REMEMBER YOUR NOT ALONE. Please contact your state house representative or THE CENTER FOR REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES in NH. And watch SPEAK UP NH, who shows one NH Family Court case after another like Jamie Doherty's http://youtu.be/CIOXB21sBMY. You too can tell the public your experience with NH's Family Judicial Branch. NH's very own Family Court Records are proving that NH's Judicial Branch fully participates and supports Kidnapping and Domestic Violence; Real Estate Fraud, Mortgage Fraud, and Property Deed Fraud; Perjury, Falsifying Documents and Non Existing Issues, and above all, Obstruction of all Justice. Case file after case file showing all the evidence in multiple Family Court Records, that are filling the NH County Court Clerk Records Offices daily throughout the whole state! People are being visited by the FBI and THREATENED simply over a NH divorce case. You truly know the truth struck a nerve then. So become a part of the solution and bring them your court case file with your evidence of your experience with NH Family Court. Fear and Silence only continues to fuel what is already a corrupted government branch harming all those who pay their salaries. You are not alone. Numbers can truly speak louder than words!

Jul 27, 2018


Many NH Cities and Towns Have Same Drinking Water Toxin (Chromium-6), That Was Known To Be Made Famous Through The 'Erin Brokovich' Ground Water Investigation in Hinkley, California.

 Environmental agencies can't agree on what the safety standards should be regarding the cancer-causing toxin Chromium-6, now found in 2016, in dozens of NH drinking water samples that were done in different locations.

"Furthermore, none of the towns on the list come close to exceeding the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's maximum of 100 parts per billion of total chromium. The highest result in New Hampshire came from two water sources in Portsmouth at .46 parts per billion."

EPA REPORT: Chromium "is an odorless and tasteless metallic element. Chromium is found naturally in rocks, plants, soil and volcanic dust, and animals.  The most common forms of chromium that occur in natural waters in the environment are:
  • Trivalent chromium (chromium-3)
  • Hexavalent chromium (chromium-6)
Chromium-3 is an essential human dietary element. It is found in many vegetables, fruits, meats, grains, and yeast. Chromium-6 occurs naturally in the environment from the erosion of natural chromium deposits. It can also be produced by industrial processes. There are demonstrated instances of chromium being released to the environment by leakage, poor storage, or inadequate industrial waste disposal practices."

According to The Verge Report, at California's recommended level of chromium-6, which is 0.02 Parts Per Trilliont now, "one out of 1 million people is likely to get cancer after drinking that water for 70 years."  Though, officials in California believe that (0.02 PPT) level of the contaminant can be harmful and pose a cancer threat — not just for people who drink the water, but also bathe in it or have any contact whatsoever.

"The Environmental Working Group, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting human health and the environment, analyzed federal data from nationwide drinking water tests showing that the compound contaminates water supplies for more than 200 million Americans in all 50 states.
"Yet federal regulations are stalled by a chemical industry challenge that could mean no national regulation of a chemical state scientists in California and elsewhere say causes cancer when ingested at even extraordinarily low levels," according to the report."


NH WATER            CHROMIUM-6     CHROMIUM-6         CHROMIUM-6          CHROMIUM-6
 SUPPLIER            SAMPLED             FOUND                   RANGED                AVERAGE   AMT.                 
Carroll County    
Lower Bartlett
Water PTC                            6                    6                      0.067 - 0.18 PPT                 0.0  PPT          

Belknap County
Laconia                                 8                    0                          0.0 - 0.0  PPT                  0.0  PPT

Cheshire County
Keene Water Dept               16                  13                       0.0 - 0.23  PPT              0.077  PPT
N. Walpole Village
District/Lower                       2                     2                    0.073 - 0.10  PPT             0.088  PPT

Grafton County
Lebanon Water Dept           8                     6                       0.0 - 0.05   PPT               0.03  PPT
Littleton Water +
Light Department                10                   6                        0.0 - 0.39  PPT               0.15  PPT

Hillsborough County
Hudson Water Dept            8                     8                       0.13 -0.23  PPT              0.17  PPT      
Manchester Water-
Works                                 8                     8                      0.04 - 0.79  PPT              0.06  PPT
Merrimack Village
District                                16                  16                      0.11 - .77  PPT               0.15  PPT
Pennichuck Water-                                                       
works                                 8                     6                         0.0 - 0.1  PPT             0.049  PPT

Merrimack County
Concord water dept           8                    0                          0.0 - 0.0  PPT                0.0  PPT

Rockingham County
Aquarium Water NH          20                 19                      0.0 - 0.26   PPT              0.13  PPT
Derry Water Dept              8                     6                        0.0 - 0.1   PPT              0.45  PPT
Exeter Water Dept            16                   6                     0.0 - 0.046  PPT            0.014  PPT
Portsmouth Water-
Works                               18                  16                     0.0 - 0.46   PPT              0.19  PPT
Salem Water Dept            8                     6                      0.0 - 0.29   PPT              0.10  PPT
Seabrook Water Dept      10                    6                      0.0 - 0.16   PPT            0.064  PPT
Strafford County
Waterworks                     8                      8                 0.036 - 0.07  PPT            0.051  PPT
Dover Water Dept          
Rochester Water Dept     8                     3                       0.0 - 0.1  PPT            0.029  PPT
Water System                 12                    6                    0.0 - 0.19   PPT            0.045  PPT


Jul 23, 2018

News from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services


DATE: June 28, 2018

Addressing the PFAS Threat to Our Drinking Water –
Robert Scott, NHDES Commissioner

"Earlier this week (June 25-26), I attended an important community engagement event sponsored by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to address the challenge of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in our environment. In an effort to promote a greater understanding, it is important to provide clarity on recent information released from the federal government that you may have heard in the news and share an update on our ongoing efforts.

PFAS contamination of our environment, especially our groundwater and drinking water, is an issue of growing national concern. While many other states are just becoming educated on PFAS, New Hampshire has been working with PFAS impacted communities for more than four years.

PFAS are a very large group of man-made chemicals that are prevalent in many commercial products, including stain- and water-repellent or nonstick products that we have all used at one time or another. They are also used in industrial and manufacturing processes, and certain types of fire-fighting foam. These chemicals do not break down in the environment and are persistent in the human body causing significant concerns about potential adverse health effects.

In 2016, my department established an Ambient Groundwater Quality Standard (AGQS) for two PFAS chemicals – Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) – based largely on a new EPA lifetime Health Advisory of 70 parts per trillion (ppt) for each of the chemicals separately or in combination. This is not a drinking water standard but rather an enforceable cleanup standard when contaminants are found. New Hampshire is a national leader, being one of only a few states that currently have an enforceable standard in this area.

Additionally, Governor Sununu is poised to sign legislation that provides my department a toxicologist position and a human health risk assessor position that will allow us to propose state rules establishing drinking water standards (MCLs) for the following PFAS chemicals: PFOA, PFOS, perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA), and perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS) by January 1, 2019. To accomplish this, we will use the most up-to-date, science-based information available, including the new toxicological profiles recently released by the Agency for Toxic Substance for Disease Registry (ATSDR), which identify Minimal Risk Levels (MRLs) for these chemicals. It is important to note, these are not intended to be regulatory standards, but are used as a screening level that is specific to the investigation of Superfund sites to determine the need for further investigation.

A drinking water standard (i.e., MCL), on the other hand, is a specific enforceable regulatory standard for public water systems that is focused on the protection of human health for all life stages and exposure periods associated with the ingestion of contaminants in drinking water, and is developed using assumptions about other sources of exposure to the contaminant. They also take into account practical considerations such as the extent to which the contaminant is found in New Hampshire, the ability to detect and treat the contaminant in public water systems, and the costs and benefits to affected parties that will result from establishing the standard.

In New Hampshire, because of our proactive sampling efforts, we currently have 40 active PFAS drinking water contamination investigations, and are witnessing first-hand the impact that these PFAS contaminants are having on communities and residents in the Granite State. We look forward to working closely with our community leaders, other states and our federal partners to advance this issue in the coming months and to create a clear path toward greater regulatory certainty and public health protection related to PFAS contamination."

You can access our previous webpage for archived information:  https://www.des.nh.gov/organization/commissioner/pfoa.htm .


According to NH Department of Environmental Services, they estimated NH's life cycle and operating costs,  and breakdown of capital improvement expenses that should be per year.


EQUIPMENT                                                           ANNUAL COST             LIFE CYCLE  COST
   Heat Pumps             015 Units                                       -------------                        190,400.00
                                     030 Units                                       -------------                        358,600.00
   Pumps                      Close Loop                                   -------------                          20,000.00
   Piping                       Steel Piping                                  -------------                        340,629.00
   Chiller                       430 Tons                                       -------------                        200,000.00
   Cooling Tower         Electricity                                      ------------                         100,000.00  

EQUIPMENT                                                        ANNUAL COST               LIFE CYCLE COST
   Heat Pumps             015 Units                                      7,076.99                              88,194.90
                                     030 Units                                    18,506.55                              20,632.53
   Pumps                      Closed Loop                                2,274.27                              28,342.49
   Piping                       Steel Piping                                                                           205,035.04
   Chiller                       -------------                                    22,539.85                            280,896.37
   Cooling Tower         Electricity                                    5,907.88                              73,625.19
                                     Water Loss                                     398.40                                4,964.94 
CAPITAL AND OPERATING COSTS TOTALS             56,703.94                         1,911,320.46 

                                                      2018                        34,000,000
                                                      2019                        52,000,000
                                                      2020                      192,000,000
                                                      2021                        50,000,000

New Hampshire Town And City

New Hampshire’s Water Assets Under Pressure: Public Drinking Water Systems

Tim Fortier, a Government Affairs Advocate for the New Hampshire Municipal Association, reported back in October 2011, valuable important point of facts - "In the first of a four-part series focusing on the State's water infrastructure: public drinking water, wastewater, storm water and dams. Each article will spotlight a municipal system; address critical needs of that infrastructure system; and outline funding sources available to municipalities today that may be used to maintain and sustain these critically important infrastructure systems.

We have basic water infrastructure systems that go generally unnoticed by us—the consumers. We pour tap water into our glass and drink reassured that it is safe to drink. We flush our toilets and the waste simply vanishes. When it rains, contaminants are washed off rooftops, parking lots and streets, and this runoff is channeled through a series of catch basins, drains and underground pipes to places unknown. New Hampshire municipalities own nearly 400 dams statewide that provide recreational lakes, fire ponds, flood control and water supply storage. Yet the public pays very little attention to these basic water systems, that is, until a pipe bursts, the toilet clogs, the streets flood or, more tragically, a dam fails.

We hope by highlighting these important water assets, ordinary citizens and policymakers alike will better understand the value these assets provide for the protection of public health and safety and in supporting economic growth and development in all of our 234 communities.

Whatever infrastructure a municipality owns, the challenges are generally the same:
(1) aging infrastructure systems that have not been consistently maintained due to funding shortfalls;
(2) a continually evolving regulatory environment; and
(3) declining state and federal funds that municipalities have historically depended upon to finance these capital improvements. A growing population and increasing demand has also put mounting stress on these water systems.

The first article in our series will focus on public drinking water systems.

Background: Public Drinking Water Resources
New Hampshire lays claim to one of the earliest underground water systems in America. In 1797, a private company called the Portsmouth Aqueduct Company brought water some 2.5 miles within the city compact through a system of wooden pipes. The City of Portsmouth ultimately purchased the system in 1892.

Municipally-delivered drinking water is derived from two primary sources—surface water and ground water. According to the New Hampshire Water Resources Primer, about 39 percent of the State's population is served by community systems using only surface water (lakes and rivers) and 38 percent by systems using only groundwater. Another 23 percent is served by systems using both surface and groundwater sources.

Regardless of the source, municipal drinking water is typically treated, filtered and disinfected, and then pumped or gravity fed through a distribution system to residential and business customers.  It all sounds so simple, but the true cost to deliver this essential service to the public is not cheap, and these true costs are rarely reflected in rates to consumers. In fact, water is priced well below the full cost of providing this critical service, with the statewide average annual cost to a household ($503) less than what is typically spent yearly for cable television.

Local governments invest significantly in projects that build and maintain our water system infrastructure, but not at a rate to ensure system adequacy for the future. In a perfect world, municipalities would be charging the full cost of delivering safe tap water and would have fully-funded asset renewal accounts and very little deferred maintenance.

In the real world, however, there is only one municipal checkbook with many competing needs that have resulted in limited investment in water systems at all levels of government. The water system investments that are occurring are made with annual operating funds raised through low user charges, municipal bond issuance, plus federal and state loan and grant programs such as the State Revolving Funds, which are declining. Few municipalities have the ability to fully fund asset replacement accounts or maintain their systems to industry-specified standards.

In 2011, a Department Environmental Services study concluded that the gap between the capital investment needs and current funding levels for drinking water infrastructure was $1.173 billion over 20 years (the period covering 2010-2030), and this does not take into account other costs driven by population growth, increased demand, emerging technologies or regulatory changes.

This underfunding has resulted in deferred maintenance and underfunded asset renewal accounts, and this is the primary reason why our State's water infrastructure has been in decline.
State legislative and executive branch leaders are aware of the problem with our aging water infrastructure and the significant challenges surrounding it.

Declining State and Federal Funding Support
The ability for municipalities to fund future investments in water systems and comply with new regulations is reliant upon adequate funding. Clearly, municipal funding is limited and competes with many other compelling needs while, at the same time, the federal and state resources available to assist cities and towns in maintaining these water systems are shrinking fast.

Like most other states, New Hampshire's water infrastructure was built over the past century with significant grant and loan funding. With the passage of the SDWA in 1974, significant investments were made by the federal, state and municipal governments in New Hampshire's public water systems. "Most of these past grant programs were designed to be 'one-shot deals' with the concept that the local utility would build asset renewal or replacement costs into their rate structure so the utility could operate sustainably without additional subsidies," said Brown. "Unfortunately, this did not happen in many cases and we now need creative thinking as to how we will accomplish the backlog of infrastructure work."

Another member of the Governor's Commission, Robert Beaurivage, agreed. "One major problem is the lack of adequate financial resources to rehabilitate piping systems, treatment plants and storage reservoirs. The decline in state and federal funding simply aggravates the problem," said Beaurivage. "And the concept of raising water rates is challenging particularly during the current economic downturn."

The EPA provides annual capitalization grants to each state Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) program to promote safe and affordable drinking water as authorized by the SDWA. These grants are available for existing system improvements and, on average, provide New Hampshire's water systems with about $8 million annually.

In 2011, the DWSRF allotment to New Hampshire (referred to as the capitalization grant) was $8,248,520 (including 20 percent state match) for infrastructure projects. In addition, another $7.4 million in repayment funds collected over four years is also available for water infrastructure projects. Many New Hampshire municipalities fund the planning, design and construction of these projects through this fund. The DWSRF has provided public water systems funding for various projects such as the development of new wells, upgrade or installment of treatment facilities, replacement of water mains and the installation of new storage tanks.

Historically, municipal demand for these funds has far outpaced available funding. The current demand for DWSRF funding (based upon 41 new applications) is nearly $58 million, which far exceeds the available loan funds. For municipalities, utilization of state and federal loan and grant programs helps keep the local user fees low. When these funds, grants and loan programs dry up, however, most municipalities will be forced to borrow from other sources with higher borrowing costs to complete these projects with resulting impacts on user rates.

To worsen matters, the recent debt ceiling deal signed into law by President Obama will set into motion years of spending cuts, at least $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction starting in 2013, and will likely impact many federal grants that go out to drinking water programs. Unfortunately, the EPA's Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund, which currently hovers around $800 million a year, is a vulnerable target for Congress. As such, the real implications of future budget cuts are not fully understood at this time, but it certainly does not bode well for future federal investments in our nation's water infrastructure systems.

"The State and local government partnership is unpredictable," said David Bernier, Superintendent of the North Conway Water Precinct and a member of the Governor's Water Commission. "As a public water system, we must first gain public trust and support, second procure affordable funding, and lastly engineer and construct. All this takes years to accomplish, but this relationship is in jeopardy and is now compounded by the State's default on paying their fair share of these projects."

As we move forward, municipalities must assume the leadership role of sheparding these important assets onto a sustainable path forward. This will require, among other things, educating the public about the true cost of water service and involving them in tradeoff decisions concerning level of service and cost of service.

Because of declining state and federal funds, municipalities need to charge customers the true cost of water up to some affordable threshold. Advocating for continued state and federal support is also part of the solution, as is exploring new ways to pay for these water infrastructure improvements. These investments are necessary to address both increasing infrastructure asset renewal demands to comply with new regulations and to accommodate increased growth and demand.

"Failure to reverse the trend of declining infrastructure will have many undesirable consequences and will place an unfair burden on future generations," said Brown. "The only responsible path forward is to reverse this trend and support municipal efforts to restore sustainable stewardship of these assets now."

"By all accounts, the current rate of investment is grossly insufficient to fund the infrastructure that will be required to assure continued safe and reliable water service across New Hampshire. However, some State legislators, municipal leaders and water utility experts are increasingly worried that the traditional funding sources will not be sufficient to address future anticipated costs. Now is the time for State leaders to collaboratively forge a path toward a sustainable water infrastructure for all of New Hampshire."

Tim Fortier is Government Affairs Advocate for the New Hampshire Municipal Association. Contact Tim at 800.852.3358, ext. 384, or by email.

Grant and Loan Sources

Community Development Block Grants (Public Facilities Grants)
NH Community Development Finance Authority
100% grant up to $500,000 for planning and construction; 1-to-1 match

Deadline: January and July for construction grants; April and October for planning grant

Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loans
NH Department of Environmental Services
0.895% to 2.864% interest; 5 to 20 years; capital improvements, design and construction
Deadline: July 1 for pre-applications; August and after for final applications

USDA Rural Development Water & Wastewater Loan/Grant
US Department of Agriculture, Rural Development
Direct and guaranteed loans and grants; 2.5% to 4.25% interest (rates change quarterly); 30 years; grant amounts are a function of program funding and project-specific factors
Deadline: Rolling application

Timothy fortier's Sources and Author Acknowledgements
Special credit and recognition to New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services' (DES) Administrator, Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau, Sarah Pillsbury, and Wright-Pierce's CEO and President, Bill Brown, who spent much time and energy peer reviewing this article and providing their expertise on the subject matter.

Valuable input and contributions also from: North Conway Water Precinct Superintendent David Bernier; Camp, Dresser & McKee consultant Bill Hounsell; City of Manchester Water Works's Bob Beaurivage; and New Hampshire Water Works Association's Steve Del Deo.

This article cites extensively from the 2008 New Hampshire Water Resources Primer (prepared by DES); Drinking Water Infrastructure in New Hampshire: A Capital Investment Needs Analysis (prepared by Wright-Pierce); the 2011 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund: Intended Use Plan (submitted by DES to EPA dated August 2, 2011); and the Town of Conway's Master Plan (adopted May 29, 2003). Additional information for this article also gleaned from DES' website, including fact sheets and other educational materials on the topic."

Reported in September 2016 by Mike Carraggi, Patch National Staff -
"A new report shows many drinking water supplies in New Hampshire have the cancer-causing toxin chromium-6, which became a household name after Julia Roberts' 2000 megahit based on the real-life environmentalist Erin Brockovich's investigation of groundwater in Hinkley, California.

Chromium-6 has been linked to cancer, reproductive problems and liver problems, but the measurements in New Hampshire communities fall well short of the levels in Hinkley — about 1.19 parts per billion, with a peak of 3.09 ppb — according to the report from the Environmental Working Group.

Furthermore, none of the towns on the list come close to exceeding the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's maximum of 100 parts per billion of total chromium. The highest result in New Hampshire came from two water sources in Portsmouth at .46 parts per billion.

The Environmental Working Group identified towns that exceed 0.02 parts per billion in tap water, a level that California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment set as a public health goal in 2011. The goal was set after Brockovich was successful in building a case against the Pacific Gas and Electric Company of California in 1993 that blamed the company for contaminating local water.

Officials in California believe even that level of the contaminant can be harmful and pose a cancer threat — not just for people who drink the water, but also bathe in it or have any contact. 

Before you run out to buy a water filter, it is important to understand the context. At California's recommended level of chromium-6, "one out of 1 million people is likely to get cancer after drinking that water for 70 years," reports The Verge.

The Environmental Working Group, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting human health and the environment, analyzed federal data from nationwide drinking water tests showing that the compound contaminates water supplies for more than 200 million Americans in all 50 states.

"Yet federal regulations are stalled by a chemical industry challenge that could mean no national regulation of a chemical state that scientists in California and elsewhere say causes cancer when ingested at even extraordinarily low levels," according to the report.


    Jul 17, 2018

     Consequences From NH's Bootlegging Revenues is too Costly In More Ways Than One

    "In 2016, the Health People program initiated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services established a nation-wide objective of no more than 2.1 gallons of alcohol per capita.   From 2004 to 2016 average per capita alcohol consumption in the U.S. increased from 2.24 gallons of ethanol per capita to 2.35 gallons." 

    New Hampshire's reckless response was to open a 33,000 square foot liquor store strategically on the southern border of the state.  Now the largest liquor store in the northeast.  Well it's high time for NH to now actually wake up and actually drink that pot of coffee.  The  question now is, is NH's government even actually conscious let alone capable of knowing what their really doing.  The state's gallons per capita is 2 times over the ethanol per capita for the entire country.  Even though the tax free state now attempt's to place the blame on out of state customer's.   Theirs no argument against surmountable evidence against one of many NH government inflicted problems for revenues, that is now causing poor health conditions to continue to grow and exist throughout NH.

    The NH Liquor Commission operates 79 state owned stores and will sell wine and liquor but no beer. Sales had totaled $678 million in 2016. The irony of it all is that only $153 million of that actually went right back into Social Services programs that are now requiring even so much more.  Liquor is to New Hampshire what gambling is to Vegas. 

    "In 2012, a special House committee appointed by then-Speaker Bill O’Brien and chaired by Republican state Rep. Lynne Ober produced a report with assistance from an outside law firm that covered some of the same ground as Andru Volinsky.

    The law firm’s report includes a statement from Peter Engel, the then-recently retired director of liquor store operations, that he “firmly believed that stores were being used for bootlegging and money laundering,” and that in his view, revisions to an internal policy that were ordered by his superiors at the Liquor Commission in 2011 actually invited structured transactions and put employees at risk."

    "Executive Councilor Andru Volinsky wants probe into Liquor Commission's dealing with smugglers, and is calling for an investigation into the New Hampshire Liquor Commission , alleging that the state's liquor stores are engaging in business practices that could “unquestionably facilitate money laundering related to criminal activities.”

    Volinsky Had personally witnessed 2 people arrive in a vehicle with New York plates, who allegedly divided a total of $24,000 of Hennessy products into 3 large cash transactions under $10.000 each at the registers.

    "In reponse to recent inquiries, the SEA (State Employees Association) has sent a letter to NH State Liquor employees regarding the large volume sales controversies and the potential criminal activity surrounding it. The letter directly addresses that the Commission’s large volume cash sales’ policies are not aligned with IRS requirements and jeopardizes employee and citizen safety. The SEA continues to urge the IRS and the NH Attorney General’s office to conduct an independent investigation that results in effective policy change and training methods."

    In 2016, New Hampshire had an average of 87,000 individuals aged 12 or older that had an alcohol use disorder. Lately, people are truly beginning to wonder if the majority of those are only throughout NH's government branches.  It would definitely explain allot of the irresponsible poor decisions coming out of the state house and the judicial family courts the past few decades.

    Does NH really even give a damn?  No.  In Fact the NH Liquor Commission just had to build the largest liquor store in the northeast in 2016, to now increase even more illegal activity and state revenue within and on behalf of the state.

    "The Internal Revenue Service is investigating two customers of the New Hampshire Liquor Commission for potential tax fraud, dropping in on multiple commission locations to collect information, according to an internal email provided to the Monitor.

    "Agents for the federal agency visited “NHLC Outlets and Headquarters” in connection with the investigation, James Richards, administrator of Liquor Commission store operations, said in the email.

    In the email, sent to all store managers and supervisors, Richards said the agency is interested in the activities of two New York customers: Xiaojun Zheng of Bayside, N.Y., and Juncheng Chen of Flushing, N.Y. He asked that managers collect any documents and information relating to the two people – including transactions, voicemails, text messages, notes and emails – from 2014-18.
    Richards asked the stores to collect and prepare the information, calling participation “a priority."

    "A liquor commission spokesman declined to comment on the investigation or the email. But a press release from the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance said that Juncheng Chen was arrested in December for bringing 757 liters of liquor into the state with the apparent intention of selling it. Chen allegedly bought the alcohol at five different New Hampshire liquor outlets, the release said. A representative for the department was not immediately available by press time."

    "A liquor commission spokesman declined to comment on the investigation or the email. But a press release from the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance said that Juncheng Chen was arrested in December for bringing 757 liters of liquor into the state with the apparent intention of selling it. Chen allegedly bought the alcohol at five different New Hampshire liquor outlets, the release said. A representative for the department was not immediately available by press time."

    But what’s clear is this: Other states know New Hampshire is a source of alcohol for bootleggers, and they’re willing to cross state borders to try to stop it. 

    "In fact, in 2012, it was a top GOP lawmaker who called for a special House committee to investigate potential wrongdoing within the Liquor Commission, including how it handles large cash purchases.

    "That committee's final report included two anecdotes of out-of-state residents arrested in Massachusetts with large hauls of New Hampshire-purchased booze. One of those arrests included 1,676 bottles of Hennessy, bought at multiple locations. The driver was charged with possessing untaxed liquor and unlawfully transporting liquor.

    Liquor enforcement officials in Vermont have made two arrests, one involving an estimated $40,000 worth of New Hampshire-purchased liquor in the back of an SUV, the other with an estimated $28,000 worth. Both suspects were charged with crossing state lines in possession of more than 9 liters of alcohol, Vermont's current legal limit."

    "The product that was the most prominent in both of these cases was Hennessy cognac," says Patrick Delaney, Vermont's commissioner of liquor control, who backs increasing the financial penalties for those caught illegally importing large quantities of liquor. He adds that "by using cash, there is obviously no paper trail, if an authority were to investigate it. The activity itself is basically tax evasion."

    “From our perspective, this is organized criminal activity,” says Gary Kessler, deputy commissioner at the Vermont Department of Liquor Control."

    "Along with New York, court records show Kessler’s agency has also sent investigators to stake out New Hampshire liquor store parking lots in recent months, including in Peterborough and Keene. When the customers crossed back into Vermont with trucks full of booze, they were arrested for violating that state’s liquor laws.

    “Clearly, these guys aren’t just randomly deciding that they are going to come up and buy some cases of alcohol,” Kessler says. “They are coming up here with shopping lists, these guys had a notebook, they have the money and the gift cards.”

    "These operations by other states are happening without the assistance or knowledge of New Hampshire officials. The New Hampshire Liquor Commission, which oversees 79 retail stores statewide, says it wasn't notified. Neither was the attorney general’s office or New Hampshire State Police."

    If government is investigating government involved crime issues such as in this case, which is the NH state owned liquor store chain, you most certainly do not go to a possible criminal and foreworn them before all evidence is collected and the investigation is completed.

    NH government is clearly not being conscious of their surroundings or just are irresponsibly looking the other way and all just for revenues.  Which is completely dangerously self serving, recklessly irresponsible, and most importantly, extremely harmful to the state's needs and requirements.   I would truly like to know at what cost becomes finally to high of  a cost for NH government because clearly it isn't even death by the numbers.

    Chris Sununu once said in his February 15, 2018 State Of The State Address:

    "As we look back on this past year and recognize our milestones and achievements, we cannot lose sight of New Hampshire's future."


    Latest statistics are from 2015

    In New Hampshire, about 11,000 adolescents aged 12–17 (11.1% of all adolescents) per year in 2013–2014 reported using illicit drugs within the month prior to being surveyed. The percentage did not change significantly from 2010–2011 to 2013–2014.

    In New Hampshire, about 31,000 individuals aged 12–20 (19.5% of all individuals in this age group) per year in 2013–2014 reported binge alcohol use within the month prior to being surveyed. The percentage did not change significantly from 2010– 2011 to 2013–2014.

    In New Hampshire, about 2 in 3 (66.4%) adolescents aged 12–17 in 2013–2014 perceived no great risk from having five or more drinks once or twice a week—a percentage higher than the national percentage (60.9).  The percentage of adolescents aged 12–17 in New Hampshire who perceived no great risk from having five or more drinks once or twice a week did not change significantly from 2010–2011 to 2013–2014.

    In New Hampshire, an annual average of about 82,000 individuals aged 12 or older (7.2% of all individuals in this age group) in 2014–2015 had an alcohol use disorder in the past year. The annual average percentage in 2014–2015 was not significantly any different from the annual average percentage in 2011–2012.  In 2016, that number increased to 87,000.

    In New Hampshire, an annual average of about 13,000 adolescents aged 12–17 (13.4% of all adolescents) in 2014– 2015 had experienced an MDE - Major Depression Episode in the past year. The annual average percentage in 2014–2015 was higher than the annual average percentage in 2011–2012. 

    In New Hampshire, an annual average of ONLY 5,000 adolescents aged 12–17 with past year MDE (41.2% of all adolescents with past year MDE) from 2011 to 2015 received treatment for their depression in the past year.

    In New Hampshire, an annual average of about 57,000 adults aged 18 or older (5.4% of all adults) in 2014–2015 had SMI - Serious Mental Illness in the past year. The annual average percentage in 2014–2015 was higher than the annual average percentage in 2011–2012.

    In New Hampshire, an annual average of about 105,000 adults aged 18 or older with AMI - Any Mental Illness (Only 49.3% of all adults with AMI) from 2011 to 2015 received mental health services in the past year.

     In 2015, 10,658 children and adolescents (aged 17 or younger) were served in New Hampshire’s public mental health system The annual average percentage of children and adolescents (aged 17 or younger) reporting improved functioning from treatment received in the public mental health system was lower in New Hampshire than in the nation as a whole. The annual average percentage for adults (aged 18 or older) was lower in New Hampshire than in the nation as a whole.

    Among adults served in New Hampshire’s public mental health system in 2015, 45.0% of those aged 18–20, 27.1% of those aged 21–64, and 59.5% of those aged 65 or older were not in the labor force.

    In 2014–2015, New Hampshire’s annual average percentage of adults aged 18 or older with past year serious thoughts of suicide was higher than the corresponding national annual average percentage.

    In New Hampshire, an annual average of about 52,000 adults aged 18 or older (4.9% of all adults) in 2014–2015 had serious thoughts of suicide in the past year. The annual average percentage in 2014–2015 was not significantly any different from the annual average percentage in 2011–2012.
    Source: SAMHSA, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, National Surveys on Drug Alcohol Use and Health, 2010–2012 to 2013–2015.

    "New Hampshire's regional price parity is 105, so locals pay about 5% more for the things they buy. Housing costs in New Hampshire are high, as is the cost of food, utilities, and transportation. An older study also ranked New Hampshire as one of the most expensive places in the country to raise kids thanks to high costs of childcare and educational expenditures.

    Residents may have relatively high median household incomes of $70,303 in New Hampshire, but because things are so much more expensive, this is just about the equivalent of an income of $66,955."

    The liquor Commission is an important source of revenue for NH that accounted for 6 percent of the tax free state's general fund in 2017.  However, just 3 months after the commission opened a massive 33,000 square foot liquor store in Nashua on September 29, 2016, claiming it will bring an additional $21.5 million in revenue to the state, the commission became $3.2 million short from where they had planned to be according to the state's figures.  "the commission declined to comment on the unclear cause of their shortfall in revenue."  So is money laundering the reason why NH remains tax free?  NH just so happens to be the 3rd largest drug using state in the country also.

    Since 1984, the federal government has required states to set the legal drinking age at 21, and not just only in order to receive funding for transportation projects and highway repairs, but because statistics began to report around 1,000 fewer fatal crashes per year.  Yet NH still remains obsessed with having the most lenient of laws when pertaining to alcohol such as their persistence to lower the drinking age, lessening jail time, fines and penalties, only when it pertains to alcohol, but will once in awhile actually show restraint and their on and off sobriety sometimes, apparently when voting at the state house!  When and if the day ever comes, the state's government finally becomes the solution for once instead of just another illegal institutional problem, will become a miracle in itself.


    Signed by Governor

    Lowers the drinking age to twenty years-old. The House amended the bill to instead allow minors to transport alcoholic beverages in a vehicle when accompanied by an expanded list of family members.

    Died in Conference Committee

    Allows minors to transport alcoholic beverages in a vehicle or boat when accompanied by a stepparent, grandparent, domestic partner, or sibling of legal age.

    Signed by Governor

    If a person seeks medical assistance for someone experiencing an alcohol overdose, this bill protects the person from prosecution for any charges related to underage drinking, if the evidence for the charge was obtained as a result of the person seeking medical assistance.

    HB 1321 (2016)

    Killed in the House

    Allows minors to transport alcoholic beverages in a vehicle or boat when accompanied by a legal age family member.

    Killed in the House

    Makes some changes to the laws against underage drinking and states, "It is the intention of the general court that minors between the age of 18 and 20 be permitted to consume only beer or wine while in the presence of responsible adults who are over 21 so that younger people will no longer be initiated to alcohol consumption in the absence of adult supervision."

    Interim Study

    Provides limited immunity for a person who seeks medical assistance for someone who is experiencing a drug or alcohol overdose or for themselves.

    Killed in the House

    Imposes a penalty assessment of $5 or 10%, whichever is greater, on all fines or penalties imposed by a court or the liquor commission for violations to the alcohol beverage laws. (The most common violation is for underage drinking, which carries a minimum fine of $300; the penalty assessment for that would then be $30). The penalty assessments would be divided equally among the Victims’ Assistance Fund, the Special Fund for Domestic Violence Programs, and the Alcohol Abuse Prevention and Treatment Fund.

    Killed in the House

    Decreases the fine for underage drinking from $300 to $100 on first offense and from $600 to $300 on a subsequent offense.

    Tabled in the House

    Exempts certain individuals under age 21 from the law against unlawful possession (not consumption) of alcohol: individuals possessing alcohol for medical or religious reasons, and individuals between 18 and 21 in a place where alcohol is not sold.

    Killed in the House

    Lowers the legal drinking age to 18.