REMEMBER YOUR NOT ALONE. Please contact your state house representative or THE CENTER FOR REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES in NH. And watch SPEAK UP NH, who shows one NH Family Court case after another like Jamie Doherty's http://youtu.be/CIOXB21sBMY. You too can tell the public your experience with NH's Family Judicial Branch. NH's very own Family Court Records are proving that NH's Judicial Branch fully participates and supports Kidnapping and Domestic Violence; Real Estate Fraud, Mortgage Fraud, and Property Deed Fraud; Perjury, Falsifying Documents and Non Existing Issues, and above all, Obstruction of all Justice. Case file after case file showing all the evidence in multiple Family Court Records, that are filling the NH County Court Clerk Records Offices daily throughout the whole state! People are being visited by the FBI and THREATENED simply over a NH divorce case. You truly know the truth struck a nerve then. So become a part of the solution and bring them your court case file with your evidence of your experience with NH Family Court. Fear and Silence only continues to fuel what is already a corrupted government branch harming all those who pay their salaries. You are not alone. Numbers can truly speak louder than words!

Oct 22, 2014


Cartoon showing a couple running

A NH businessman going through his own divorce once said, he read that companies and  large corporations should think twice before hiring and giving a security clearance to an employee who committed adultery on their spouse.  Because who's to say they would not cheat in business too!

Definition of Cheating:
"Someone who is in a committed relationship  or marriage and breaks the trust of his or her partner by getting physically or emotionally involved with another person. Common forms of cheating (in a marriage) include kissing, feeling each other up, vaginal, anal, oral sex and any other contact that involves the lips, hands, and genitals. 

Other Forms
: to break a rule or law usually to gain an advantage at something.
: to take something from (someone) by lying or breaking a rule.
: to prevent (someone) from having something that he or she deserves or was expecting to get."

Who gives the NH Judicial Branch the right to rewrite NH Legislative laws that have been voted on multiple times by hundreds of legislators to keep for over the past 200 years?

As of January 1, 2015, NH legislators voted to legalize adultery after over 200 years of fighting for NH family values.  It was said that, "In New Hampshire, adultery is limited to circumstances where the spouse has sexual intercourse with a person of the opposite gender. The New Hampshire Supreme Court has ruled that sexual intercourse does not include all types of sexual contact.  The Court states that sexual intercourse is limited to sexual acts that could lead to the conception of a baby.  Accordingly, a homosexual affair does not rise to the level of adultery under New Hampshire law.  Equally, an emotional affair does not constitute adultery for purposes of obtaining a divorce.  However, an emotional affair which causes significant emotional distress to the innocent spouse may result in a separate fault ground known as “conduct to injure health and reason."  However the actual law never stated any of this! 

Definition of Adultery:


noun: adultery; plural noun: adulteries
  1. 1.
    voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse. Extramarital sex that willfully and maliciously interferes with marriage relations; "adultery is often cited as grounds for divorce."
    "she was committing adultery with a much younger man"
    synonyms:infidelity, unfaithfulness, falseness, disloyalty, cuckoldry, extramarital sex; More
    informalcarrying-on, hanky-panky, two-timing, a bit on the side, fooling around, playing around, dirty weekend
    "his adultery finally caught up with him"
 NH Adultery Law:

TITLE LXII, CRIMINAL CODE, CHAPTER 645, NH RSA 645:3 Adultery - A person is guilty of a class B misdemeanor if, being a married person, engages in sexual intercourse with another not his/her spouse or, being unmarried, engages in sexual intercourse with another known by him/her to be married.  Source. 1971, 518:1, 1971, 269:19, eff. July 1, 1992. 

The important fact to this law for over 200 years, was two very important words.  As you can very clearly see, the NH adultery law had stated and defined the act of sexual intercourse as, "with another."  It very clearly did NOT state that "adultery is limited to circumstances where the spouse has sexual intercourse with a person of the opposite gender...that sexual intercourse does not include all types of sexual contact...that sexual intercourse is limited to sexual acts that could lead to the conception of a baby...and it most certainly did not state that, "a homosexual affair does not rise to the level of adultery under New Hampshire law." 

"Another" is simply defined as, "One that is different and/or in addition to!"  Therefore the NH adultery law did already at one time, very clearly defined and covered all different forms of sexual contact, such as emotionally, physically, and yes, therefore it even covered electronically as well.  These are all different but in addition to sexual intercourse, which is what the law use to clearly pertain to. 

The NH adultery law that once was, use to very clearly define and clarify the fact that even a homosexual affair use to
"rise to the level of adultery under NH law", and was the first and only state to do so for over 200 years!  That is until NH now went backwards in time to having a hypocritical I.Q. of a Neanderthal and changed all their views.  This is what happens when the state's judicial government is given free immunity from having to follow any laws with absolutely no accountability for their illegal actions.

The NH legislators gave up their fight for family values because clearly the NH Judicial Branch never had them to begin with.  The one and only case close to being an adultery case on NH records, is when the NH judicial branch needed a stronger motive for murder in the NH Pamela Smart case.  So clearly adultery in NH family courts will never be made an issue unless you have also committed a murder with it! 

So therefore, as of January 1, 2015, the legislators voted to remove the adultery law that stated it was a misdemeanor with a $1,200 fine.  Thus, clearly explaining what the NH Supreme Court should of done with their made up also imaginative false need for "Conduct to injure health and reason." 

The NH Supreme Court is illegally taking it upon themselves to invent and rewrite all new rules while clearly illegally redefining NH legislative family laws, and has been doing so for the past 68 to 100 years. 

Their court records are proving daily through every child custody and divorce decree that their personal hypocritical views and made up contradicting rules are inflicting serious but only harmful consequences on the people of NH, all because they have been given complete immunity from the laws to do so. 

As of January 1, 2015, NH legislators decided to give up their fight and voted that adultery was to no longer be considered a crime in a Criminal Court or a Family Court to a NH marriage.  That is until the courts hypocritically need a stronger motive for murder.  So whether it was gay or not gay makes no difference now, but will clearly become to late and only end up as an unfortunate demise for one of you.  Hitler with American history, along with the NH Judicial Family Branch, has already proven why all government branches should not be free from consequences when they are  simply refusing to follow the law.

“Today, the Supreme Court has affirmed the founding principle of the United States of America that all are created equal,” Gov. Maggie Hassan said in a statement. “All married couples, no matter their gender, will receive the fair and equal treatment under the law that they so rightly deserve.”  Well, it only took the NH Supreme Court a little over 200 years to even partially catch up with the program and one 200 year old law already in place by legislators, just in time before the NH legislators removed it.  This reality was all due to the entire NH judicial branch of government refusing to follow and obey legislative laws.   NH legislators could part the red sea for the people of NH, but apparently the NH Judicial Branch will always illegally choose another path for them to follow just because they can just freely do so.  This is why the NH Judicial Branch of government needs a strong oversight and a required strong accountability for their actions.

In 2003, the NH Supreme Court desperately but proudly even went as far as to seek and dust off a 1961 edition of Webster's Third New International Dictionary (Not the NH adultery law), to research, define, and quote the actual definition (again not the law) for sexual intercourse, now in the 21st century.  Only to avoid any attempts of having to actually enforce NH's real definition of NH's 200 year old adultery law, that was in place at the time to write the final divorce decree.  Again, no penalties and no adultery law was charged.

This monumental light bulb moment in the NH Supreme Courts history is proudly written and documented on record like thousands of others, and even took one entire page of the final divorce decree in the case of Blanchflower v Blanchflower to do so.  The wife openly admitted to simply having an affair with a woman while wrongly stating she broke no laws during that period of time.  Well it clearly doesn't take a whole lot of imagination to know what the NH courts do if a more complex case is ever put before them, let alone a more complex law in the state of NH or this country. 

However, even after the NH Supreme Court chose to open a dictionary (instead of legislative laws written), the NH Supreme Court still to this day has simply failed to find the A's for Another, the F's for Fault Divorce, the L's for Legislators and Laws, but were only very capable of at least proudly documenting themselves on finding the S's for Sexual Intercourse.  However, according to the case of Blanchflower v Blanchflower, and the actual NH adultery law in place at the time, sexual intercourse was clearly never in question to begin with.  Well apparently small minds will always equally think allot alike the same as great ones do.  Just keep on keeping it simple stupid is the NH court's way of doing things!

According to records, the NH Supreme Court also stated that adultery pertains to sexual intercourse that is limited to sexual acts that could lead to the conception of a baby.  Well however, the entire NH judicial Branch has yet to even follow that little particular made up rule of theirs either.  Adultery use to be a misdemeanor with a $1,200 fine in NH, but in the end has never once been enforced or charged  by the courts for well over 6 1/2 decades and still counting.  We gave up looking after that.  Adultery has clearly been made acceptable throughout all of NH government branches now.

So for well over the past 68 years of NH Family Court records, there is not one single person throughout the entire state of NH, who committed a sexual act with someone other than their spouse, that could lead to the conception of a baby.  This truly is one for the world book of records. 
We can only hope and pray that they will one day soon finally learn that babies are not animatedly conceived and delivered to your front doorstep by a stork like a jar of classic pickles.  Well needless to say, this fleeting light bulb moment apparently turned off as quickly as it once turned on by even opening a 42 year old dictionary at the time (again, not the NH laws in it's entirety) in the first place.

NH's daft Judicial Branch along with some of NH's daft politicians are still insisting to this day, on telling the public that some people were simply confused with the NH Adultery law, that was in place for over 200 years.  Exactly what was there to confuse?  That the dictionary actually covers from A to Z?  The fact that different forms of sex were clearly acknowledged even 200 years ago as adultery?

After over 200 years of establishing strong family values, NH Legislators chose to take the easy way out by simply not writing and voting any laws that will define why adultery is a fault divorce, or what specific penalties can and will be enforced when adultery is proven to be committed.  History has already proven the facts as to why this decision is wrong on so many levels. 

Whether adultery is morally right or wrong, is no longer now of any concern in the state of NH.  That is until the courts are hypocritically desperate for a stronger motive for murder.  But as the saying still goes, "once a cheater always a cheater."  The NH Family Courts are also enforcing another miner little detail (again that is also not legislative law) needed along with the proven adultery evidence that already proves a spouse's guilt of committing adultery.

The proven guilt of committing adultery has to also prove it is the "main cause" to even divorce your spouse in the first place before adultery can even be charged.  OOOOH I kid you not America!  

The NH Family Courts very seriously make up excuses to condone multiple reasons for committing adultery and has done so on record for over the past 68 years.  They actually question what level of harm, if any at all, that adultery would really even cause and inflict to a marriage to begin with. 

NH's Judicial Branch's final conclusion is to prejudicially turn the other cheek.  They illogically question and reason what could the other spouse have done to cause the accused spouse to seek equality.  Just commit adultery instead of just logically terminating the marriage based on what the other spouse is already guilty of, now finally concluding why adultery is only an equal playing field and just a little "Irreconcilable Differences."  Unfortunately in the end, who will always have the final say in a divorce non other than the NH Family Judicial branch and clearly not the laws of NH.  Thus, now enforcing their false reality that two wrongs will always equally equal a right.  Welcome to NH's very own twilight zone.

That is now, only other than those who are like Hilary Clinton, who will choose to remain in their marriage after the adultery and/or cheating occurred.  And if so, why is NH punishing those who still ended up divorcing later from it.  This is why adultery has been a number 1 acceptable practice in NH for over the past 68 years.   Clearly In the state of NH, you apparently are allowed to have your cake and eat it too, to now equal two wrongs as a right.  Just keep it simple stupid is always their motto to rule by.

An innocent spouse in a NH divorce is now only the STEPFORD spouses of NH that are perfectly absolved from any wrongful acts according to the NH Judicial Branch.  Then in this case why are the poles showing the majority of people still committing adultery and still divorcing from it in NH?  Well clearly, as always in the state of NH, their logic simply does not compute.

Apparently, NH Judicial court's views are far from enforcing the facts from fiction, that a spouse should just logically dissolve the marriage before ending up in a divorce court by committing the final act of adultery.  Especially if the final wrong is to illogically now commit adultery for their final form of equality in a NH marriage.  Welcome to NH's very own version of the twilight zone in the 21st century.  Presented to you only by the one and only NH Supreme Court and the entire NH Judicial Branch.

So for well over the past 6 decades, just having sexual intercourse with others other than your spouse, never was any real cause to divorce your spouse here in NH.  Thus, that is until the so-called now impeccable proof of the adultery committed also now has impeccable proof that it is now the unquestionable "main cause", that supports it is now beyond the impeccable proof of any reasonable doubt, that now supports as evidence above the impeccable proof of the actual adultery committed. Just try and say that 3 times fast.  Remember, we are discussing the entire NH judicial branch led by the NH Supreme Court, who apparently has not yet completed sex education still to this day, or biology and the conception of a baby for the human species.

Many people have been asking if this is just a sick joke? And very clearly now, the answer to that question is simply no, this is very real!  Their just very simply keeping it simple stupid for themselves and above all, an impossible reality for you to now have to suffer through, or possibly worse, by ending up dead like Pamela Smart's husband Greg, all unnecessarily. 

To all NH spouses, both Roger and Laurie Brosor along with the NH Supreme Court are strong examples on record, that explains and teaches a strong lesson that is only NH's reality.  They strongly support the cause that forces the need to use protection within your own marriages, and to be tested for sexual diseases before and after attempting conception of a baby, now in the 21st century.  For the state of NH has clearly been supporting the practice of polygamy without a license on record for well over the past 68 years.

The shared Welfare Fraud committing prostitute of a mistress, with 4 children by 3 separate fathers, who was the Co-Respondent in Brosor v Brosor, had one of the husbands HIV tested after they already had sex with her.  She then sent the results to the wife with a note saying, "I have the originals for safe keeping you know how to reach me."  She then sent a second wife a CD that she recorded and made together with that wife's husband, of 3 church masses labeling it "Wife Swap"  in giant letters.  Gee how thoughtful of her, and yes, there are records on all of this.  Do you still really need to ask why NH's children are second place now in the nation needing AA and Drug Counseling?  

Blanchflower v Blanchflower and Brosor v Brosor are 2 NH adultery cases clearly with solid evidence proving how far before a murder is caused, that the NH Family Branch is willing to go until, even if death occurs first, to just keep it simple stupid still to this day.

The NH adultery law written over 200 years ago, was to purposely clearly impress not only a religious belief but simply a moral one upon the people.  Clearly they use to have and to hold the highest respect for the true art of commitment between a family and a marital union.  Your gender differences, mechanical or electronical uses, did not even matter how you chose to commit adultery. 

Their views on marriage back then were clear and were held in the utmost highest order by all walks of life.  From Poor peasants to people of wealth, and even to  people of government and of royal titles.  No one was immune from some form of punishment if they committed adultery.  Now for the past 68 to 100 years it has simply been just a little "Irreconcilable Differences" in the state of NH.  They are basically saying to just move on and get over it like Hilary Clinton chose to.  Clearly this is not the opinion or choice for the state of NH and is clearly her private opinion alone, whatever that may be.

Today the president of the United States can be a cheater and/or be cheated on by their spouse without any concern or honorable leadership and beliefs.  Marriage once was considered a life-time commitment in America and also here in the state of NH.  When and where does the line even become crossed between right and wrong for personal and government requirements?  It is a clear fact that trust and honesty will certainly not be one of them.

Their actions have consequences that have continued to hurt both children and adults throughout the entire state of NH.  The NH Family Branch is also now accepting the argument that adulterers are sex addicts who can choose to seek treatment by going to AA meetings for sex addiction for those who are committing adultery.  This was clarified based on part of the husbands defense in the divorce case for Brosor v Brosor.  The wife filed for divorce based on fault grounds of adultery.

You don't have to look very far to see the final damage the entire NH Family Judicial Branch caused and inflicted for well over the past 68 years to the people of NH.  In the year 2010, NH statistics broke all records showing that 58% of homeless people were now entire families and not just individuals alone.  Over half the number of NH homeless people throughout the entire state are now individual groups of entire families. 

In 2011-2013, the CDC DATA showed that the number of deaths by suicide in NH had reached 15.4% alone.  It was only 12.7% throughout the entire country in 2011-2013.  From 2012 to 2015 the state of NH now ranks No. 21 in the United States for the number of suicides.  The entire NH Judicial branch has records upon records throughout the state that consistently proves their ignoring and refusing to listen to or read all evidence and follow all laws that is put before them.  Transcripts of evidence and laws presented that are never once mentioned in the judges final decrees.

On August 20, 2013, NH's WMUR News 9 reported that the state of New Hampshire now has ranked No. 16 in the U.S. with a 12.2% of NH people now being divorced while the number of marriages were actually decreasing.  NH Divorce numbers have still continued to climb since then, while the number of marriages are actually still continuing to decrease.  

The state that ranked No. 1 in the U.S. for the highest number of divorces was non other than NH's next door neighbor Maine, with a 13.8% of people now being divorced, and who's numbers are still increasing, while their number of marriages continued to decrease. 

In 2015, NH statistics show that this state's judicial family branch is so ridiculously out of control, that NH is No. 2 throughout the entire nation for NH's youth, now between the ages of 12 to 20 who are now binge drinking and/or doing drugs, who are now needing Alcoholics Anonymous and/or drug counseling.  the entire NH Family Judicial Branch has clearly needed babysitting for quite some time now.  Who will hold them accountable for their illegal actions and stop the madness they are inflicting on thousands of families, caused by only one entire single government branch?

Also in 2015, NH's law enforcement is now forced to increase their actions against the NH's out of control number of deaths by the use of heroin and/or prescription drugs.  Both doctors with patients who are prescribed opioids/narcotics, will both be held responsible for the dispensing and the use of these drugs.  By possibly now requesting unscheduled urine samples with the pill bottle for pill counts, or unexpected requests for follow-up exams, or all of the above, etc.  NH law enforcement will not arrest people in the company of, who are attempting to only help stop those who are illegally in possession and/or illegally using these drugs. 

Each and every single one of these problems growing throughout NH have one common denominator.  They have been affected by a NH divorce or child custody case.

Who knew one small New England granite state's Family Judicial Branch would be directing and spawning for the past 68 years, a new breed of people that clearly not only have prejudicial atheist beliefs, but have absolutely no respect for the art of commitment within a marital union or a family anywhere.  

What other prejudice coalition groups is the NH Family Judicial Branch of  government now breeding and enforcing these days throughout the entire state?  This is what the NH governments have carved in stone and have taught our children for almost a century now.

For over the past 68 years, the majority of NH's children have not only been born and raised to only marry and share multiple partners in life, but to simply have multiple children by multiple partners in life, and divorce multiple times.  All even before their own parents or even great grandparents ever did. 

NH statistics show for well over the past 68 years, more and more NH children lack the capability to grow up in a family with just a biological father, mother, and siblings or family members.  A number of NH children from infants to the age of 20, are even now dying before their own grandparents and even great grandparents do.  

The majority of NH's youth are raised with constant outside multiple conflicting parental influences interfering with their lives, who only participated in one form or another as part of the problem instead of being part of the solution.  Such as simultaneously being recklessly raised under the direction by the NH Family Judicial Branch, by adulterers, by multiple step parents, by more than one court approved Guardian Ad Litem, by multiple NH foster care programs, and/or even NH adoption programs all instead of a blood relative, all throughout the entire state of NH. 

They all have taken and turned what should be a structured safety net against a problem into a financial business product, that's been re-sold by multiple corporations at the same time.  Now only to make more jobs and money off of them.  Unfortunately NH has perfected far from a wonderful example of taste in life in the end by enforcing these methods.

NH court records very clearly support and show the NH court's affect on families daily, adults and children alike, by defining that adultery and other issues are falsely non existing here in NH to all families and children everywhere.   

Their records show that they have been also recklessly supporting prostitution, perjury, real estate fraud, grand theft, Welfare Fraud, all by allowing adultery to be committed, in the form of polygamy without a license for well over the past 6 decades.  NH's judicial structure only continues to design the domino affect. 

This is the excused see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil rule that's been in practice by NH's very own Superior Criminal Court Judge William J. Groff for well over the past 18 years, along now with NH's very own Supreme Court for the past 68 years.  Dominos will always continue to be the NH Family Judicial Branch's favorite game.  

They will still continuously increase their numbers daily of more and more NH families, to see how fast, how far, and how many will continue to fall like dominos, even to their graves, like a 9-year-old boy, Joshua Savyon. 

While under court orders, the boy was forced to visit with his father who threatened previously a year before to kill himself and both the mother and the boy.  The mother's fears were ignored by the courts.  The father simply pulled a gun out and shot his son before shooting himself killing both, while the Guardian At Litem was now a witness to all of it. 

The facility where the visits were held at, was equipped then (don't know if they still are) with metal detectors but did not always bother to have constant supervision to put them to use.  NH's half ass form of doing things needlessly cost an innocent boy his life, that was ordered by the courts hand, and was not the first time to do so.  No one from the NH Family Judicial Branch has had to answer for their negligent part in aiding and abidding these senseless murders. 

On January 1, 2015, NH also passed Joshua's law now in hopes to prevent more of the same incidences.  However there still remains one major problem.  The one and only very important fact.  NH's entire Judicial Branch clearly still needs an education first on how not to illegally redefine NH laws, but to simply follow NH laws, before they will even legally enforce a NH law.  That is clearly with the necessary education first on the use and aid of a dictionary, for them to now clearly understand the entire set of NH Law Encyclopedias in the 21st century.  

Joshua along with others could very well still be alive today had the NH Family Judicial Branch just simply followed the laws.  Just adding another law for them to ignore and falsely illegally redefine the meaning of, even with the aid of a dictionary and encyclopedia, would not solve all of their problems that they've caused, but it is very clear the NH Judicial Branch needs a strong education on the laws of this country and state.

The photograph's below are of the United States Supreme Court marked off with Crime Scene Tape, 150 foot long X 4 ft. wide, by the people, and for the people of the United States Of America.  They too were victims fighting the corrupted Court System we have in this country today! This should be done to every courthouse throughout the state of  NH!


NH's dominos is still to this day keeping NH's Armageddon in full swing that began over 68 years ago.  The NH Rogue Family Judicial Branch's driving force is also still right at the helm.  Clearly there is no light at the end of NH's Rogue Criminal and Family court tunnels if NH's Rogue Criminal and Family Court continues to deny the laws that they are not suppose to ignore or change, but just only simply rule by. 

The NH Rogue Judicial Branch's see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil  continuous form of  laws and rules, apparently also permits the NH Rogue Family Judicial Branch to even ignore all evidence that clearly requires any education to be read or calculated.  That is unless NH Rogue Judges can actually now smoke it, taste it, feel it, or inject, sniff or snort it, in only the 7 1/2 minutes that they will permit you to present your side of the case. 

NH's Rogue Superior Criminal Court Judge William J. Groff's exact words are, "I can only give you 15 minutes, I'll just cut you off when your time is up, so take it or leave it!"   When in fact court documents ordered 30 minutes for this hearing!  When the wife's attorney reminded him of this fact, his response simply was, "Well 'I' Don't have It!!!"  Well, fortunately NH,  NH's licensed medical doctors and surgeons cannot illegally do this when your life is already in the E.R. bleeding out and then just placed on the operating table.

NH's Rogue Superior Criminal Court Judge William J. Groff was the presiding judge over a divorcing couple's relief hearing in Nashua, NH, that was originally requested by a wife seeking temporary alimony.  When the wife's attorney told Judge Groff that the husband and his attorney were lying, only then did he ask, "Do you have proof?" The wife's attorney said, "yes!  A private investigators report."

 NH RSA 458:16 TEMPORARY RELIEF AND PERMANENT RESTRAINING ORDER SECTION 1, PARAGRAPH (F) "Order Temporary allowance to be paid for the support of the other."   NH is known and labeled as a non alimony state throughout the entire country for a reason.  Statistics st
ate NH's Judicial Branch records show 97% of their court orders denying 97% of  requests for both temporary or permanent  alimony.  Also NH's Judicial Branch records show courts ruling that alimony isn't exceeding more than a maximum of 5 years.  Not your legislators or the laws they wrote state this.

NH RSA 458:16 TEMPORARY RELIEF AND PERMANENT RESTRIANING ORDER SECTION 1, PARAGRAPH (G) "Enjoining party from transferring, encumbering, hypothecating, concealing, or in any way disposing of any property, real or personal, except in the usual course of business, or for the necessities of life and if such order is directed against a party, it may require such party to notify the other party of any proposed extraordinary expenditures and to account to the court for all such extraordinary expenditures."  IF SUCH ORDER IS DIRECTED????  This order should not have to wait to go before the courts to maybe be directed!  It should automatically be the law to follow and what penalties will there be if it isn't!  Brosor v Brosor shows the evidence supporting this fact.  The courts completely ignore this one.

NH RSA 458:16 TEMPORARY RELIEF AND PERMANENT RESTRIANING ORDER SECTION 1, PARAGRAPH (H): "Ordering the sale of the house of the marital residence provided that both parties have filed a written stipulation with the clerk, explicitly agreeing on the sale of the property prior to the final hearing on merits. (OOPS! Another NH hypocritical back door law!) If the parties have not so stipulated, the sale of the marital residence shall not be ordered prior to the final hearing as long as the court deems the party residing within the marital residence to have sufficient financial resources to pay the debts or obligations generated by the property, including mortgage payments, taxes, insurance, and ordinary maintenance, as those debts and obligations come due."  The second half of this law now completely deletes the first half which rightfully follows freedom of choice.  While the second half pulls the rug out from under you by immediately now stripping you of any freedom of choice in accordance to the constitution of the United States of America.  Even your lien holder does not even have the legal right to enforce the action stated in the second half of this law unless it was agreed upon in your contract.

Without so much as even looking at one piece of evidence, the P.I. reports, a bank account statement or payroll stub, Judge Groff then says, "Well, neither one of them can afford the house!"  Apparently the sand in his hour glass was reaching the end, while his clock was still ticking, and his mirror, mirror on the wall, who keeps falsely telling him he was the fairest one of all, was still not receiving any internet or Wi-Fi that day.  Probably even forgot to pay his mirror's bill again!  Clearly in Superior Criminal Court Judge Groff's courtroom, criminals do not pass go, do not collect $200, and above all, do not ever go directly to jail.  That's allot of crime walking free in over 18 years of service, grossing over $100,000+ per year with a pension to boot off your tax dollars!

His final ruling was to simply not only deny the wife alimony, but to now grant the husband's request to sell the house which was the wife's inheritance and only roof over her head.  The mortgage was the husband's half purchased from his sister-in-law.  This is NH's 50/50 math skills showing how to just keep on keeping it simple stupid. 

The proceeds from the sale of the house went into an escrow account until the divorce finalized. The husband still received 50% of the escrow in the final divorce decree.  Apparently the husband required at that time, all the means possible to support a roof and food for his married co-worker's shared unemployed Welfare Fraud committing prostitute of a mistress with 4 children by 3 separate fathers that he was engaged to and residing with, who's costly fees before the divorce continued during and even after the divorce.  He also needed the means to pay back the Welfare Fraud she committed while he resided under her roof like others in the past did.  The NH courts evidently have clearly made allowances for that which is now clearly recorded on file.   

In just a record breaking time of 15 minutes, Judge Groff now not only left a wife broke from a 21 year marriage, but homeless now too, to now live out of her car for the 2 years that it took NH to finalize the divorce, unless her family now rescued her.  While now clearing all obstacles to make it financially possible for the husband to continue to reside with, support and pay for, his shared unemployed Welfare Fraud committing prostitute of a mistress, with 4 children by 3 separate fathers, that he was residing with, who was not only introduced to by his co-worker, but was sharing with his married co-worker.  Thus, now supporting NH's form of polygamy without a license.

Seriously, the only thing missing that day in court from a Rogue NH Superior Criminal Court Judge Groff's performance, was a white painted face with a red rubber nose and big red hair, with a name plate of Hon. Bozo The Clown who proudly presents the Ringling New Hampshire Judicial Judges Circus.  He now even has a 6' 6" tall bald bailiff called "Bull" standing right by his side, that is not alone passing out hot air balloon rides throughout the entire courthouse.  Even Alice in wonderland would never be able to keep up with this NH big top.  This is what NH films and records daily throughout all NH courtrooms throughout the entire state!

Also in Brosor v Brosor, records show us that Mr. Brosor's lawyer, Criminal Defense Attorney, Richard C. Follender, also follows the criminal courts lead and commits fraud in his practice by forcing and blackmailing the wife to sign the transfer deed to their Timeshare, with it only stating, that she was "signing of her own free will" without her 50% investment paid to her.  Because attorney Follender clearly clarified, "it would not be legally acceptable with her crossing that part out and notating that it was, "court ordered" in the divorce decree, such as she did. 

If a court order is not even legally acceptable on a transfer deed to a city or town, then what does it say for the court order to begin with? Their committing fraud! He then blackmailed her, charging her $450.00 to commit this fraud, and resend another transfer deed to be signed as is or, he will have her charged with Contempt of Court!  He agreed to take fifty dollars a month knowing she wasn't even his client and had nothing.  Desperate times bring on desperate measures for a NH lawyer who's business must really begin to suck.  It doesn't matter how he retrieves a payroll but only that he continues to have one.

Meanwhile during just a 3 month span, the husband had already closed all joint accounts.  He then drained an additional $23,000 from his 401K to cover $23,000 of his shared prostitute of a mistress expenses.  He then covered up the items on his statements by whitening out all the descriptions/pay to that covered up a total of $23,000 in unknown expenses that was just for a 9 month period alone. 

His payroll stubs showed without the wife's knowledge, that he also was premeditatedly draining and banking his 401K for the past several years, very possibly supporting other mistresses.  This same 9 month period showed a cash flow of $7,000 already above and beyond his yearly gross salary that he stated on his financial affidavit, which was also $10,000  to $15,000 below what his pay stubs had yearly grossed the past seven years.  He also immediately transferred ownership of the newest vehicle. 

These same bank statements also showed woman's retail clothing stores and lingerie catalog orders, restaurants and movie theatres, ski lodge reservations at Loon Mtn, Ragged Mtn, and Sunappee Mtn, along with reservation reward charges of $12.00 per month on his credit card.  He purchased new clothing for himself and his prostitute spending $500 at a single location. He also spent an additional $3,000 in automotive repairs for the prostitute he shared with his coworker.

Without the wife's knowledge, he immediately removed her as beneficiary off his $460,000 life insurance policy while increasing his wife's policy to 3 times her amount with himself still remaining as the beneficiary, all before filing for a divorce. The prostitute of a mistress with 4 children by 3 separate fathers that he shared with a co-worker, and then married, became his beneficiary instead of his only adult child (That we're aware of). 

But in the end he did throw his only adult child (that we're aware of ) a bone of a $150,000 life insurance policy.  Which he might have even of cancelled that too by now, if Mrs. Laurie Anne Murry Nurnberg now Brosor has anything to say about it!  

Upon his death, his prostitute of a wife will get her Christmas bonuses of a half a million dollars, collectively paid to her for all her sexual favors, when all is said and done.   Apparently NH family courts are not aware that Cinderella is only suppose to be a fairytale that is suppose to have a happy ending.

He also had $45,000 in his bank accounts at the time of the relief hearing.  He filed for divorce 4 days after catching the wife's private investigator, then took a weekend getaway for 2 with his and his co-workers shared prostitute of a mistress.  He then cancelled the wife's cell phone one week after filing for divorce, to pay $274.00 to buy 5 new cell phones and contracts, for his and his co-worker's shared prostitute of a mistress, with 4 children by 3 separate fathers, all while this shared prostitute of a mistress was unemployed, on food stamps and other government aide, while now also applying for disability. Who already divorced twice, while having these 2 marital affairs within the 2 year process period of her second divorce. 

 Within this same 3 month period, he lost the dated receipt for a $2,500 engagement ring so he says, agreed in writing to pay his prostitute of a mistress's church $7,800, then paid $600 for her children's ski club. He spent an additional cash flow of $10,000 just for December alone. He paid off his old credit card balance of $4,800 then opened a new credit card that he immediately racked up an additional balance of $11,000, just in these short few months that he lived with his prostitute of a mistress, with her 4 children by 3 separate fathers, that he shared with his co-worker.  He moved in with his  co-worker's shared prostitute of a mistress a week after filing for divorce.  That is after his married co-worker already moved out, who had filed for divorce first because of this same shared prostitute of a mistress with 4 children by 3 separate fathers.  

He paid all of this above his additional expense of the divorce itself.  This is how NH budgets a 50/50 division in a fault divorce while declaring it as just a little "Irreconcilable Differences."  NH family courts have been clearly aiding all the illegal Roger and Laurie Brosor's committing perjury, property fraud, adultery, grand theft, prostitution and now Welfare Fraud all by simply committing polygamy without a license right here in NH.  That is only if they haven't finished the job like none other, Pamela Smart.  Given that 71 percent of divorce cases today involve adultery and above all cheating, do you still need to wonder why NH taxes are constantly increasing?

Within this same 3 month period, he was also paying his prostitute of a mistress's mortgage which was in foreclosure and utilities simultaneously above the ones he had with his own wife.  All while this shared prostitute of a mistress simply continued to commit NH Welfare Fraud.  Simply by oops, not telling the government she was now receiving  not 1 but 2 married additional incomes of $80,000 per year living under her roof for months.  One right after the other, who now also was being supported by her government aide and food stamps.  All while they filed for divorce, now in hopes that one would marry her, once their divorces were finalized.  Well folks, one idiot actually did.  This being her 3rd marriage.  Do you seriously still have to question who the trouble making thief was in this marriage?!?  We clearly know what his motive was.  But in his defense, his Welfare Fraud committing prostitute knew the NH Family Courts given the fact she had 2 NH divorces under her belt and counting.  This is NH's Family Courts version of a swinging sanctimony design for marriage that's been in practice for over 68 years.

Because of all NH Judges and Marital Masters history and continuous practice of, "See No  Evil, Hear No Evil, And above all Speak No Evil" monumental fiascoes and court rulings, has now caused enough greater reason and concern throughout the years, to force NH State House Representatives to finally step up, to vote to form a Redress Grievance Committee in 2010.  Shocked by the numerous court files, proving the NH Judicial Branch is redesigning and contradicting federal and state laws and rules, with no legal accountability to enforce against these actions, forced NH legislators to vote to dismantle this committee a year later. 

This happened due to the failure of CACR 26 in 2012.  It was clearly sabotaged by NH television and newspaper media, politicians old and new, and justices alike.  However it did not stop a small group to establish the NH Redress of Grievance Committee outside the state house.  So they could continue collecting court files as evidence, that are clearly supporting the NH Judicial Branch's illegal, and unethical ways of ruling. 

CACR 26 Restores Legislative Oversight of Court
"In an op-ed in the September 14 edition of the NH Bar News entitled "Legislators Should Not Run the Courts," former NH Justice Joseph Nadeau and former NH Governor Steve Merrill recommended voting against CACR 26, a proposed constitutional amendment that will be on the ballot this fall [Appearing on the ballot as Question 2]. What they want everyone to vote against is restoring legislative oversight of NH Supreme Court rule- making that was lost when Part II, Article 73a of the State Constitution was unwisely adopted in 1978. They are wrong......When opponents of court reform like former Governor Merrill and former Justice Nadeau quote the language from Part 1, Article 37 of the New Hampshire Constitution that provides that the branches of government “ought to be kept as separate from, and independent of, each other, as the nature of a free government will admit, or as is consistent with that chain of connection that binds the whole fabric of the constitution in one indissoluble bond of union and amity.” they deliberately abuse the language to promote absolute separation between the branches when the Part I, Article 37 wording has the exact opposite meaning. The most important phrase within Part I, Article 37 consists of the words "as the nature of a free government will admit." It is a simple and undeniable fact that a "free government" cannot exist without constant and effective public oversight of ALL branches of government - including the judiciary. It is public oversight that blind allies of the courts always want to stifle, but it is public oversight of Court rule- making that must be restored in order to help restore comity between the legislature and the judiciary.

Since our present Justices all support the CACR 26 language that will be on November's ballot, I encourage members of the NH Bar to also embrace the amended language as well.

Rep. Paul Mirski
Enfield Center, NH"

NH's justices have illegally continued to redesign all legislative laws (even with the use of a dictionary), and are still writing conflicting rules to the laws that they didn't redesign.  To the point where now the majority of the NH Bar Association is now clearly completely ignoring any opinion that the NH Judicial Branch has to say or give.  Thus, once again, NH's judicial branch is playing their favorite game of dominos.  Will they ever get on the same page is the trillion dollar question!  

In 2010, was also the year that State House Representative Horrigan presented a bill to no longer have Adultery as a crime.  That bill failed.  He had stated that the state's government has no business regulating what 2 "consenting" adults do with one another.  Well just because 2 adults "consent" to do something with one another, still does not make it right or legal. 

However, it is also State House Rep. Horrigan who believes that people on government aide, should be allowed the right to purchase fire arms with their EBT Food Stamp Cards, if they "consent" to need one for safety.  Well I for one, along with the coworker's wife, are very grateful that fire arms cannot simply be purchased and financed with a government EBT Food Stamp Card, given to what my ex husband's Welfare Fraud committing prostitute of a mistress, who then became his wife, was very capable of doing to others, all while already being supported by the state of NH.    

We also now have the Judicial Branch along with some politicians who are still arguing that adultery is a moral issue and not a legal issue.   Well clearly both NH government branches have truly forgotten the real purpose for having laws and rules in the first place.  All laws and rules in this country have always been, and will always be, on what was perceived to be morally based first, on a right from wrong to any living being and humanity, since the constitution of the United States of America was very clearly written.  Therefore all laws are morals that now become legally enforced.  So in other words, "Get Over It Already."
plural noun: morals

a lesson, especially one concerning what is right or prudent, that can be derived from a story, a piece of information, or an experience.
"the moral of this story was that one must see the beauty in what one has"

synonyms:lesson, message, meaning, significance, signification, import, point, teaching
"the moral of the story"

a person's standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do.
"the corruption of public morals"

synonyms:moral code, code of ethics, (moral) values, principles, standards, (sense of) morality, scruples
"he has no morals"
Secondly, both government branches have also very clearly forgotten that as long as any government branch has any say in morally regulating any laws and rules pertaining to our marriage licenses and divorce decrees, proves our government has already been, and will always be in the business of, morally regulating, our bedrooms, sex lives, and love lives, whether 2 adults are "morally consenting" or not.  

Thirdly, NH's Rogue Judicial branch of government needs to stop not "morally consenting" to doing the jobs they were morally entrusted to do, and actually "morally consent" to do the jobs they were actually morally delegated to do.  To simply morally follow and enforce the legislative laws and legitimate rules of this country and NH state.

The NH Grievance Committee's records also now supports clear cut evidence that:

* The NH Judiciary Conduct Committee 
* The NH Bar Association Dispute Resolution Committee 
* The NH Supreme Courts Attorney Discipline Office
   And last but never shall be the least,
* The NH's Attorney General's Office

have now proven to all be useless committees only aiding and protecting their own kind's behind!  Once again, the NH Judicial structure of dominos comes into play and is clearly screwing the people of NH.  This is NH's See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil rules in progress!  so why even stop the domino's there NH?  NH might as well just go to NH State Prisons, choose a few convicts, such as Pamela Smart for one, and just throw black robes on them, then place them behind a courtroom bench!
NH Article 73-a (1978)
"[Art.] 73-a. [Supreme Court, Administration.] The chief justice of the supreme court shall be the administrative head of all the courts. He shall, with the concurrence of a majority of the supreme court justices, make rules governing the administration of all courts in the state and the practice and procedure to be followed in all such courts. The rules so promulgated shall have the force and effect of law."   

In 2011, 33 years later, not only does the NH Judicial Branch still continue to simply but literally commit the crimes, but is now actually still simply documenting the crimes as "The rules (They write) so promulgated shall have the force and effect of law", literally stating the crimes they choose to commit are now their laws (not your legislators) to follow.  

The statement below is part of the new mandatory Family Division Self Disclosure rule article 1.25a that was written by the NH Supreme Court.  The NH Judicial Branch gives a whole new meaning to "keep it simple stupid."  

"2. The parties may redact all but the last four digits of any account numbers and social security numbers that appear on any statements or documents."

However, it simply (OOPS!) illegally contradicts NH's law Title LXII Criminal Code Chapter 638 Fraud, Section 638:3 Tampering With Public or Private Record, and it even simply (OOPS!) illegally contradicts the United State's Code, 18 U.S.C. § 1505 : US Code - Section 1505: Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees.

New Hampshire Statute



Forgery and Fraudulent Practices Generally
Section 638:3
"638:3 Tampering With Public or Private Records. – A person is guilty of a misdemeanor if, knowing he has no privilege to do so, he falsifies, destroys, removes or conceals any writing or record, public or private, with a purpose to deceive or injure anyone or to conceal any wrongdoing."  
Source. 1971, 518:1, eff. Nov. 1, 1973."

18 U.S.C. § 1505 : US Code - Section 1505: Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees 

"Whoever, with intent to avoid, evade, prevent, or obstruct compliance, in whole or in part, with any civil investigative demand duly and properly made under the Antitrust Civil Process Act, willfully withholds, misrepresents, removes from any place, conceals, covers up, destroys, mutilates, alters, or by other means falsifies any documentary material, answers to written interrogatories, or oral testimony, which is the subject of such demand; or attempts to do so or solicits; or Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress -Shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both." 

Oh what the hell, screw the laws in this country, because NH's entire Judicial Branch of government simply gets full immunity to do so.  While now the NH people are paying over $100,000 gross + pension yearly per rogue judge, to do this to the people who pay their salaries.  This is just a sample on how the NH Judicial Branch brakes the laws and rules throughout the state and country. 

Why is it so acceptable for a NH spouse to commit grand theft from their marriage, just to pay for sex from a shared Welfare Fraud committing prostitute of a mistress with 4 children by 3 separate fathers, above the responsible lives of their own children and spouse/parent of those children in NH, is clearly disgusting and extremely demented to say the least.  But it is clearly acceptable and all on record.  The NH Criminal and Family court records alike supports all of it. 

Since NH is known as a non taxable state, NH should just simply list polygamy without a license at NH's unemployment offices, as a tax free self employed income.  It would clearly be at the top of the list along with prostitution, grand theft, and committing Welfare Fraud. NH law clearly state's that "the capability for future acquisition is considered for both party's!"

Well clearly this did not mean a married spouse with their shared Welfare Fraud committing prostitute of a paramour.  But then again, the NH justices along with a majority of NH lawyers such as Richard C. Follender continue to just keep it simple stupid.  This is how its simply done in NH.  For the little whore house is truly no longer just in Texas anymore.  If your smart, you will leave and get the hell out of (NH) dodge! Seriously, you don't want to be the one finding out the way I did!

Step 1. If you receive a letter from a stranger like this one, run to a lawyer as fast as you can and file for divorce!

May 11, 2007
"Dear Jean,

You don’t know me, my name is Laurie Nurnberg (NOW BROSOR). My children and I are friends with Roger. I met Roger through one of his co-workers. I’m writing in hopes of easing your mind in regards to my friendship with Roger. I tell you the honest truth when I say that Roger and I are good friends.(SHE STATES, "GOOD FRIENDS" INSTEAD OF "JUST FRIENDS!") Sometimes when I here Roger share his concerns, it seems to me that you’re wondering if our friendship is more than it is? I promise you that it is strictly and mutually platonic.

I respect and admire your husband, he’s a wonderful guy with great morals and values, pride and honor. As well as many god given talents and gifts as I’m sure you’re aware of. We truly are blessed to have him as a friend.

(That pedestal she has him on is so high, its beginning to lack oxygen! “Great morals and values?....and what so-called "god given talents and gifts" is she referring to?” Who the hell does she think she's kidding? Honey, remember it's me, THE WIFE! I was married to the man for 21 years!)

Roger shown me pictures of and talks about the work he has done in your home. "HE" seems to really poor "HIS" heart into all that "HE" does. He is proud of your decorating skills and gives you all the credit. I’m sure you appreciate all "HIS" hard work. I know I do. "HE" worked hard and did an outstanding job on my wood floors. I owe him a world of gratitude.

I heard so much about and have seen pictures of your daughter. What a beautiful girl the two of you raised. "ROGER" is very proud of her academic and the young woman that she has become. My girls are 12 & 10. The boys are 16 & 10. I have a ways to go still.         

(As the saying goes, "So shall suffer the little children.") 

Jean, I know that you’re concerned about Roger sharing with me about his concerns at home in general. I can appreciate how you must feel. I think we all wonder if people dislike us based on what they have heard about us and what they believe is true. I can honestly say that I am a loyal friend to "ROGER" and I have genuine concern for you as a family. I want you to know that I’m not judging you. I don’t create opinions based on what I’m told; I like to meet people and get to know them. Men just don’t seem to have the gift of words like most of us woman do. When I was going through my divorce I was very scared that my husband didn’t love me anymore, therefore I was unlovable. Not true, he and I did love one another, we just spent our time hurting each with words and actions trying to prove the other wrong and ourselves right. In the end the only right answer would have been to have open and honest communication together with a qualified or pastor. But my husband didn’t have the courage to share his true thoughts and feeling out of fear and rejection.

I admire Roger for being such a devoted father and husband. "He" is a better person than I am. I remember speaking very poorly about my other half when we were having hard times. I called him names; I exaggerated my truth of the situation and simply was mean and unloving when I spoke of him to others. Roger is different. He never has anything negative to say about anyone. "HE" states how "HE" feels about curtain situations as "HE" sees it without disregard to others. A quality I am working on adopting. I am learning a lot from just speaking to him and hearing stories that "HE" shares and the projects either personally or at work.

(You really should give yourself more credit! Actually, he truly isn’t any more better than you are! But to call this man a “devoted father and husband?” No wonder you have been through 2 husbands so far and counting!)

Jean, I hope you and Roger don’t resent me telling you this but I would like to share my thoughts in hopes of helping, not hurting the two of you. (Then what exactly was the first half of this ridiculous Letter about?) I truly believe that Roger loves you and is searching for answers how to either mend or end your marriage. I also believe it is very hard by not impossible to share his feelings and emotions.

In retrospect I wish I would have put ¼ of my energy into treating my husband the way that I wished he would have treated me, with respect an dignity instead of hiding behind fear and anger. I built up a wall so high around my heart made up of past hurts not forgiven, that my husband chose to give up and walk away rather than to “Talk it out.” My stored up pain and anger scared him away from our marriage because it was all that I ever showed him.

It wouldn’t have killed me to be kind and sensitive to him even though I thought for sure that I was right and he was wrong. My ego and pride constantly kept the fight going but instead of winning the battle I lost my first love. It’s too late and to much pain has been inflicted to mend our relationship but what I wouldn’t have given to have the knowledge I know now back then. Our choices left us with a broken home, broken promises, and a broken heart.

(If one word in this letter was actually genuine then what about the promises, hearts, and homes you later moved onto and played a part in destroying afterwards! What exactly did you learn from that?)

I learned that love is a gift from god and it’s free to all who seek it. Love is a choice. You have to have courage to be open and intimate. You have to risk pain and rejection in order to know if you are two people committed to honesty and each other.


I’m hopeful for you and Roger because “HE” genuinely cares for all “HE” has worked to hard to build; the marriage, the home, “HIS” career and your daughter’s future not to mention your future.

(Now that pedestal is seriously beginning to CRACK, and at a very dangerous altitude, while still apparently lacking oxygen to the brain! If this is how a man works hard for his daughter and wife, then no thanks! This was the point where everything in me said run like hell, he’s all yours honey! I pulled out the yellow pages and began looking for Lawyers!)

I hope you feel better knowing that Roger and I are only friends and that someday soon I look forward to meeting and becoming friends with you too if you wish.

Roger may have mentioned Rockingham Christian Church in Salem NH. I love it there; it’s casual, friendly and upbeat. The people are not pushy or snobby and no one will require anything of you or put you on the spot. (Adultery is a minor little thing that will be overlooked in RCC while she was previously told to leave with her 4 children by Londonderry Christian Church, never to return, because of her adultery with a married parishioner, who was my ex husband's co-worker! Only in NH folks, only in NH!  Still with me so far?) Their music ministry is out of this world in my opinion. I think you would enjoy it too. Maybe we will meet there someday. That would be great!

I’m sending you a CD of the last 3 church services, which was “on the family,” good stuff in case you’re interested. Thank you for your time, enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend. (Because what's left?...You already had my husband every weekend for the past 3 months!...Oh, but you already knew that now didn‘t you!) Take care.

Talk about an average everyday compulsive liar. Written on The CD that she refers to as "on the family" was titled in Bold Green Marker, "WIFE SWAP" IN ALL 4 CORNERS OF THE CD JACKET! The CD itself had, "WIFE SWAP BUILD" WRITTEN ON IT! The following statements were made about me in emails written by Laurie to her married ex lover, who was my husband's co-worker and friend! Remember, I never met or spoke with this women once during these emails.

STEP 2. You will then find emails and voicemails telling you how this stranger really feels about you.

* “You and all that she comes into contact with should be angry for being used by her to pull you down in the mud with her. Don’t let her have your energy, she is a vamp and only lives to destroy others.”

* “I have been vengeful just like you and Jean are being right now towards Roger and I.” (You Think?)
* “Just because you don’t get your way you would use another extremely sick and vulnerable woman.” (Gee, Who Is The Other One!)
* “She is very sick and any involvement with her once again puts you and your family at risk.” (spoken by a true professional with hands on experience)
* “You helped Jean the Queen of Killer Bees go to battle.” (Gotta Love This One!)

* “You have helped a very destructive and sick woman.”

So much for, "Roger is different. He never has anything negative to say about anyone." And for Ms. Laurie Murray Nurnberg now Brosor's “HONEST TRUTH” stating, “I promise you that it is strictly and mutually platonic.....I don’t create opinions based on what I’m told; I like to meet people and get to know them.”

What NH says is "IRRECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES" in a divorce, is anything but that! Can you say, Bribery, Witness Tampering, and let's just throw Obstruction Of Justice out there too! The following are emails that were submitted as supporting evidence to my private investigators report in my divorce. 


"I can tell that you want to be able to have me believe that you love me and that being at work having this conversation isn't doing it.

I know and respect that your hands are tied financially, that's not it. (SURE! She needs medical coverage, and to house, feed, clothe 4 children and herself, while being unemployed, applying for disability, while having sex with multiple married men, and already on government aid and food stamps, while her house is in foreclosure!...00PS! Then she was investigated for Welfare Fraud for not telling them about the additional $80,000 married yearly income living under her roof, that she received and supported with her government aid, while they were divorcing their wives to marry her! Still with me so far? Believe me, boy do I know how difficult to keep up with all of this is!  Only in NH folks, only in NH!) We shouldn't even be living together even if we were OK which we are not. What hurts the worst is that you aren't there for me. You always leave, walk away, go unavailable. I'm going through some tough stuff right now and are you the ones supporting me emotionally and thinking things through with me, telling me it's all going to be alright and I'm making the right choices? NO, Roger is!

I don't even feel like I can share with you how I feel about you and I without running away. Hell, Here I am, the stupid dependent enabler begging to be loved. How pathetic am I? I always choose Mr. Unavailable, that's you, you are so unavailable it isn't funny yet I cry for and miss you and somewhere deep in my heart I can't give up on you, I won't allow myself to believe that you are never coming to me. That's called denial. When I'm with you I feel great and hurt at the same time. When I'm around Roger things are just simple and I have a friend to talk to, laugh with and get stuff done.

Why can't you be that with me? Why do I have another married man just waiting to use me to end his shitty marriage? Will I let Him?             (here's "My ego and Pride" thing again!)



"You are a hurting person and I forgive and ask for forgiveness from you for the past hurts to one another. I know that you have court tomorrow and I wish you well and I am praying that Gods grace is with you and you make the right choices for you and your family concerning your marriage.

I own my part in damaging your marriage. No one made me do what we did, I chose to go there freely. I would erase it and all the pain that I have caused if I could but I know I can't. I want you to know that I really truly did love you and I wanted to believe in you so bad that it felt impossible to give up. I had no business in your world and I didn't push you away hard enough.

I now get it. My power is in my beauty and by being emotionally available is how I allured you and others and by not shutting you down the moment I saw your interest is where I went wrong and you couldn't control yourself. I now know that I have that effect on men and that it is powerful.     (Here's "My ego and pride" Thing again.)

Roger and I had a long talk today after church and we have decided to love one another only as friends. I won't do to him and his family what I did to you and yours.  (Seriously now, REALLY?!?)  I want to learn from my mistakes so that I can own my power and use it for good.

You were my second experience with attracting an addict who couldn't say no to me and my seductive ways. (Definitely "My ego and pride" thing again.)The more you poured on the charm, the more you baited me, the more I wanted to believe the lies that told yourself and me until I gave myself permission to sleep with you and fall in love with you. You already knew that I was vulnerable and needy and that given the right attention I would crack eventually. That's where God came in. You knew that if I believed that you had changed and you wanted the same things spiritually that I wanted that I would not be able to walk away and stand on my own. I thought that I had finally found what I was always looking for.

Today at RCC was an all kids lead worship. I thought of you and our dreams and how we met and how far this all got out of control and how I loved you and the promises I made to you in my own heart and I instantly knew that I needed to heal from all of this and (her 2nd ex husband). I knew that I couldn't and wouldn't do this to my sweet friend Roger.   (Again, seriously now, REALLY?!?)

I learned about my power as a woman through you and Roger and I have I hope become a better person because of the experiences we shared. I am looking squarely at myself, my mistakes, my past behaviors and my denial and I am analyzing all of it with full honesty. It is an ugly, disgusting mess. I fail so deeply at being a good person. I know that I am now failing you, hurting you, but I have to let you go. You need to have all the experiences you need to have in order to learn and I know that you are on the road of enlightenment and you will come out of this wiser. God loves you. His grace is sufficient and he is strongest when we are at our weakest. I admit that I am completely leaning on my Savior to get through. I hope you are too.

I sincerely apologize for hurting you. I had no business commenting about you being abusive because I too have been abusive in my behaviors and you have not been more wrong or bad than I. God loves and forgives us both and I praise him in the highest for that fact.

May God bless you tomorrow and always, please forgive me.

All to him,


In April 2010, it was made public knowledge by Rockingham Christian Church that Laurie Ann Brosor participated in a pastoral care training and certification program called "PALM," "Pastoral Authorized Lay Ministry" at the New England Pastoral Institute in Salem, NH, and has now been announced to the church as a knowledgeable Spiritual and Emotional Guide for those in need, within the church and the community.  Oooooh, I kid you not!!!  This is NH society's response to adultery now in the 21st century.  As Jesus already stated, just lusting after someone who is not the person’s spouse is the same thing as adultery.

This prostitute went to the co-worker's/wife's home on Christmas Eve to tell the wife, and I quote, "That her marriage did not glorify God and to please give her husband a divorce because god placed it upon the husband's heart and hers to be together."  Only Steven Spielberg could remotely attempt to try to make this stuff up!!!  She then broke off the affair six months later because she was already having another affair simultaneously with the co-worker's co-worker, who was my husband who now is married to her.  Only in NH folks. Only in NH!

STEP 3.  hire a private investigator and you will then be fortunate to even find out more.

"I've been sitting here trying to think of just what to say. I want justice for Roger. You have helped a very destructive and sick woman to destroy our friends life long work and earnings. That's just wrong. "I" (NOT ROGER?) need you to fix the damage you have caused Roger by writing him an apology and a letter to the court saying that Jean is manipulating the courts with half truths turned into lies.

If you can do this I will consider possibly spending some time talking (?) with you(definitely "My ego and pride" thing again!) 

Enjoy your music,

"You aren't the one on trial in front of a judge in 29 days and having your children and your home at stake now are you? (and apparently neither was Roger in his own divorce...She truly has The ME, MYSELF, AND I syndrome along with "MY ego and pride" thing goin on!) You are good at forgetting your wrong doings and expecting others just to forget too. Don't ignore my request, it's on the table until the end of today, after that you will have to read old email to stay connected to me because I will be done communicating with you in every and any way.     (definitely "My ego and pride" thing again!)

A friendship (?) with you would be so much better than what we now have.



Judge who had affair with man's ex-wife while overseeing his child support case cannot be sued, rules court

  • Judge Wade McCree cannot be sued by the defendant of a child support case he presided over
  • McCree had an affair with the ex-wife of the defendant while the case was before his court
  • He sexted Geniene La'Shay Mott from the bench, had trysts with her in his chambers and gave her thousands of dollars
  • He ordered Robert King be tethered and forced to pay child support
  • There is a longstanding doctrine that judges cannot be sued for their decisions in court
  • A judge upheld a lower court's ruling to this effect, but also said McCree's actions were 'often reprehensible'
A federal appeals court has upheld a lower court’s ruling that a disgraced Detroit judge cannot be sued by a defendant in a child support case he presided over.
The decision dated Monday by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati cites existing U.S. Supreme Court law that Wade McCree is immune from lawsuits stemming from judicial actions.
Robert King had claimed that the former Wayne County Circuit Court judge violated his civil rights.
Shielded: A federal appeals court has upheld a lower court's ruling that disgraced judge Wade McCree cannot be sued by a defendant in a child support case he presided over

Illicit affair: Geniene La'Shay Mott had a child-support case pending in McCree's court and disclosed their affair in December 2013
Illicit affair: Geniene La'Shay Mott had a child-support case pending in McCree's court and disclosed their affair in December 2013

The married McCree had a sexual relationship with Geniene La’Shay Mott while presiding over a 2012 child support case between her and King.
Some of the trysts took place in McCree’s chambers.
According to the Detroit Free Press, McCree sexted Mott from the bench and gave her thousands of dollars.
Courts have long prevented judges being sued by litigants for their decisions, but King's attorney Joel Sklar says McCree used his judicial immunity 'as a shield for self interest.'
'There should be no immunity for what happened here,' said Sklar.
He is appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court for help in challenging the doctrine that judges can't be sued for their court decisions.
Sexting scandal: McCree allegedly sexted Mott from the bench during the proceedingsSexting scandal: McCree allegedly sexted Mott from the bench during the proceedings
 Brian Einhorn, McCree's attorney, says his client's decision to tether King and order him to pay child support was the appropriate one.

'In our system, people are going to be unhappy when a judge renders a decision. And if a judge can be sued because the decision they made — in someone’s opinion — was right, wrong or unfair, then our system of justice doesn’t work,' Einhorn said, reports the Detroit Free Press.

King says McCree found favorably for his ex-wife because of his 'desires for sexual gratifications.'

THe court, while ruling that McCree cannot be sued by King, called McCree's actions 'often reprehensible.'

Michigan’s Supreme Court in March ordered McCree removed from office and suspended him for six more years if he’s re-elected in November.

The Detroit Free Press reports that McCree's father, Wade Hampton McCree, Jr was the first black person appointed to the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appleals and the second black solicitor general in the U.S.
Read more:

Two Judges Draw Censures for Courthouse Sexual Affairs  

, The Recorder                 
But a majority on the commission stopped short of seeking the judges' ouster, noting that both men were contrite and had cooperated with the CJP's investigations.
"An appreciation for the impropriety of one's actions indicates a capacity to reform," the Steiner order said. "As such, the commission believes this censure adequately protects the public."
The censures appear to mark new territory for the commission, which has dealt publicly with judges accused of sexual harassment and one who had sex with a criminal defendant but never with jurists having sex in their chambers, said commission director Victoria Henley.
Costa Mesa attorney Paul Meyer represented both judges. In dual statements he reiterated his clients' apologies.
Steiner was elected to the bench in June 2010 and took his seat in 2011. Woodward was appointed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2006.
In a stipulated agreement, Steiner admitted to engaging in courthouse sexual activity, once with a former intern and twice with an attorney who practiced in Orange County Superior Court. Both women were former students in classes Steiner taught at Chapman University School of Law. (Steiner is no longer listed in the school's faculty directory.)
Steiner wrote a letter of recommendation for the former intern when she applied for a position with the Orange County district attorney's office, where he had worked as a prosecutor before becoming a judge. After she failed to land the job, the judge called two attorneys in the office to ask why his letter hadn't secured her hiring.
The commission also criticized Steiner for transferring his other lover's cases to specific judges, a task he should have left to the presiding judge. Commissioners concluded, too, that he committed prejudicial misconduct by not disqualifying himself from cases involving a long-standing friend, attorney Steven Baric. But they found insufficient evidence to prove a quid-pro-quo relationship, suggested by some Southern California media, that involved the trade of sex for help finding a job for the former intern. Local authorities and the attorney general's office had reviewed the case but did not press charges.
Woodward carried on a nearly 11-month affair with his courtroom clerk, having sex with her in chambers and "in public places," exchanging personal emails on the court's computer system and passing sexually charged notes to her, according to his stipulated agreement with the commission. Despite complaints from fellow clerks and the clerk's husband about the couple's actions, Woodward repeatedly blocked efforts to have the woman reassigned. It wasn't until May 2013, after expressing "security concerns" about the clerk's husband, that Woodward confessed to his superiors.
The commission split in deciding the proper punishment for the judges, with the judges on the commission supporting censure. Three nonjudge members—Anthony Capozzi, Maya Dillard Smith and Sandra Talcott—dissented and said they would have pursued the judges' removal from office. Commissioner Mary Lou Aranguren supported the Steiner censure but would have sought tougher sanctions against Woodward.
Contact the reporter at cmiller@alm.com.


My affairs with two married judges: Glamorous legal clerk's confession in £33m race case 

A glamorous legal clerk at the centre of a £33million race discrimination case yesterday admitted she had affairs with two married judges

Mother-of-four Lizzie Wiseman first had a fling with Deputy High Court Judge Justin Fenwick QC, then with Recorder Roger Stewart QC, she told an employment tribunal.

She was accused of 'manipulating' both men when they were head of her chambers as part of an alleged racist conspiracy against Indian-born junior barrister Aisha Bijlani.

Dr Bijlani claims that the legal clerks at the Four New Square chambers in London's Lincoln's Inn regarded her as 'an educated wog' and never passed her any work.

But her complaints to bosses got her nowhere because they were having affairs with one of the people she was complaining about, she says.

Aisha Bijlani
Lizzie Wiseman

Lizzie Wiseman (left) told the tribunal she had affairs with two married judges  junior barrister. She added that Aisha Bijlani (right) was 'not popular' with clients.

She is claiming £33million for racial discrimination and victimisation.

Mrs Wiseman, 44, herself married twice to the same man, made the explosive claims about the behind-the-scenes behaviour at the firm as she gave evidence to the Central London Employment Tribunal.

She admitted first having an affair with Judge Fenwick, when he was head of the firm. The 60-year-old has been married since 1975.

Then, when Judge Stewart took over as head of the chambers, she began an extramarital affair with him.

Judge Stewart, 46, married in 1988 and has three children.

Giving evidence about her relationship with Judge Fenwick, Mrs Wiseman said: 'It started some time in 1999 and it petered out, it ended, after August 2000.'

But Althea Brown, cross-examining, suggested that the affair had continued.

She said: 'There may have been occasions when, how should I put it, the relationship flared up again?'

Mrs Wiseman admitted: 'It petered out in August 2000, but there may have been one or two occasions after that.'

She added: 'I started a personal relationship with Roger Stewart in July 2008. I have since separated from my husband and have been cohabiting with Roger Stewart since March 2009.'

Roger Stewart QC
Judge Justin Fenwick QC

The lovers: Justice Fenwick QC (left) and Roger Stewart QC
Mrs Wiseman, wearing a short dress and thigh-length black boots, defended herself in the witness box from accusations that the affairs with her bosses made life difficult for Dr Bijlani.

But Miss Brown, representing Dr Bijlani, suggested Mrs Wiseman used her affairs to abuse her position.
She said: 'When you began your relationship with the second head of chambers, there was an absence of accountability as to how you were doing your job.

'The truth is, you have manipulated your position as senior clerk by your relationships with successive heads of chambers so you have not been held accountable to the way you do your job since 2000.'

Mrs Wiseman replied: 'I do not accept that.'

Dr Bijlani, who worked as a doctor at Guy's Hospital in London before switching to a law career, has been off work with clinical depression since last year.

She says her career has been choked by racism and accuses senior clerk Mrs Wiseman and three previous heads of chambers - Judge Fenwick, Judge Stewart and John Powell QC - of conspiring against her. Her claims are rejected by the law firm, which says she was simply not good enough to be earning the sort of money other barristers brought in.

Mrs Wiseman told the panel: 'The claimant was demanding and found it hard to accept criticism. 
'She would flit between being demanding and imperious and attempting to be charming and persuasive.'

She added that Dr Bijlani had an 'unrealistic' impression of her own abilities and there were complaints from clients about the quality of her work.

The tribunal, which is expected to last another two weeks, previously heard that Dr Bijlani has a history of making race complaints.

Mrs Wiseman's affair with Mr Fenwick began just a year after she married stockbroker Luke Wiseman for the second time.

She first wed Mr Wiseman in 1989, but they divorced in1996.

They remarried in 1998, and Mr Wiseman is still joint owner of the London house his wife now shares with Mr Stewart.

Mr Stewart and Mrs Wiseman have both declined to comment outside the hearing.

Meanwhile at Mr Fenwick's country house his grown-up daughter said: 'My parents are not here.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1223869/Blonde-legal-clerk-centre-33m-race-case-tells-court-affairs-married-judges.html#ixzz3Il8SNrMH
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Former Akron judge facing scrutiny over sexual affair, car loan, spent cash

By Phil Trexler
Beacon Journal staff writer   

A former Akron Municipal Court judge faces state disciplinary action based on claims he had an affair with the defendant in an eviction case, an allegation he once denied.

Orlando J. Williams is also accused of forging loan documents to purchase a used car and of improperly spending settlement money earmarked for three children whose father died in a crash, according to disciplinary records released Wednesday through the Ohio Supreme Court.

Williams, who was appointed judge in 2009 and later served three years as a chief civil magistrate after losing his election bid, is named in the 10-page complaint filed by Scott Drexel, disciplinary counsel for the Supreme Court’s Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline. The board has the power to suspend or revoke the law licenses of attorneys.

A message seeking comment from Williams was not immediately returned. He now lives in Fairfield, in southwestern Ohio.

According to Supreme Court rules, Williams has an opportunity to respond to the allegations, or have a public hearing before a disciplinary panel in four to six months.

Williams, 57, abruptly resigned as a magistrate in July 2012 amid allegations that he had a sexual relationship with a woman whose eviction case had been pending in his court.

At the time, Williams denied to reporters that he was having a sexual relationship with the woman. He called her an acquaintance.

According to the disciplinary records, however, Williams did begin a sexual relationship with the woman soon after first meeting her when she appeared in court in March 2012 to answer the eviction notice.

Shortly after the hearing, Williams drove to the 25-year-old woman’s rental property and invited her for coffee, Drexel’s investigation shows.

“During the conversation, [Williams] flirted with [the woman] and referred to the [landlord] as a slum lord,” Drexel wrote.

Within days of the coffee meeting, Drexel contends, the two engaged in consensual sex. Williams failed to immediately recuse himself from the woman’s eviction case. She later left the rental property in April, but Williams held on to the case to determine damages due the landlord until late June.

As the Beacon Journal and other media were reviewing court records on the eviction and Williams’ potential conflict, he suddenly resigned as magistrate. He said his desire to return to private practice — and not his relationship with the woman — was the reason for resigning.

Four weeks before recusing himself, however, the woman was heard on a dash-camera video — taken May 20, 2012, while she was being arrested on a charge of drunken driving — urging a State Highway Patrol trooper to contact Williams, whom she twice refers to as her boyfriend.

Williams also is accused of forging loan records to inflate his salary in March 2013 to purchase a used sedan from Summit Toyota for $21,900. He did not reveal to the loan company that he had been fired from Byron Potts Co. days earlier, according to court records. The sedan was later repossessed.

He also is accused of withdrawing for his personal use about $11,000 from an account designated to be given to three minor children of a 26-year-old Akron man who died in a traffic crash in 2006. The account, which contained $11,496 in November 2012, now has about $321, records show.

Phil Trexler can be reached at 330-996-3717 or ptrexler@thebeaconjournal.com. He can be followed on Twitter at www.twitter.com/PhilTrexler

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Above the Law
A Legal Tabloid - News, Insights, and Colorful Commentary on Law Firms and the Legal Profession

Judge Mark Fuller
It’s mid-August, and from what we’ve heard thus far, at least one federal judge with a lifetime appointment had an action-packed weekend.

As we mentioned in Morning Docket, Judge Mark Fuller of the Middle District of Alabama spent a night in jail after he allegedly had a violent altercation with his wife, Kelli Fuller. The Fullers were staying at the Ritz-Carlton in Atlanta, Georgia, when all hell broke loose — as tends to happen when accusations of marital infidelities are mixed with alcohol.

Judge Fuller was released from jail Monday morning after paying $5,000 bond, but what caused these events to occur, and with whom did his wife accuse him of having an affair?

According to Decaturish, a locally sourced news site, the incident unfolded after Kelli Fuller accused her husband of marital transgressions. Per the site’s report, Judge Fuller’s “other woman” was allegedly one of his law clerks. Here’s some additional info on what allegedly went down, from the Associated Press:Police say the judge was on the bed when they entered the room, which smelled of alcohol. There was broken glass and hair on the floor. Blood was discovered in the bathroom.

Kelli Fuller told police that her husband became violent after she accused him of having an affair with a law clerk in his Montgomery office. She said he pulled her hair, threw her to the ground and dragged her, kicked her and struck her several times in the face.

Mark Fuller told police that his wife became violent as she confronted him with allegations of cheating. The judge told police he was watching television when his wife threw a drink glass at him. He told officers that he grabbed her hair and threw her to the ground to defend himself.

Judge Fuller’s stepson, Hunter Gregg, was also on scene this weekend, and told police that “this was not the first time an incident like this had occurred.” Yikes. This keeps getting worse and worse. We’ve reached out to the Atlanta Police Department to obtain a copy of Judge Fuller’s arrest report. If and when we do hear back from the APD, we will be sure to update this post so you can take a look at it.

Judge Fuller was carted off to jail shortly after the police arrived. He was charged with misdemeanor battery, a charge that typically carries a fine of up to $1,000 and is punishable by up to a year of jail time. Here’s Judge Fuller’s booking report from the Atlanta Police Department:

The Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press claims that this is not the first time Judge Fuller has been accused of domestic violence. When the jurist divorced his first wife, Lisa Boyd Fuller, in 2012, he requested that the court file be sealed for security reasons, as it allegedly contained “accusations of domestic violence, drug abuse and the judge’s alleged affair with his court bailiff.”

Judge Fuller is next due in court on August 22, 2014, for a probable cause hearing, even though his own docket in the Middle District of Alabama is quite full on that day. In the future, we’d suggest that His Honor stick to banging his gavel instead of allegedly banging his law clerks.

On a more serious note, if you’re involved in a verbally or physically abusive relationship, there are friends, family, and colleagues you can call. If you’re a victim of domestic violence, reach out if you need help. If you feel that you are in immediate danger, please call the  

National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). Assistance is available in English and Spanish.

Federal Judge Accused of Hitting Wife in Argument [Associated Press]
Federal judge jailed after alleged domestic dispute [CNN]
Wife confronted U.S. judge about affair [Decaturish]
Montgomery circuit court seals file in U.S. district judge’s divorce proceedings [Reporters Committee for the Freedom of the Press]

Judge Ron Mamiya is censured for having affair, but gets to keep job

In Novemer 2008, a settlement was reached between Seattle Municipal Court Judge Ron Mamiya and an employee who later sued for sexual harassment.  It has been documented that after she broke off the affair with Mamiya, she had to quit her job, because he would call her into his chambers, where he would then kiss and fondle her without her permission .  The city paid the woman $67,500 and Mamiya paid her 67,500 for a total of $135,000.  One of the conditions to his settlement was agreeing to "familiarize himself again with the Code of Judicial Conduct in its entirety," especially the one stating, "require judges to uphold the integrity of the judiciary by avoiding impropriety and the appearance of impropriety and by acting at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary."