REMEMBER YOUR NOT ALONE. Please contact your state house representative or THE CENTER FOR REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES in NH. And watch SPEAK UP NH, who shows one NH Family Court case after another like Jamie Doherty's http://youtu.be/CIOXB21sBMY. You too can tell the public your experience with NH's Family Judicial Branch. NH's very own Family Court Records are proving that NH's Judicial Branch fully participates and supports Kidnapping and Domestic Violence; Real Estate Fraud, Mortgage Fraud, and Property Deed Fraud; Perjury, Falsifying Documents and Non Existing Issues, and above all, Obstruction of all Justice. Case file after case file showing all the evidence in multiple Family Court Records, that are filling the NH County Court Clerk Records Offices daily throughout the whole state! People are being visited by the FBI and THREATENED simply over a NH divorce case. You truly know the truth struck a nerve then. So become a part of the solution and bring them your court case file with your evidence of your experience with NH Family Court. Fear and Silence only continues to fuel what is already a corrupted government branch harming all those who pay their salaries. You are not alone. Numbers can truly speak louder than words!

Dec 12, 2017

New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Homeless and Housing Services 2017 Point-in-Time Count - January 25, 2017

http://www.dhhs.nh.gov/dcbcs/bhhs  603-271-9196

DHHS in January of 2016, the PIT count reported 1,706 homeless individuals across the State. Of that number, 1,174 were sheltered, 143 were unsheltered, and 389 individuals were doubled up (temporarily residing with family or friends). There were a total of 932 single people and 774 persons belonging to 267 families. Since then, in January 2017, the total PIT Count for Homeless persons for the State of NH is now 1,854.  If 1,854 bodies were to be suddenly found in a single day, all in one state, it would make world news.  So why does it have to go that far for anything to be done for the homeless in the state of NH

San Diego along with other counties in California have been putting most of the blame on the homeless people for spreading the out brake of hepatitis A, that had caused the governor of California to declare a state of emergency.  Will NH ever learn?  Clearly but sadly we already know that answer