!  How convenient!  Only a NH Criminal Court Attorney in a NH Courtroom could pull this one off!

FACT 8: Yet, his client fraudulently continued to use the marital homestead's address as his own residence while living in another county with his "Sugar Baby." He continued to do this even after the homestead was sold, and even after the divorce was finalized!  He even continued to fraudulently use the homestead's address as his return address on all alimony payments. 

NH Judges and Lawyers practice Perjury, Fraud. & Obstruction of Justice in NH Law!

*Attorney Follender then tells Judge Groff, my ex husband was, "HOMELESS AND MOVING FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE BETWEEN FAMILY AND FRIENDS." at this November 29, 2007 Relief Hearing!...AA AW...IT'S JUST ALL SO SAD!...Could someone please hand me a tissue!

FACT 9: Yet, my ex husband shortly after this hearing, finally submits 3 months late, his interrogatories through Attorney Follender, that he answered under oath. On them, he stated that he moved in with his "Sugar Baby" in "November 2007", which now proves he was already living with his "Sugar Baby" at the time of the Relief Hearing. Thus now proving both he and Attorney Follender perjured themselves under oath before Judge Groff, obviously with his permission of course, in a court of law.

Attorney Follender withheld his clients interrogatories until after the Relief Hearing, making them 3 months overdue, while now purposely placing his own client, not once but twice, in the position of ONCE AGAIN, Contempt of Court, while he himself now performs the deed called Obstruction of Justice! 

You'll really going to get a kick out of this one! Attorney Richard C. Follender had the audacity to threaten me, to postpone the scheduled trial date, just because he sends me a second set of interrogatories too close to trial to answer. I refused to return them back to him in no less time than the thirty days required by law. He actually had to be reminded that I was still waiting for him, for once, to submit his own clients 3rd set within the required 30 days by law instead of 3 months later!

You see, he purposely withheld the first 2 because his clients answers proved everything out of Attorney Follender's mouth at the Relief Hearing, before Judge Groff, was one of the largest piles of B.S. that ever hit the American Judicial Fan, which Judge Groff was ACTUALLY willing to digest in just 7 1/2 minutes!  Clearly he already knew this kind of behavior was safe from any future Judge or Marital Master, hearing about his part in withholding evidence!  Hell, it's just the NH way!

He now places his client in the position of contempt of court twice, WHILE NOW, along with his client, also commits multiple perjury, while both now simultaneously commit Obstruction OF Justice! All graciously permitted by the one and only, infamous SUPERIOR Criminal Court Judge William J. Groff! Now there's NH Justice for you!  Attorney Follender also suffers from amnesia when it comes to NH Rule 8.4.MISCONDUCT, UNDER THE NH RULES OF CONDUCT! But then again, only with the infamous SUPERIOR Criminal Court Judge Groff's assistance of course!

NH Judges and Lawyers practice Perjury, Fraud. & Obstruction of Justice in NH Law!

It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to:
(a) violate or attempt to violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another;
(b) commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects;
(c) engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation;

(ATTORNEY FOLLENDER'S BATTING AVERAGE IS A STRONG 100% IN (B) & (C), WHICH THE NH BAR ASSOCIATION BASICALLY PROUDLY SAYS, IN SO MANY HIDDEN WORDS,...THAT'S OUR BOY!!!)  Seriously, do you really still need to ask why NH State House Representatives had to form a Redress Grievance Committee?

(d) state or imply an ability to influence improperly a government agency or official;
(e) state or imply an ability to achieve results by means that violate the Rules of Professional Conduct or other law.

My God Richard, you really should learn to at least open and look at your clients case file once in a while. THAT IS UNLESS YOU PREFER CONSTANTLY SUFFERING THE OPEN MOUTH INSERT FOOT SYNDROME. God forbid you might choke on it!  Seriously, I was waiting to hear next, "If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!" But then again O.J. Simpson would be free on the streets today had NH's infamous SUPERIOR Criminal Court Judge William J. Groff presided over his last trial! There is even more evidence to prove this, now isn't that right boys!?! Shall we continue? Oh I say let's!

FACT 10: Yet, now during trial in April 2009, my ex husband now testifies, after reading my private investigator's report, to moving in with his "Sugar Baby" in "August 2007", which now proves once again he perjured himself under oath in his interrogatories along with when he and Attorney Follender perjured themselves under oath, at the November Relief Hearing, that once again, was only completely permitted by NH's infamous SUPERIOR Criminal Court Judge William J.Groff! Hopefully you can still follow the sick jokes these people actually played and made out of my life, because I'm beginning to have trouble keeping up with all the illegal acts porformed by Laurel and Hardy, and Charlie Chaplin myself!

NH Judges and Lawyers practice Perjury, Fraud. & Obstruction of Justice in NH Law!

*Attorney Follender then follows it up by telling Judge Groff that his client, "COULD NOT EVEN AFFORD HIS OWN PLACE ALONG WITH THE HOMESTEADS EXPENSES, LET ALONE NOW PAY ALIMONY!  THEREFORE REQUESTS JUDGE GROFF TO (illegitimately of course!) COURT ORDER THE SALE OF THE HOUSE!"...AAA AW...The poor thing...OOOOH...What the hell, just pass me the whole box!

SECTION 1, PARAGRAPH (H): "Ordering the sale of the house of the marital residence provided that both parties have filed a written stipulation with the clerk, explicitly agreeing on the sale of the property prior to the final hearing on merits. (OOPS! Another contradicting back door law!) If the parties have not so stipulated, the sale of the marital residence shall not be ordered prior to the final hearing as long as the court deems the party residing within the marital residence to have sufficient financial resources to pay the debts or obligations generated by the property, including mortgage payments, taxes, insurance, and ordinary maintenance, as those debts and obligations come due." NH now releases a guilty spouse who still owns 50% from any financial responsibility, before the divorce has even gone to trial! Boy, now there's an "EQUITABLE STATE" for you! That's the "Live Free Or Die" way!

FACT 11: Yet, his client, my ex husband's payroll stubs, along with his bank statements submitted through his delinquent interrogatories by Attorney Follender, showed him withdrawing and draining for over the past several years, his 401K Plan, that was acquired only throughout the marriage. 

FACT 12: These same payroll stubs from the same company, also showed year end gross incomes $5,000-$10,000 OVER his present yearly gross income he submitted to the courts. The very same payroll stubs that Judge Groff avoided, ignored, and completely refused to see, because he couldn't Taste, Feel, Sniff or Inject them, in the 7 1/2 minutes he gives himself, to digest your side of the case put before him!  Whoever said illiterates graduating high school could never make something of themselves?  NH's very own SUPERIOR Criminal Court Judge, William J. Groff, clearly proves otherwise!

FACT 13: Yet at trial in April 2009, we submitted his bank account records that I received from Attorney Follender himself, showing balances of 5 digit figures of thousands and thousands of dollars, along with a cash flow for a 9 month period alone, that totaled $7,000, ONCE AGAIN...YUP, YOU GOT IT!..OVER HIS YEARLY GROSS INCOME HE SUBMITTED TO THE COURTS!

NH Judges and Lawyers practice Perjury, Fraud. & Obstruction of Justice in NH Law!

FACT 14: Yet these same bank statements that I received from Attorney Follender, showed his client my ex, paying his co-worker and his "Sugar Baby's" mortgage and utilities along with ours simultaneously.

FACT 15: Yet again, lets not forget these same bank statements I received from Attorney Follender himself, showed that his client clearly tampered with them, whiting-out the descriptions for over $22,000 for unknown payments/purchases in just a 9 month period alone.

FACT 16:  Yet, these same bank statements show the deposit of $23,000 that he testified to withdrawing from his 401K Plan during the divorce.  

FACT 17: Yet these same bank statements that I received from Attorney Follender, showed his client purchased 5 cell phones + a new contract for his and his co-worker's "Sugar Baby" with 4 children, in August 2007. He Rented a cabin on Newfound Lake in September 2007. (He Refused to fix the brakes on my car in October 2007). He paid his "Sugar baby's" children's ski club $600.00 in November 2007, and last but never shall be the least, he purchased a $2,500 engagement ring (right after the Relief Hearing) for his "Sugar Baby" in December 2007, so he says. She was flashing an engagement ring at this November 2007 Relief Hearing held before Judge Groff. And let's not forget those legal fees he was also paying while now doing all of this!

FACT 18: Yet these same bank statements that I received from Attorney Follender, also showed woman's retail stores and catalog orders, restaurants and movie theatres, ski lodge reservations at Loon Mtn, Ragged Mtn, and Sunappee Mtn, along with reservation reward charges of $12.00 per month on his credit card. His Credit card showed for just a 12 month period alone, over $3,000 in car repairs at Ford and Nissan dealerships, for his "Sugar Baby's" Ford Expediton and Nissan Altima. His weekly grocery bill was $200-$300. He also said he was giving $260 per month donations to her church which was unbeknown to me. Sorry sweetheart, but not ALL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN, even if they paid too!

NH Judges and Lawyers practice Perjury, Fraud. & Obstruction of Justice in NH Law! 

NH truly supports and gives a whole new meaning to the professional practice called "SUGAR DADDY" along with the professional practice called "SUGAR BABY!" The only thing left to do is, list it at the UNEMPLOYMENT OFFICE.   You have a huge donation right off for one, and an easy income for the other! 


SECTION 1, PARAGRAPH (G) "Enjoining party from transferring, encumbering, hypothecating, concealing, or in any way disposing of any property, real or personal, except in the usual course of business, or for the necessities of life and if such order is directed against a party, it may require such party to notify the other party of any proposed extraordinary expenditures and to account to the court for all such extraordinary expenditures."

FACT 19: Yet the copies of his credit card records I received from Attorney Follender included photo copies of the payments/checks which showed proof of a bank account he purposely withheld and never listed or admitted to on his bank account information requested in his 1st set of interrogatories!

FACT 20: Yet, my many motions to reconsider were denied by Judge Groff because Attorney Richard C. Follender told the courts we were in discussion to permit me $10,000 from the house proceeds. What Attorney Follender purposely so kindly left out was, that it was only under the stipulation that my ex husband was permitted to have an additional $4,500 for himself! Wow, there goes the cost of a present day NH Sugar Baby again! No wonder NH goes through so many HIV tests.  There's no money left to purchase any condoms!  Remember NH Rule 8.4.(C)MISCONDUCT? Well, Hell would of frozen over before I would let that man steal one more dime!
FACT 21: AND YET, within 6 months after our divorce finalizes, and paying off attorney's fees, and now paying me alimony (only $45,000 divided by 5 yrs), he is now able to afford to marry his, and also his co-worker's shared professional "Sugar Baby" with 4 children by 3 fathers, 24 hours after just being divorced, along with also affording a honeymoon. The icing on this wedding cake was that he also purchase a new home with an acre+ of land and a three car garage, once again, only with Judge Groff's blessings of course! What I want to know is, what the hell kind of Wedding Gift did MM Love, Attorney Follender, and the so-called Honorable Judge Groff, even give to the happy couple?

And did it even remotely come close to matching mine,  illegally stolen and given by NH Courts against my will!!!!


NH Judges and Lawyers practice Perjury, Fraud. & Obstruction of Justice in NH Law!
FACT 22: To think all of this was done on, and I QUOTE ATTORNEY RICHARD C. FOLLENDER'S OWN WORDS TO JUDGE GROFF, "HE ONLY MAKES AN ENGINEERING ASSISTANT'S SALARY, NOT AN ENGINEERS!" Then again, this all began with the one and only (I QUOTE ONCE AGAIN, THE MASTERFUL ATTORNEY FOLLENDER HIMSELF) "HONEST", HARD WORKING, QUIET, MEEK DEMEANOR KIND OF GUY," Roger R Brosor himself, who even went as far as to say in his interrogatories, "SHE TOOK ADVANTAGE OF MY MEEK DEMEANOR!" Where can one attorney produce and store this much manure, to be capable of supporting his family, by shoveling it to the courts as much as this one does? And above that, find a Judge who will actually digest it in only 7 1/2 minutes?


Well, bravo and tootles to Attorney Richard C. Follender! He was actually able to get one out of three right! His client, along with himself I might add, was/is definitely "HARD WORKING," AT BEING BOLDFACE LIARS IN A COURT OF LAW!

BUT, then again we are talking about the same NH Criminal Defense Attorney, Richard C. Follender, who actually once stood in a courtroom and told a NH SUPERIOR Criminal Court Judge in 2007...(BET YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHO?) YUP, YOOOU GOT IT!..the one and only, NH's infamous Dishonorable SUPERIOR Criminal Court Judge William J. Groff, that a 1997 Felony A with 2 years parole could have been expunged a couple of years prior the present date, when in fact, BY LAW, it could not even be expunged for 2 more years! But then again we are only discussing just a couple of co-hort's in crime now aren't we!

This is also the same Criminal Defense Attorney, Richard C. Follender, who committed fraud and forced me to sign the transfer deed to our Timeshare, that only stated I was signing of my own free will, because he said, it would not be acceptable with me crossing that part out and notating that it was, "court ordered" in the divorce decree, such as I did.  If a court order is not even legally acceptable on a transfer deed to a city or town, then what does it say for the court order to begin with? Their committing fraud! He then also charges 'ME' $450.00 to commit this fraud, and resend another transfer deed to be signed as is or, he will charge me with Contempt of Court! Remember NH's Rules 8.4. (A) and (C) Of Misconduct? Business must be slowing down, though gee, I couldn't even begin to tell you why?

NH Judges and Lawyers practice Perjury, Fraud. & Obstruction of Justice in NH Law!






OOPS! ANOTHER ONE RUNS FOR THE HILLS WITH PAY: IN APRIL 2010, 5 MONTHS AFTER THIS BLOG WAS PUBLISHED, (Just another little coincidence!) IT WAS ANNOUNCED BY THE NH BAR ASSOCIATION, THAT NH's SUPERIOR CRIMINAL COURT JUDGE WILLIAM J. GROFF IS NOW RETIRING! But no worries, NH has plenty more judges giving performances of Charlie Chaplin behind NH's courtroom benches just like him, throughout the whole state! At least we're soon to be minus one gumball from NH's Judicial Gumball Machine! Oh well, somebody please don't forget to take the key to the evidence room away from him on his way out! GOOD RIDDENS!

NH Judges and Lawyers practice Perjury, Fraud. & Obstruction of Justice in NH Law!

Now you truly know how NH'S INFAMOUS KANGAROO JUDICIAL SYSTEM 101 WORKS! this is how it causes MANY of the unnecessary expenses to our NH Welfare and Medicaid System, along with increasing the number of homeless families and individuals! So hopefully that bulb is not only turned on by now, but should actually be blinding you, but if not, this only just keeps getting better!

The infamous Charlie Chaplin (Judge Groff) told us in court that, "neither one of them can afford the house!" SERIOUSLY? Based on WHAT EVIDENCE????? What Attorney Follender says?  NH Sugar Babies are a costly financial investment and truly come first!  He had to cut all financial costs of the old life to financially support the new one!  Judge Groff's final ruling was to illegitimately of course, court order the sale of my family home and inheritance based on no material or even circumstantial evidence to support his ruling!

This is also along with last but never shall be the least, Laurel and Hardy's shoveling Global Award and Oscar winning courtroom performance! He denies me temporary alimony and ONLY orders my ex husband off the property unless he received my permission first! All based on the one and only invisible manure served on a silver platter by Attorney Richard C. Follender himself, that he was willing to digest in only 7 1/2 minutes! Judge Harry Stone from the television show "NIGHT COURT" never had an episode as bad as this!!!

NH Judges and Lawyers practice Perjury, Fraud. & Obstruction of Justice in NH Law!

This is my life being decided by a NH Superior Criminal Court Judge who never lived it and only willing to hear 7 1/2 minutes of it, all because he freely gives himself permission to cut the court ordered time, already scheduled to hear our case! He is then only willing to look at evidence that he can sample by sniff, smoke, taste, feel, or by injection, that does not require the use of a calculator, or have to even be read! This is the same NH Superior Criminal Court Judge who has been breaking the same record time ruling on crime everyday for 18 years while now actually committing it himself! So gee NH, now how really safe are we?

Hmm, does our new found Senator, Kelly Ayotte, still want to brag, how tough she was on crime? And lets give credit where credit is due! We can't forget Governor lynch, Senator Shaheen, and the many NH State House Representatives who throughout many years, of hard work in political office, proudly helped support the NH Judicial System, that made NH's highest percent of homeless people, needing Welfare and Medicaid, what it is today!

NH's Reps. Horrigan and Mcguire are among many other NH politicians who should be more concerned with the fact that NH's Law Enforcement and Judicial System do not enforce the state's laws that were already voted on the books, by NH state politicians themselves to begin with!


SECTION 1, PARAGRAPH (F) "Order Temporary allowance to be paid for the support of the other."

SECTION 1, PARAGRAPH (G) "Enjoining party from transferring, encumbering, hypothecating, concealing, or in any way disposing of any property, real or personal, except in the usual course of business, or for the necessities of life and if such order is directed against a party, it may require such party to notify the other party of any proposed extraordinary expenditures and to account to the court for all such extraordinary expenditures."

NH RSA 458:16 TEMPORARY RELIEF AND PERMANENT RESTRAINING ORDER LAW SECTION 1, PARAGRAPH (H): "Ordering the sale of the house of the marital residence provided that both parties have filed a written stipulation with the clerk, explicitly agreeing on the sale of the property prior to the final hearing on merits. (OOPS! Another contradicting back door law!) If the parties have not so stipulated, the sale of the marital residence shall not be ordered prior to the final hearing as long as the court deems the party residing within the marital residence to have sufficient financial resources to pay the debts or obligations generated by the property, including mortgage payments, taxes, insurance, and ordinary maintenance, as those debts and obligations come due." NH now releases a guilty spouse who still owns 50% from any financial responsibility, before the divorce has even gone to trial! Boy, now theres an "EQUITABLE STATE" for you! That's the "Live Free Or Die" way!

I guess we can now just add these laws to the list of ones that, "Are Not Enforced And Can't Really Be Enforced!" The house was put up for sale because I would now be in Contempt of Court based on an ILLEGAL COURT ORDER if I refused on a fault divorce! The house sold in several weeks. The proceeds were then put into trust until the trial, because once again my ex and I would not agree to the others terms. I was now homeless on top of being completely broke from a 20+ year marriage. Thank you so very much to the infamous so-called Honorable Judge William Groff.

NH Judges and Lawyers practice Perjury, Fraud. & Obstruction of Justice in NH Law!

Well folks, this just all is what the good ole STATE OF NH's JUDICIAL SYSTEM, in the grand ole U.S. of A., simply considers as a "NO FAULT DIVORCE", and is just a little "IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES", so let's just call it a day now shall we? This is what happens in a state who takes a bunch of lawyers, who then suddenly throws black robes on them, sits them behind a courtroom bench, and now suddenly calls them Marital Masters! Then these so called Marital Masters write referrals/divorce decrees, child custody rulings and parenting plans, that still have to then be signed off by a 'REAL JUDICIAL JUDGE', who was not even present in the courtroom to begin with! All because of the increasing amount of repetitive Family Court cases alone throughout NH!

There is only one major problem. They apparently skipped over Psychology, Math, Bookkeeping 101, and now above all, NH STATE LAWS, that apparently "ARE NOT ENFORCED AND JUST CAN'T REALLY BE ENFORCED" ANYWAY! This has been clearly proven in many other NH family court cases, not just mine alone! To the point where NH now has a Redress Grievance Committee because NH's Judiciary Conduct Committee, NH's Bar Association Dispute Resolution Committee, and last but never shall be the least, NH's Supreme Court Attorney Discipline Office, refuse to do their jobs and will do nothing but protect there own!

Then Above all this, we also have the Governor and Senators who are forbidden they say, by the constitution, to intervene in civil matters! Yet the Governor has the power to legally intervene, pardon and over turn a wrong conviction and release innocent prisoners from jail! So other than cutting more of what is already poor lousy budgeting, exactly how again are NH Politicians there for the people? Quite the little Hippocratic NH Political Judicial Mafia we now have going on here, wouldn't you say?

It doesn't take Albert Einstein to figure out why these committees refuse to do their jobs and open that can of worms. If one single Judge, Marital Master, or Lawyer for that matter, were to be properly reprimanded or worse, would now open those flood gates to give Just Cause, for their previous cases to all come forward and demand a retrial.  This does not excuse them by any means!  If they truly enforced their positions and actually did their jobs, the state house would not of had to step in, and attempt to clean up the mess they left behind!

Furthermore, NH's Judicial System proceeded to follow and take the same actions as the catholic church. When the heat gets turned up, NH will just transfer Judges and Marital Masters from one court house to another, from one county to another, only to continue fueling a fire that already has harmed and burned many to all in its path! Nothing like sweeping those ashes all under the carpet as they say!

Hamblett & Kerrigan, PA, Attorneys At Law, have a blog on, "How To Prove New Hampshire Adultery." It states, "Many people are under the misconception that in order to prove adultery there must be either photographic or videotape evidence of the sexual intercourse. This is not so. While proving adultery is complex, and there are many elements which must be proven to the court, video or photographic evidence, while helpful, is not required. Instead, circumstantial evidence of both opportunity and inclination is considered sufficient evidence on the issue of adultery.

Inclination is nothing more than establishing that the cheating spouse had the desire to engage in sexual intercourse with another not his or her spouse. This is often time established by evidence of e-mails and text messages between the parties or through cell phone records establishing contact of long duration or during unusual hours. Evidence of inclination can also be established by eye-witness contact, showing inappropriate comments or contact between the individuals...Even if a spouse proves both the existence of an adulterous relationship and that the adulterous relationship is the primary reason for the divorce, the innocent spouse must still prove that the adultery caused either substantial emotional harm to him or her, or resulted in a substantial financial loss to the marital estate. If the court finds adultery after reviewing all the evidence, then the court will forward the divorce decree to the county attorney’s office for potential criminal prosecution."

The human race has proven time and time again that respect for the sanctimony of marriage no longer exists. Statistics show that 61% of the increasing percentage of divorce involves adultery, now proving the need for laws enforcing consequences for committing adultery. Then just maybe, people will have the decency to divorce before adding more fuel to the fire, and costing the taxpayers more in Welfare and Medicaid, instead of the actual guilty responsible party, who should be paying in the first place. "KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!"

Majority have argued that the paramour named in a divorce could of been lied to about the marital status of the accused spouse, therefore would be innocently charged if "Homewrecker statutes" were in place. Then in this case the paramour should have no problems being a supporting witness for the injured spouse, given that they themselves were lied to by the accused spouse. For one example, the Scott Peterson case, otherwise yes, the paramour should be held equally responsible to pay restitution with the guilty spouse. "KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!" Especially when NH Family Courts have been increasing Welfare and Medicaid unnecessarily!

If it were not for the love and support from my wonderful family, I would of ended up living out of my car to my death, before ever being capable to see the light of a divorce trial in a NH courtroom! All thanks to Judge Groff and NH's Judicial System! To think Nashua, NH, was twice voted the best place to live and raise your children! Well think again! NH needs to pay more attention to it's laws. These kind of actions portrayed by NH politicians and its legal system, truly is literally now taking NH's Motto, "LIVE FREE OR DIE," a little to far if you ask me.

But then again we are talking about NH's very own Politicians, Judicial System, and Law Enforcement, who clearly "Can't Really Enforce" it's laws put in place by NH politicians to begin with! It should be, "LIVE FREE AND DIE!" In doing so, you can choose from any number of sexual diseases already being spread from women & men such as these, in the state of New Hampshire!

NH now is known for being the state that supports open marriages and "Dirty Divorces." NH will not define homosexual sex, oral sex, or basically most of 21st century's form of sex with "ANOTHER" other than your spouse as Adultery, even though the law does. Maybe this is what NH means by "Live Free Or Die." Basically NH politicians along with its legal system, promote a state of morals and family values, while saying its legal to illegally don't sweat it, just go for it!

Now doesn't this sound like a marriage made in heaven to you with only just a little Irreconcilable Differences? Well it is in the state of NH! You want to Talk about a state that has gone straight to hell in a hand basket?

New Hampshire is it!!!!!
NH, the leading state practicing 21st century polygamy without a license !!!!!
Who knew?

Please tell me about your divorce experience or of someone you know in NH or elsewhere because this should not be happening , at BADNHDIVORCELAWS@gmail.com!


Anonymous said...

Never in my life have I ever read a divorce case so detailed with the obvious. New Hampshre is ia disgrace to this country along with this Lawyer, Marital Master, and of all things, a SUPERIOR Criminal Court Judge, who cannot find his rear from his elbow to save his own life, let alone others! It is a good thing Whitey Bulger is not going on trial in New Hampshire!

Anonymous said...

I was a stay at home dad on disability. I kept a home, loved and cared for my kids. My wife chose a co-worker she traveled the corporate world with after 27 years of marriage. She drained retirement funds and savings before serving me with divorce papers. I lost my children because I could not support them after being left with nothing on disability. Even if a person could write a blog from the dead about their own murder, NH would still ignore it, because no harm, no foul! Right NH? This man and woman attempt to preach the word of GOD while living in a marriage born from sin approved by the seal of NH Courts! Now how mentally more warped, demented and sick could NH be?

Anonymous said...

A great post!